
You need to decriminalize all drugs

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Y'all spic rape products are way too savage. Butchering and beheading another soul like it was nothing. Yet y'all shamelessly claiming to be christian/catholic.

>Yet y'all shamelessly claiming to be christian/catholic.

Actually "good catholics" used to behead, kill wage wars against other faiths.

Check out the priest in the frontline kek.


Cali population: 2.4 million and 99 killings per month on average
Bogota Population: 8+million and 92 killings on average per month
Why is Cali such a unlivable place?

The absolute state of African hitmen

And I love them for that.

Wish time went back so muslims and weeaboos could be purged.

Le República Afro-Caribeña Homicida Cocainómana de CONGOlombia.

Medellin is a shithole. Everyone knows that already.

Medellin is unironically more peaceful than Rosario, Argentina, believe it or not

el congolumbiANO

Poland-Colombian crime aliance when?

Would you racemix with a Colombian criminal?

any recommendations for comfy, safe cities/towns in Colombia? Thinking of staying there for a while to practice my Spanish since I work through the internet

My favourite childhood book plays in Congolombia.

>implying I have a choice and yes

I guess is the same as being in an american city with a lot of minorities and niggers.

Manizales, I guess.

This is what happens when you racemix too much you spicmutts

probably at least 30% nigger DNA in there now

I have come to shitpost in this thread.

Dunno. But ironically, mutts and amerindians here are more violent than blacks (blacks are mostly poor and tend to be on the receiving end of things)

Tunja, Bucaramanga, Manizales and Bogota which is actually big enough and the only city here that actually has 1st world tier areas

He asked for safe cities and not deadly traps.

Most of Bogota is safe. Only the south and some parts of downtown are sketchy

mate there are 3 million blacks in the uk and the number is growing while there are 5 million here and their fertility rate is not significantly high. Also you're FAR more diverse than us. Multiculturalism is a mistake

average colombian is 56,7% european, 26,2 Amerindian and 8% African and those percentages vary depending on the region. There are regions with basically 0% African ancestry and places of 70%+ Euro ancestry, while other areas are 80%+ African. This place is multiracial but we all share a similar culture (not exactly the same as racial segregation kinda exists but it is not as marked as in America)

there's no racial segregation idiot.

there was never apartheid like in US.

people simply belong to a diferent economic caste, it just happened that those economic castes align with race.

but nobody cares today about it and everyone thinks negro or indio as poor people, but nobody thinks is because they're indios or black.

Is more along the lines of this fucking nigger comes from buenaventura rather than he being black.

>Implying criminals are bound to a certain area and cannot move through the city.
Criminals like "safe" areas in crime-ridden shitholes like Bogota because victims don't expect to be victimized in such places thus they keep they guard low.

Also, people there have also been subjected to crimes in rich, "safe" areas there (in a lower proportion, that is, but those still happen)

Imagine having your own little sub saharan Africa within your country. Fucking hell, this country is funny

we lost ours

>Criminals like "safe" areas in crime-ridden shitholes
Yes that hapens across the globe and most of them are white collar criminals, not the kind that will stab you over a fucking $30 usd phone

Was Belize part of Guatemala at some point?

At least we have god tier music and they win sport cups and make goals in the NT.

they're pretty ok for me.

yeah, but one of the governments practically gave it away

You think living in those conditions and behaving like tribesmen is OK. No, it is not okay. This country should do more to provide quality education to them but the issue is that they hate anything that invovlves pens and notebooks with a passion.

their IQ is in the range of 70-80.
A white man with their IQ would be considered mentally retarded.

Just let them be happy in their poverty.

Had a black coworker in my last job and he was a really nice person. Sadly, all he could think about all day was gambling and waiting for the weekend to go dancing and get shitfaced

These barbaric acts of savagery must not continue.

your IQ determines your quality of life.

they don't have enough IQ to advance beyond poverty levels.

That's what you think.

People get stripped of their mobile phones by types ridding motorciycles or cars.

t. detroit

Actually the most religious Christian countries are the most savage

Ahorita llega el Peruano a decir que James es castizo jajajajaaj. Terrible la idea que tienen de castizo otros paises de Sudamerica

>This country should do more to provide quality education to them but the issue is that they hate anything that invovlves pens and notebooks with a passion.
Yes, the "wh*te" criollo scum in the government hate the idea of investing money in anything that could help improve the conditions in this country. To them, money exist solely for those criollos and their friends to steal.

t.mestizo hediondo

Your argument is flawed when you realize that there are a good number of "non criollos" in power positions

Heh, good joke.

If anything, Colombians are supertitious and immoral to their backbones. People here still believe in witches, shamans and similar crap and resort to those charlatans hoping to get "help" with "love"-matters and to get revenge on their enemies. In addition to that, most people have alcohol, partying and having "fun" in their minds only.

Colombians are Christians in name only. Few people actually go to mass regularly and really practice the faith, being most of them old people.


>que son las iglesias evangelicas en cada esquina
>que son las procesiones de semana santa
>cual fue el papel de las iglesias en el NO de uribe

que usted sea un jorgito ateo no significa que este pais sea ateo.

You talk as if it were a problem exclusive to us. All of what you mentiones applies to the 3rd world as a whole. SEA, SSA, MENA, LATAM , even eastern europe you name it

Those are the "friends" I referred to, you stupid mestizo with a complex larping as an Iberian animal.

The core members of the elite in this country are still criollo trash.

Go back to hispachan, you taringuero autist.

> imagine being so deluded that you think everyone else is brown just because he is brown

Blackie was a good friend to Pablo, one of his most loyal sicarios

Anyone else here the safest country on their side of the world and does not deserve to live in this neighborhood?

Here it is VERY common to refer to black people as "negro" or "negrito" which literally translates to "black", ""blackie" or "N*gga"and we actually do it in a friendly manner. If you have a black friend you can call him: "negro veni un momento" (n*gga, come here for a moment) and no one bats an eye because everyone assumes we are friends. You can't just do that in the US. Never understood why blacks in the US are so sensitive

>Semana Santa

People go to the processions first, then they go hit the club to get wastedto the tune of horrendos reggaeton, vallenato or "popular" music. People here think "Semana Santa" is just a one-week vacation period, and not a religious festivity that demands a special behavior to be exercised. You rarely see people spending those days praying all day long and living in accordance to Christian teachings, leave alone most of the people.

And Whiter ;)))))

what is this meme ranking about?


>Imagine being deluded enough to feel proud of being a part Iberian animal and then think of yourself as pure white.

> Iberian
> Wh*te
I'm Med you fat brownie

Safety by country, the higher the number the safer the nation. Measured by crime/homicide rates and drugs and crime, likelihood of terrorism and terrorism casualties, police force effectiveness, costs of security within the country on business, reliability of protection services, rates of property crime and violence.

Colombia ranks 27th out of 27

>colombia ranks 27th out of 27th
i see they forgot to rank some countries

Thats the Peace Index, not the safety one.

I think it's only the major countries in the Americas, no little islands or European colonies or anything.
Guatemala is 23rd


oh, that explains why you're at the bottom

Empuja el meme todo lo que queras, pero todos saben que Colombia es un pais andino semi blanco

Bucaramanga is the best option, is like Medellin but with less crime and smaller so easier to get to places, but big enough to feel like an actual city and not a big town

It's measured by the peace index, a big meme that thinks the "war" we're in is like Syria or something

That looks like some random blog with random info. Also it says its about "tourism safety".

Madellín is the best city un colombia so far, what the fuck are You talking about?

Is there some non-meme metric by which Canada isn't the safest country in the Americas?

Is that because of Escobar's drug money or was that too long ago?

No soy costeño, pero esto no tiene nada de malo. Bastantes bl*ncos en la costa también, lo que sucede es que al Argie no le han dicho que mientras que aca tenemos 1.4 millones de indigenas en su país hay 900mil+ 500mil Peruanos+ 1 millon de Bolivianos + 300mil Chilenos, haciendo a Argentina un país mas mestizo que Colombia. Los nuevos Argentinos no son los Italianos que te imaginás. Luego dicen que vamos a su país a delinquir pero no te va a contar que la gran mayoria de colombianos en Argentina son estudiantes clase media que trabajan de medio tiempo y cuyos padres les envian dinero mensual para manutencion y que viven en Barrios estrato 4-5 como Palermo o recoleta

No, but that's just basic knowlewdge, i mean, what other country can be the safest one?

That's objectively not true. It lags compared to Bucaramanga end Bogota in most aspects. Even Cartagena is about to surpass Medellin in total international visitors


Will you get to 10,000?

That's a nice city but it's not on top with us, besides, they're fucking oilniggers
You must be kidding me, the only good thing about Bogota is being the capital
Now i know you're fucking kidding me, the only reason people fo to Cartagena is because of the old town because even the beaches are shit, and everywhere outside the tourist areas is poorer than most cities in the country

En la costa no hay blancos, si mucho en algunas partes de Santa Marta, de resto puros negros mezclados con indigenas mezclados con arabes y uno que otro mezclado con blanco

That was the point of my initial post. It's a thread about a dangerous country in the Americas and I was wondering if any other countries are in a similar situation, wherein they are the safest country in their area and have crime rates well below others in their region or even continent. Canada has an intentional homicide rate of 1.68 (0.59 in the provinces proper). The average for the Americas is over 13, we are sandwiched geographically between America at 4.88 and Russia at 11.31

St. Pierre et Miquelon might be safer but they are just tiny island colonies of France with a population of 6,000.

>Had faith of one day gran colombia will comback
>See Venezuela
>See Colombia
Better stay alone

> él no ha ido al norte Barranquilla
Se ven Costeñitas blancas por todo lado, libanesitas de brazos velludos como me gustan y obviamnte de ascendencia española, italiana y francesa también

El norte de Barranquilla no es basicamente Santa Marta? De todas formas, eso afirma mi post

Piss off of our thread traitor

no pana, Santa Marta queda como a 1 1/2 horas de Barranquilla

tratame lindo y vuelvo

>Pais Andino

>prendo la tv y miro media hora por aburrimiento
>literalmente el 95% eran blancos o castizos
>literalmente el 40% eran nordicos o rubios de pelo claro

no es su culpa que el marica solo vea el pais en la tv y nunca salga de su casa.

Colombia y Venezuela son paises andinos como Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile y Agentina, con la diferencia de que la población principal no son amerindios como en dichos paises

menos del 25% del pais son castizos, el castizo promedio chibchombiano es 40% indio y 5% negro.

No soy ese tipo, pero a lo mejor en su mierdero, yo en todas las partes que he ido del pais la mayoria de la poblacion ha sido castiza

Incorrecto. Por que los mestizos son tan ardidos del culo? Hay que estar mal de la cabeza para creer que un andino colombiano/venezolano es igual a un andino Peruano/Boliviano /Chileno

>we wuz paisas and shit
>medellin es aria

No soy de Medellín. A ver Ceron, por que no comprende que Ud vive en una región bastante mezclada del país (negros, indios y blancos). Pero no todos vivimos como en su hervidero y no todas la regiones son iguales. A ud definitivamente le falta dejar ese mierdero y salir a conocer su país EN PERSONA

poner imagencitas de mierda no vale nada, se nota que no tiene nada mas que decir, tambien cabe decir que yo prefiero las mujeres cafecitas y no tengo ningun problema con los negros, pero la realidad es que la mayoria del pais es castizo

Imbecil, el 99% de actores y gente que sale en la tele luce como cualquier persona que uno se cruza en la calle

> imagínense vivir en un barrio popular en la zona más caliente del país y pensar que todo el resto del país es igual o todo el mundo luce como la gente que vive ahi

we wuz once caldas
we wuz nazis and shit

>menos del 30% del pais son castizos
>pero en mi pueblito de quindio son todos castizos



>salir de su pieza

yo creo que la mamá le mete un baldado de lavaza atado a un palo cada 3 días.

>postea mestizas de piel clara
>literalmente we wuz european
>ni siquiera tiene idea de como se ven las mujeres germanicas de pura sangre

literalmente we wuz.

Having sex with donkeys may be a sin, but it does not invalidate one's faith

Spics are sinful but religious, which I am fond of

Estoy en Bogotá y te digo que el mestizindio promedio de acá es lo que el peruano ese que postea a veces define como castizo ajjaja. Ud es un iluso si cree que somos igual al resto de países

No hay forma verdadera de calcular el porcentaje que hay considerando que todos los que no somos negros o indigenas marcamos sin etnia en el censo, esa es solo una estimacion, pero si se ha hecho un estudio calculando la mezcla que tiene cada region, y muestra que en promedio si somos castizos

Y lo que usted es muy estupido para entender es que no estamos diciendo que seamos ni blancos ni mucho menos germanicos (usted es el unico que ha mencionado esa palabra)
>postea mestizas de piel clara
Pues eso es lo que son los castizos, maldito retrasado