*greets you*
*greets you*
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ha what kind of wh*te piece of shit is 80 years old and still working at walmart fuck you old man I'm gonna rape your grandchildren inshallah.
Do you not have greeters in finland?
Well, hello, mister!
*awkwardly avoids eye contact*
they opened up walmarts in germany and when people went there they were so irritated by these greeters they left and never came back and walmart had to close all stores.
>Lee Brown, 84, at his job as Walmart greeter. The WWII veteran and D-Day participant has had knee replacement surgery, suffered two heart attacks and had a double bypass.
>you won't be able to retire even at your 80s in the us
wow just wow
There are plenty of seniors who work because they want to. After my grandmother passed my grandfather rejoined the work force after 15 years of retirement because he was "climbing the walls" from boredom sitting around alone all day long. It's nice to have a purpose and be useful.
That's some severe autism
and this isn't?
it's fine to greet the cashier but honestly i don't understand the purpose of these greeters if anything it makes the shoppers uncomfortable
These jobs are basically designed for old people who don't want to sit at home and waste away into the grave
They're mainly there just to deter theft.
You'd have to be one hell of a good goy to slave your life away down to the last second.
we have guards for that
Yes everyone thinks that when they're 20. Then 5 years into retirement their physical health has taken a nose dive from general inactivity, they are reclusive and only interact with fellow retirees, want human contact and a sense of doing something other than waiting to die.
These "people" were born into this modern slavery and don't know any other way of living.
Men who take pride in their work. You Yuropoors should take some notes
Walmarts are big
Security can't always make it to the door
So Greeters are there as a discreet way to stop anybody who looks like they're stealing up until guards show up
They have LP at the door to check your receipts. They wear bright yellow vests which makes it obvious. They're most common at ghetto stores though.
retirement is boring m8 especially for old people . You as a young person would think that when you retire you will spend all your time playing vidya , shitposting , watching anime and movies but old peole don't really do that stuff so alot of them get bored quickly and want to work instead
t. son of 75 years old professor
You all realize walmart gains NO wealth from having them, right? All they did was create a position for older people who actually want to work because its a way out of the retirement home for them. Walmart made greeters not to greet people, but to make a position for old people who probably can't do a whole lot can feel worth while.
We're Americans, we are THE hardest working nation in the world.
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.
t. old man
I'd imagine the cost of their wages is less than the cost of merchandise walking out the door. They're a deterrent.