I dont know what to do in my life

i dont know what to do in my life...


I know what not to do with your life. DON'T come to the USA.

go to US

what would i do if i go to the US...

Don't listen to him stay out of U.S

I'd exchange all the obnoxious CHIs for all the mexanons on here any day desu

Me neither.

I started studying Biotech which seems really cool and useful, but I'm 2 years in and at least half of what they teach is unrelated shit for the sake of "general education". On top of that, I'm doing pretty damn poorly when it comes to the serious important subjects as well, despite doing pretty well last year.

I'm really into history so I was thinking about switching studies, but I'm worried that once it becomes more than a hobby I'll just get bored again. Also history degrees are useless.

Maybe join the army? But I've been an overly sensitive asthmatic twink my whole life.

I don't want to go back to working at mcdonald's.

OP are you also a uni student?

Study laws in university and enter politics .With several decades becoming the president.And finally kill all drug criminals and change your shitty country.

im not in university im not going to even finish high school
americans are the responsible of the drug problem in mexico i cant do anything about it unless gr*ngos stop consuming drugs

Shit man... do you have any hobbies/skills?

same. but at least you're mexican... no one will get angry at you for being a lazy welfare leech

f*ck you why are first worlders so rude

that's because there is no welfare in mexico

>have no hobbies
Literally why are you living

i dont know...

I guess Existentialism(as I posted) may change your view maybe? Sartre helped me think about how I see the world. You should check him.

And you posted this kinda thread didn't you. How 'bout traveling? Staying in the same situation leads to the stagnation of your thoughts, refresh yourself

why do shitskins blame everyone else for their problems? You are the same ameridnian savages you've always been and nothing will change this. Even if you were last race on earth.

cuantos años tienes?
como que no vas a terminar la prepa? cualquier retrasado puede terminar la semiescolarizada
escribes ingles sin problemas, puedes hablarlo? metete a trabajar a un call centre en lo que decides que hacer

19, no tengo ganas de ir, no he hecho nada este semestre y no tengo tiempo para regularizarme
no sé si puedo hablar inglés bien, nunca lo hablo en la vida real

todavia estas chavo
>no tengo ganas de ir
es mejor que trabajar en una gasolinera, no?
>no he hecho nada este semestre y no tengo tiempo para regularizarme
cuantos semestres te faltan?
>no sé si puedo hablar inglés bien, nunca lo hablo en la vida real
me supongo que tambien pierdes el tiempo con jueguitos y cosas de esas, usa los voice chats

>cuantos semestres te faltan?
este y otro
>me supongo que tambien pierdes el tiempo con jueguitos y cosas de esas, usa los voice chats
no tengo micrófono e incluso si tuviera estaría demasiado nervioso como para hablar

comprate una diadema culera de 100 pesos, no tienes que decir mas de dos silabas a la vez
metete a trabajar en cualquier tonteria, de mesero, cajero o lo que sea

>comprate una diadema culera de 100 pesos
no tengo dinero
>metete a trabajar en cualquier tonteria, de mesero, cajero o lo que sea
me da miedo...

Go make usa mehico again

see this

>no tengo dinero
es una inversion
>me da miedo...
no seas joto

Cross the borders....go to america or get killed by mon justice or cartel. Your choice.

>no hobbies
>no skills
>"no tengo ganas de ir, no he hecho nada este semestre"
>"si tuviera estaría demasiado nervioso como para hablar"
>"no tengo dinero"
>"me da miedo..."
Jesus christ, I'm surprised you've made it to 19. I hope you're able to sort your shit out, man.



Can you join a volunteer firefighter program? I don't know how it works in your area, but I got free training in different skills as a volunteer firefighter.

i dont even know if that exist in mexico

Join the army
It's your best shot

pretty good but i guess such wordplay is expected from english teachers

Become the most famous drug dealer in the world, if you are pretty much worthless in everything at least make a name for yourself in the crime business.

Dafuk japan stop being cute

Come to the US
