How do i get a mentally unstable Russian GF?

Didn't she get killed by 2ch Hitmans or this a new girl?

visit this city

this is some Sup Forums tier shit right here.


Volunteer at the local womans asylum

Aren't all Russian gfs mentally unstable tho?

graphic images my asshole
i hope those shit writers get shot up by muslims


I hate normies so much

are they distant relatives?

No wonder your not in 2ch :DDD

Killing her is not enough, too fast. Anybody who tortures animals for pleasure should get pic related, considered one of the most painful ways to die ever.

But that's correct. The best way to go would be to imprison them for life and give them the absolute minimum of food required to just barely survive.

would smash


Remember that 17 year old Russian girl orchestrating that international suicide game?


She could do good torture work for intelligence or the military

russian niggers need jesus

She's a young woman with mental problems. Luckily she hasn't yet hurt any human. She should go to a hospital.

Id hatefuck the shit out of her

Humans can fight back, plus while Russia might be lawless land if she mess with someone important she could land in a penal colony forever.


when you mess with someone important in russia.

you disappear.

they wont bother you with prison shit.


You'd probably be talking a whole different story if she was an ugly guy. Don't be weak. Animal torture is how you spot a future murderer.

No I wouldn't. She's not even slightly attractive. She's only 21. Maybe it is how you spot a future murderer but that's why she needs help.

It's an animal not a human, fine is just enough.

>She should go to a hospital.
As I remember someone even has offered a $500 reward for beating them and record this on video.
I guess they both have a nice greeting in jail

No? You mean blue whale or what?

Yes blue whale.

looks like my ex gf, same skin, same eyes, same mouth, same hair length, same hair color, same eyebrows

But my ex loves animals and is a catholic fanatic

Would you also like a mentally unstable Mexican GF?



It's fucking Khabarovsk, lads.
The land of ex-convicts and cockholes.


Is that really "the best" option. Fill up prisons ASAP because you give everyone life sentences so you have no more space for worse criminals?

No, she should be put into therapy.

>city: Novokuznetsk

could someone answer OPs question?

1/ Live in russia

Killing defenseless creatures of any race or creed is literally arab-tier.
Hope she gets raped and killed by some russian drunkard in prison

> Animal "life" > Human life

Humans are assholes dogs aren't
I don't give a shit if people die but I really feel sorry for the dogs

This means you are a heartless piece of shit with no empathy. Go vegan and/or eat human meat if you are so pro animal

I think you're the heartless one if you don't care about the life of animals.

I hate east slavs so much. I've had plenty of experiences with them, and let me tell you that in all of them were not normal in the head..

I am just not being a ludicrous hypocrite i.e. it's ok to kill cows b-but muh dogggies