Death Penalty

Your thoughts on death penalty? Is it legal or would you like it to be legal in your country?

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It should be public again

I think it should be outlawed.

It's legal in my country for all kinds of shit including marijuana possession.


It's barbaric, inhumane, and belongs in the past. "Killing people to teach people that killing is wrong" isn't exactly a good moral to teach. Also, all criminals, even the worst ones, still have a chance at rehabilitation and redemption.

It should be mandatory for minorities.

>even the worst ones, still have a chance at rehabilitation
you sure?

It's fucking barbaric.

If we had death penalty, a lot of innocent people would die, so as far as we have the same corruption in our institutions we will keep death penalty out of this.

Yeah. There are several cases of death row inmates having changes of heart and becoming religious and the like. Some who are rehabilitated even do community service and the like.

Also this.

he said chance, being sure of a chance isn't exactly that hard

People here in LatAm are getting tired of murders, robbery and injustice, Peru for example is about to take a law project to the parlament for approve death penalty, how is there with Duterte, does it actually works?

I am not against it in principle. I mean, if someone is a murderer and can't safely be a member of society I'd rather they die than us pay their bills in prison.

That being said, I am not a believer in the government's infallibility. I don't trust the system we have in place to never convict an innocent man. And putting an innocent man to death is not forgivable. Therefore I oppose it in practice.

The sign of backward nations with a revengeful 'justice'.
Usually the countries with the death penalty are the countries that are less able to contains crime as they rely uniquely on this, instead of putting money into prevention, mental health programs and internal intelligence.

The US are a perfect example of that. They're only obsession is to put to death every criminals. You can even talk with them about th possibility of maybe they could use a bit of the money they put into keeping people in jail into mental health programs for crazy people.

>You can even talk with them
you can't*

It's illegal and I don't want it to be legal. Life imprisonment is worse and has a possibility for taking it back if the judgment is wrong.

Our country almost never judges someone to life imprisonment, the average sentence for murder is 16-20 years in prison, after that the prisoner will be so completely saturated with brainwashing to behave that there is literally no chance of him breaking the law again. Endless anger management courses and similar shit. We've never had a murderer murder again. This is the success of Nordic Socialism.

>This is the success of Nordic Socialism.

It's like that in every developed country except the US, that keeps believing that having 1% of its population in jail in the best solution.

What a beautiful system. *cries in the back loudly*.

It's literally for profit. And everyone know this.
The meme is capital punishment and harsh sentences will "help" prisoners. When everyone knows this system is shit.

>It's like that in every developed country except the US

the US is not a developed country, thats why

>instead of putting money into prevention, mental health programs and internal intelligence.
I hate to sound like a typical Sup Forumsack who brings up Muslims at every opportunity, but it's really applicable here. Your country has wasted both money and lives trying to rehabilitate jihadis, to no effect. They have turned your prisons into recruitment centres in which petty thieves become suicide bombers.
There are certain types of criminals that simply cannot be rehabilitated. Some of them are sociopaths who are biologically incapable of feeling empathy. Some of them are cartel members who will be killed if they ever try to leave the cartel. Some of them are just plain stupid.

This is a prison in Norway.

>And everyone know this.
I don't believe you. Or maybe you don't realize that you're part of the minority who understand this because you live in an educated area. I'm not talking as someone who saw that on TV, I lived in America for 2 years. A lot of Americans are legitimately oblivious of the issue with the for profit jailing system.

Maybe in New York and California people understand that, but go to Kansas, they have no clue.

I feel like that was partial accurate. Do you have a real life video clip to add to that dramatization?

based brainletbro

I mean I think that's somewhat true. But it doesn't take more than a quick search to see that the prisons are for profit. Not any other reason. It's for profit first. And for keeping criminals, second.

>It's like that in every developed country except the US

The victory of socialism transcends all boundaries. National, and planetary.

>Maybe in New York and California people understand that, but go to Kansas, they have no clue.
You don't understand this country at all.

>They have turned your prisons into recruitment centres in which petty thieves become suicide bombers.

This is a real problem. But you have to understand that the noise that terrorists attacks made in Paris give the impression that this problem is way bigger than it is actually.
You can have a bataclan attack per day and we will still have a lower murder rate than the US.
That's why a lot of Americans actually believe the Sup Forums story, because of the bias in the media.

t. Kansas boy

So how do I spend my days in a Norwegian prison?

It gives sick fucks an opportunity to get a swift and painless end. Life sentence is where is at

"We are just supposed to take away their freedom."
Wow, I can't believe the Norwegians are more American, than Americans. This system's better for sure.
"This is an American idea." Well said Nordic warden, well said.

'muh nordic socialism' so cool, the only thing that's not cool is the debt hahaha...

Legal for special cases (acts of terrorism, serial killers) and outlawed for others.. far too much bullshit

You have to be careful when watching Michael Moore documentary. I saw the one where he went to a french school cafeteria, it was totally partial and not depicting the reality.
I'm not saying he does that all the time but still he has clearly a bias.

>kill a bunch of people
>family of said people who got killed want you dead
>"nah senpai we're just gonna lock him up"
>families have to deal with the fact the cocksucker that murdered their own gets to live
i'd be furious

>muh feelings

I mean obviously there is more to it. But even on the surface or a partial glance. It seems to have a better hold of understanding people. Than the money hungry system we have now.

you wouldn't understand since your country has the population of a small carnival

> Believes in the Hammurabi code bs.

>hurr durr just lock them up forever with the rest of them
i'd be cheaper to take them out back and put a bullet in them

>muh population

Going by that logic. Wouldn't make sense to kill a criminal once arrested or at the scene of the crime?
> Be careful how you tread.

>muh only arguments are le funny pics and greentext

this is why no one can take any of you seriously in actual conversation

a criminal that deserves the death penalty. no, i believe it should be done from the court process first. are you dense?

> Trying to be civil while still leading to the same result.....
No density here. It's just that a culture of retribution and profit will not "clean" society of criminals or crime. Look at Japan and other countries maximum and minimum sentences. Why don't people ever ask for a reform to this?

It should either be outlawed or public with a lot of gore. It's not legal here, but it used to be a family thing.

The criminal doesn't stick around at the crime scene like a retard. Especially if it's a criminal that thinks what he did might give him a dealth penalty. A dude who made the decision to go ahead with what he did is a fucking idiot. I have no idea what you're going on about. So whatever

Non-sarcastically, there is no reason that Nordic models should not be able to scale upon larger populations. The problem, thus must be cultural rather than methodical in regards to more populous nations such as the United States, primarily the rampant religious extremism in the United States, counterposed with the near-universal secularism of the Nordic countries, present a problem which is materially difficult to overcome, yet intellectually is as simple as not being a fucking retard.

The population of the United States, therefore, represents a body of people intellectually incapable of managing their society properly, due, in part, to a faulty media environment which does not accurately represent the true state of matters.

In an age eminently dominated by social media, the intelligence of the average US citizen may thus be insuffficient for facing the challenges of our modern era.

This so much and made faster instead of blocked by muh legal bullshit. Just give the druggies and murderers a bullet to the head.

Cool. I get it. The fact that it works in your country means it would work anywhere. Nice. I wish life was so simple like what you just described. It's almost as if people are different all over and not the same.
>you do things different therefore you're retarded and stupid hahah got em
I'm pretty sure if the United States was the size of iceland it would be tremendously easier to govern.

>In an age eminently dominated by social media, the intelligence of the average US citizen may thus be insuffficient for facing the challenges of our modern era.
Damn son.

>The population of the United States, therefore, represents a body of people intellectually incapable of managing their society properly

called it

Yeah you're right. You're so smart

Don't misunderstand me,I love #Woke Americans

I only h8

#schleep Americans

Yeah man. I just wish more people could see what's going on 'here'.

The issue is not that much the intelligence that their mental state.
They want to crush people. The crime is just an excuse for that.

You know how much money you would make if you came over here and told this to our officials? That we should just adopt the nordic system

Like, you would be a hero and the smartest person to ever live? Who knew that a icelandic user on Sup Forums got it all figured out. Damn it's so easy

>There are several cases of death row inmates having changes of heart and becoming religious and the like. Some who are rehabilitated even do community service and the like.
it's all a facade
they hope someone will feel bad enough for them to grant them clemency
people don't change

>people don't change

But you still don't explain why they change in Norway and not in the US ?

80% vs 20% récidive rate.

Stay woke my friend

>You know how much money you would make

I don't need money, I have the sweet, warm and loving embrace of socialism.

Thanks again, USanon, but you should rather try to enact these changes in your own community.

laugh all you want Canada, but you are closer to that than you think

>but you should rather try to enact these changes in your own community.
nah nah nah. I mean, I don't understand but you do. How about you come over and tell our government officals. Well, let's start small. You can come over and talk to state officials and give them the whoooole rundown. I'm sure they would gladly accept what you're saying afterall you did major in? Oh never mind it doesn't matter. Anyways, yeah I couldn't believe it when you said it. If only I looked at it that way. Long live socialism!

>Long live socialism!

Agreed, Comrade! We will be victorious!

The feels

>You can have a bataclan attack per day and we will still have a lower murder rate than the US.
There is absolutely no comparison between arabs and africans committing wholesale slaughter of your people on your soil and a few thousand niggers and beaners slinging bullets at each other

>there is no reason that Nordic models should not be able to scale upon larger populations.

There are plenty of reasons why it won't work here, namely the fact that you will encounter huge differences in geography, geology, topography, climate, demographics, population density, education, culture, language, history, religion etc. throughout the US. All of which renders a be-all and end-all federal program like the one you are proposing all but useless. Our economy consists of more than 1,000 separate independently functioning economies --- that for better or worse are aggregated together and reported as one economy (which results in people drawing misleading conclusions). Whereas a country like yours has for all intents and practical purposes a single economy.

I'll tell you what, why don't we partition the US into smaller States all having 1,000,000 people and largely one single race, one single religion, one single language, one single alphabet and one single culture and maybe then we can be like Scandis and have womb to tomb welfare that is frugal and efficient.

I'm generally in favor of it, but at the same time, not executing Charles Manson was a smart move. If he'd been executed in his prime, he'd be a martyr forever. Instead, the last memories we have of him will be as a crazy, ranting, feeble old man.

Our laws are weak af and child rapists only get like 10 yrs. They're wasting our tax and should be executed.

Death penalty for murderers and killers.
Life sentence for serious bodily harm.
Castration and prison time for rapists and pedophiles.
Thieves and robbers get financially fucked.

Barbaric and subhuman.
Not to mention fundamentally flawed