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International #821
1. flag
Why isn’t french, the literal language of the francs, the current LINGUA FRANCA? really makes one ponder
/nachtschicht/ sonst /deutsch/
Jo macho
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
4 years ago
/fr/ - le fil fort et bon vivant
/vlaanderdraad/ /nederdraad/ /groot-nederlanddraad/
Is this image accurate...
How do we stop this?
Why do leafs drink so much soy milk?
Confess your sins Sup Forums
Who /triple national/ here
Post most american picture you have on your computer
ITT: posters you recognize. I'll start with that incredibly asshurt Serb who freaked out about the "brm brm" shitposts
36% face
Ywn be french
Having Black Friday outside of the US
/bg/ - BLACK general
Asians cannot be creati-
"Some called me a Georgian, an Armenian. Others called me even, excuse me for uttering this word, a white...
There's nothing wrong with being a NEET
The last bastion of the white man
Whoa so this is the power of being white in East Asia
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Any other non-white American lads in here?
I've been offered a job in Iraq
You are forced to live forever in one U.S. state (you cannot get out). Which one do you choose?
I want to be Italian
/fr/ - le fil des regrets
What did your country do during WWII?
Finns on this board seem to be overexcited with estonians for some reason. And that really makes one think
Which country has the best women and why is it Finland?
Norway + Portugal = true epic love
Why are poor people nationalist?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga fredagsupplagan
Heart suddenly gets close to stop beating
/Southern Europe/ + /romance/
Press F to pay respects to the fallen
Tfw varg is right about almost everything
You're country
Daily reminder that sw*Doid women belong to FINN MEN
An Italian, a Norwegian and a Pole walk into a bar
Can anyone explain the rationale behind ISIS attacking mosques?
Would you racemix with a tunisian girl?
Tfw no qt mentally ill gf
GF threda
1. Your country
Polish one-man crime wave thrown out of UK two years ago came back and is now one of Britain's biggest burglars...
Why are Germans the most bullied group on Sup Forums?
How does one go about getting a qt European bf?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Long distance relationships
Your Descendants
Why could Soviet Union not capture Finland during Winter War...
/fr/ le francofil - du jour (tiret)
One is the Russian nobody 'Пoлинa Гaгapинa', the other is the French super star 'alizée'
Anglo hate thread
Be American
/tr/ this is...the power of...american cuisine....woah
Hey lovely people it's time for bed
You can only post in this thread if you LOVE Israel
How do i get a mentally unstable Russian GF?
Sverigetråden - Sveaupplagan
How can a politician be so hot?
1. You are country
/Sino/ - 中文
Is it true that Europeans are okay with being nude in public?
There are Americans that think that they are more European than people ACTUALLY living in Europe
Were the Marines of Argentina white?
Is it true that majority of Swedish girls are feminists who prefer Arab and Somalis over swedes ergo leading to a...
Hello Serbs. Trick question: What's worse to you? A Croat or an Albanian?
It's my birthday Sup Forums
Your country?
Go to beach
/ita/ - il filo
What's Sup Forums going to look like in 2019?
Germans, Poles, and Russians are connected by unexplained love for this game
This is what the avarege south brazilian looks like
/deutsch/ uezs :3
Do netouyo people have life?
Tfw no paki gf
The Chad latinos
Why the Eiffel tower represents French language there?
Are there interesting crabs in your country?
Hilo latino
Tell me some interesting facts about Norway
As an eastern european i find nothing more pathetic than a westerner(german brit, americans etc) idolizing russia...
Which one is best? Or at least the best prospects?
El braziliANO senoras y senores jajajaja
/fr/ - le fil des français
Your cunt
1) Your country
Tfw larping as some fat kid who used to bully me in highschool on a hungarian yodeling forum
Tfw grandfather is dying in his hospital bed
Why dont women like us asian men?
/Southern Europe/ thread
/deutsch/ - Bund Jungfräulichen Schlampen ausgabe
How are your driving skills Sup Forums?
Lauren Southern makes anti-marriage video with her usual rationalizations
Daily reminder that there's no such thing as "Palestine"...
Why are Pakistanis so much more attractive than Indi*ns on average? Pic related is the average Pakistani person
Black friday
/ex-ussr/ general
Can someone explain how does one people go from being badass mother fucking Vikings that rape and pillage other...
Make fun the French for the Maginot Line and surrendering in WWII
Americans need to spend extra US$30 to reply every america-hate post next year
White people
How is Christianity viewed in your country?
France Overtakes Britain As The Fifth Largest Economy
Damn you America
Saw a group of Korean girls togethor
In the US, does Democrats mean commie?
Why does everyone laugh at sweden for having head of state with no degree?
Sup Forums really believe this
/extraflags/ and /flags/
What word do you use for "Skipping class" in your country/region?
Post your favorite amerimutt picture
Kurva anyátok
There are estonian bois browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
I want to fuck Scandinavian boys
Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...
Why didn't somebody conquer us already? We have a lot of lands for your people...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Kosovo Thread
Developed countries
Post your poorfag meals
1. Country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
He doesn't love Japan
Death Penalty
Countries you loved but started to hate after meeting people from that country
What is the best country for an Asian guy to get a white gf? I know it is basically impossible...
*greets you*
What age do girls lose their looks? 14?
Do Korean men even like Black women?
You will never live in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world
Russian army cook throw firecracker pretending feed to a polar bear, and the polar bear began to breakdance
All Asians are sex slaves of the white race!
Tfw eating tamales for thanksgiving
Tfw can't leave my house right now because there's a curfew mandated by the right wing dead squads to kill our...
Chinese are disgusting
Why are Poles whining faggots? This is Black lives matter tier
Do you think Indian girls are cute?
Europe wants to send their muslims to South America HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
/deutsch/ - terroristin gf ausgabe
Chinese dick size is far smaller than japanese dicksize
Should all women be raped? You know, as a precaution
What race are they?
Foreigner studying in America here
The most powerful country in human history is non-wh*Te
/cum/ Canadians United Statians Mexicans
I'm making 30 years old today
Who would be on Mount Rushmore if it was in your country?
So what's the fate of Zimbabwe now that their dictator, er, I mean president is no longer in power?
When non-Americans think of the United States, what's the first city they think of?
Why are Californians all such a bunch of backwards desert people?
Who is their biggest enemy?
/fr/ — Le Fil Français
Brother Cunts
Going to Bogota for 5 nights lads. All advice/tips/wisdom welcome
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Guess where my nephew is from/his ethnicity
Sicily is white. I am Sicilian therefore white
I just realized that considering current demographics trend in Europe, like 1.2 kids per woman...
The Dragon is waking up
Where do tall Asians come from?
/lat/ - /hilo latino/
Why don't you have a mutt gf yet?
Serbian parent killing tradition
If you could choose, what country would you get lewd with?
What can we do to help Haiti?
Do Americans have kettles? Or even drink tea?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Work life
French demographics
Culture Pals - /cp/
Sverigetråden - Anti-mobbningsupplagan
/fr/ - le fil du soir
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Your cunt
Russian qt messages me
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
An EU Army perhaps?
Europeons don't keep their non-whites segregated in containment cities
Be american
Post your daily carry
Kurva anyátok
Who has the sexiest grills out of the 3 viking countries? sweden, norway, or denmark?
Mfw i hear a wh-te """human""" breathing near me
Another new year's eve spent alone drinking in the darkness
Verily, we shall conquer Europe. How wonderful will be the army that takes it...
Why do europeans hate us
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
A good place for good genetics
Do you know Suomi and Can you speak Suomi?
Someone makes an approving response to one of your posts
Are you scared of my black bull you wh*te boi
Europeans have to work on Thanksgiving
What are you studying, Sup Forums?
/fr/ [tiret] Le fil francophone
How long will it take for English to take over as the sole language of the planet...
Come to colombia
Don't chain my heart
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why do people still want to migrate to this shitty ass country when there are objectively better countries to migrate...
Which country has the best English language skills? (Except Native English speakers)
Do people speak French at home in Africa or their native languages...
Why does the location of the World Cup keep getting worse and worse? 2002 was in fucking Korea and Japan...
What are the worst autists from your country?
How common is the ginger menace in your lands?
/fr/ - Le fil de la Francophonie
Sverigetråden - Fällupplagan
This is my Transylvanian house
A compilation of every pub in the UK
What is this called in your country?
Why do non-Americans not celebrate Thanksgiving?
How does Sup Forums fare on this? Is this a patrician board?
What is your favourite word from the English language, you ugly pack of nu-male bastards?
Which country has the ugliest women?
This gives europeans and japs PTSD
Stop bullying the chinese
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you despise SHITaly?
What's the master race of food and why is it Indian?
I find japan is overrrated on internet
Do you love Japan?
Americans unironically celebrate the mass genocide of Native Americans by stuffing their faces with food
What is his expression trying to convey?
Why do they always side with Meds in Meds vs Nords discussions?
Sweden determined #1 country that does the most for humanity
/fr/ - Le fil du francophil
What are the best insults in your language?
/FAKE NEWS/ ehemals /deutsch/
/v4/ + people who aren't from V4 but still come here
What kid of haircut have you got Sup Forums ?
Japan declared war against US again
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1-your cunt
Lads im failing university
This is classed as white in the USA
Undoubtedly, one of the greatest countries of Europe
Should I racemix with japanese gal?
Schwule animemädchen(männlich) - ausgabe
"The White race built Western civilization"
Sverigetråden - Slynpajupplagan
Thank you for your help, world, but the A.R.A. San Juan isn't coming back...
33.3% face
How is your cunt tree represented in the Heavyweight and Light Heavyweight of MMA (UFC/Bellator)...
Why south american primates think they are better than Arabs when they all look like this and live in shitholes like...
Be american
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition du lounge
/Sino/ - 中文
1. Your country
A friend of mine told me that you "hated racemixing". Is this true user? Do you hate me because of my heritage?
How did the French go from being axe-wielding barbarians with a wild, dirty reputation, to some of the most feminine...
Post the most american picture you have
Anyone else here who's virgin but had anal sex as a bottom?
Hilo latino
*grows in relevance*
These fuckers actually believe Santa Claus is from there when he's from Greenland. What is wrong with them?
/ex ussr/ general
I surrender.. I cannot take it anymore!
Why sweden genocide the sami?
Why do foreigners love our underdeveloped corrupt shithole of a country so much?
It is true that Chechens bullies russians or it is actually the reverse...
See the new bilboard next to my house
/ita/ - il filo
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1
The few whites remaining should be preserved in safe zoos
Net Neutrality
Happy thanksgiving you murdering goblins
Said "what's up cunt" to the australian guy at work thinking I was being friendly
Average British family
I'm british i wuz bohn heeah
Why is there so few Swiss posters on Sup Forums?
/fr/ - le fil de la Francophonie
Why white people have it all?
Dog bless X--DDDD
Always meme on Sup Forums and Facebook about white women getting blacked and whitebois being beta
I have been by many american women that I am somewhat attractive and have a strange allure
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
How is going on with racism towards East Asian today? I have just found this article by chance...
Looks like the whites are at it again
What's the American obsession with pitbulls?
Am i whit, Sup Forums?
What would happen if I wore this in China or South Korea?
Before Net Neutrality destroys this place forever, I just want to let you all know that I love you guys...
/v4/ + robots
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are we the toughest white country?
1. ur cunt
Why here a lot of chinese hating japan and america with america or japan flag
Is japanese girl is good looking compare to french and british?
How common are row-houses in your country, Sup Forums? Meaning houses that share at least one wall with another house...
I am moving to Mexico, Guadalajara
Macron to an arab who was waiting in the bread line :
What does Sup Forums think?
Your native language
What country is going to win the Miss Universe this year?
Be white
Why are there so many trannies in Thailand but virtually none in Korea and Japan?
Turks are white give them EU membership now!
1. Your cunt
1. your country
Why is norway so pretty ;___;
Hilo latino
Vocaroo thread
Why does Japanese food have so few calories? An entire restaurant meal like this one only has 638 calories...
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Greece dick
Would you fight for your country?
Poor little white boy
/cum/ canada usa mexico
How is your cunt tree represented in the national basketball association?
Rich culture
USA Said
Islam tips
What is your country's equivalent of the paki?
Japanese men are cucks
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do so many Hispanics look Native American?
Can somebody explain me this net neutrality discussion which is going on?
Damn!....african girls look like THAT!
This is the future of Europe
Sverigetråden - Nattliga 2dupplagan
Here's me driving in LA. Ah, the pleasant look of smog in the distance
Can we put an end to this meme for once?
I want my chicken noodle soup
/chad nationalismus/ ehemals /kleinschwanz deutsch/
Is it true that a pardo man like me has a chance of being beaten in Eastern Europe because people will think i am...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Why are Europeans so tall?
PISA 2015 Collaborative Problem Solving Skills
Whitest American Country?
Can any Brazilian anons post a time stamped pic of themselves proving they're white?
Sup Forums games
What is your honest opinion about protestants?
Why do people mock accents? It's just a different way to say words. Why does it matter...
1. Your cunt
Why does this trigger europeans so much?
Ladies and gentleman:
How do you deal with mental illness in your country?
I dont know what to do in my life
I wish we had muslim laws to restore order in this shithole
What do lowlifes/bydlo/homeless people in your cunt drink?
I noticed something while looking at some small American towns on OSM
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Culture Pals - /cp/
This is what the avarege SOUTH BRAZILIAN looks like
Ur cunt
/deutsch/ /nachtischt/ - He Will Not Divide Us
This terrifies and enrages the European
Post ur cunt's service rifle
Do they still live like they did 500 years ago in these areas?
How can wh*Te """men""" even compete?
BEARDS OF Sup Forums
1. flag
Reminder that Scandinavia and the world exists
Why are Brazilians so fucking attractive?
Tfw you will never have a cute middle aged japanese office lady as your wife
/Southern Europe/
Sverigetråden - Sveaupplagan
But let's talk about russian girls
What is it about Russian men that make them so attractive?
Why do all lithuanian words end:
Post your favorite Sup Forumsernational Easter Toads. I'll start with the default one
When a white person outside europe complains about inmigration
Irish Potato Famine
This is a southern italian class
/nederdraad/ /vlamingdraad/
Tfw not gonna be able to post on Sup Forums anymore once net neutrality dies
R8 my world map from memory
Anyone else an immigrant?
Now that the dust has settled, what did they actually accomplish?
/deutsch/ Gondola
Say something nice about Lithuania's next president
/fr/ - le francofil francophone et francophile
/fr/ - le fil du français moderne
What country would you move to?
>norweigans call this "guleböj" (yellow bend)
Post famous black girls from your country
/deutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Swedish body parts in the sea
Finnish-swedish co-operation at its finest tbph
Imajun mah shok
/Southern Europe/
> In his "country" there aren't laws and regulations which enforce the principle of net neutrality
Nazis never took Moscow unlike Napoléon and his army...
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Trollupplagan
European """"""union""""""
Your country
Kurva anyátok
If it's a normal light bulb, how?
Banter Americans tread
You will never live in europe
/CL/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you wish you'd done military service? Or maybe you have. What did you think of it?
Is it undeniable at this point that macron is /ourguy/?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Your country
French people of France, how true is this?
La monstruosidad
How do you call these in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Which South American country has the most beautiful people?
Belgian customers gave me a 5 € tip
/dixie/ - Conway & friends
Knock Knock
Why do so many people larp has Nordics...
It's illegal to jerk off to imaginary 2d underage girls in here
Does Japan have the most beautiful national dress?
On sera jamais français
Which is your favourite Groyper?
Anti-Italy thread
Did you ever met a yugoslav person? How it was
Fiancee's brothers threatened me
Norway has a King
International music
The absolute state of America
/v4/: shitholes and friends
Prostitution should not be a crime. Prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act...
Did you ever met a kazakh person?
Name 3 greatest and 3 saddest moments in your country's modern history
I have some question for ucrainians
Nato won't expand east, trust us Russia
Lmao hey guys did you know that the capital of Austria is literally “Wiener” wtf hahahahahaha
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Sverigetråden - Snöupplagan
Remove kebab
Is France the perfect country?
/ex-ussr/ general
My window broke
Have you thanked an American today?
Novi /ex-yu/
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...