Hola, estoy buscando a alguien de Argentina que se quiera suicidar y tenga un arma

Hola, estoy buscando a alguien de Argentina que se quiera suicidar y tenga un arma.
Pegarme un tiro en la cabeza es el unico metodo que podria poner en practica, y no tengo un arma.Asi que si alguien quiere hacer un pacto suicida que me avise.

buy a rope nigger, then drop from a tree and your neck will break instantly

I only feel "comfortable" with shooting myself, i don't want any other method.

Why are you killing yourself?

Then make you sure the person you find has a weapon of a decent caliber, because if you use a 9mm or some small shit there's a chance of fucking up your brain

Estas haciendo una burla al caso de Lara Tolosa? En caso de que no, porque te queres suicidar op? yo tambien lo pense pero siempre se encuentra una salida...

Apenas faça uma live,obviamente, para que nós possamos assistir

Because i'm a junky, a disappointment and i've always feel empty.

Yes, thanks for the advise man, i actually had that in mind!

No estoy haciendo burla a nadie.
Estoy en un laberinto, y soy un completo desastre, se que en la mayoria de los casos hay salida pero en el mio no.

Te molestaria contarnos un poco mas sobre el laberinto en el que estas? a lo mejor te podemos ayudar che

I'm not interested at all in people watching me die, only the person that suicide with me (if that person wants, of course)

Sinceramente no me siento comodo compartiendo mi historia, pero te agradezco mucho el interes y aprecio el que quieras ayudar.

Have you taken meds or sought help?

No, i don't want to become a living zombie like people who take antidepresants and stuff like that.
"Live free or die"

Bueno che, espero que no hagas nada loco y logres salir adelante... y en caso de que lo hagas, ojala encuentres la paz que estabas buscando

Gracias por la empatia, sos una buena persona man, espero que logres ser feliz en tu caso.

That stuff rarely happens.

>Fear: Antidepressants change your personality or turn you into a zombie.
>Fact: When taken correctly, antidepressants will not change your personality. They will help you feel like yourself again and return to your previous level of functioning. (If a person who isn’t depressed takes antidepressants, they do not improve that person’s mood or functioning.) Rarely, people experience apathy or loss of emotions while on certain antidepressants. When this happens, lowering the dose or switching to a different antidepressant may help.

At least try it first bro. Go get help.

The thing is that even when i'm "normal" i feel completely empty, i know it may sound stupid to others, but i don't like living at all, the only thoughts on my head 24/7 is dying, and i'm absolutely decided to do it once i get a gun.Thanks for the tips and caring about my situation tho

No problem man. I obviously cannot empathize with what's going on in your head and for me it's irrational for you to take your life. But the burning windmill analogy has stuck with me for a while now and it helps me understand what you're going through.

I hope you've taken care of everything here on Earth and are ready to go. If you are, adios, amigo. See you on the other side someday.

>I hope you've taken care of everything here on Earth and are ready to go. I
Yes yes, i'm taking care of all my business here before i go, i know is very selfish of my part commiting suicide, but only a person who feels like me can understand completely why i took this decision.Thank you really much for your kind words, see you on the other side my friend.

What a shitty thread, damn.

Then don't bump it.

No seas mogolico

expandi miseria como mucho no te voles la cabeza