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Your country?

Remember in the year 2000 when everyone was super excited about the future and technology and all you heard about was if flying cars would exist and what the computers of tomorrow would be like?

People were acting like the world was going to become like out of the fifth element but nothing really happened.

Other urls found in this thread:''

>smartphones etc
>self driving cars becoming a reality
>VR actually working
>uber etc

yeah i guess nothing happened

I'm 31 but don't act like the vast majority of this board's userbase aren't underage faggots or barely older
It's just a handful of us who can actually reply to this question faithfully

But surely you remember all the hype about technology and flying cars becoming a reality etc from the early 2000's right?

My opiliones is, software has developed fastly while infrastructures not.
Look at Blade Runner, humans spread into the universe and still use Braun tube appliances.

Remember in the early 2000's when TV ad's ended in the website addresses for their companies?

Remember when TV show hosts end the show by going

"Hey guys we have a website visit us"?

I remember when I thought things were going to get better in my home. Everything only progressively got worse. Still is. 8 year old me wouldn't be so eager to grow up if he knew.

It's not as cool as people thought it would be but I think we don't appreciate modern enough. I recently compared my first phone with my new one and the progress is impressive. I would kms if I were forced to use 2008 phones again. Same with TVs. And look how amazing video games look nowadays

*modern technology

>nothing really happened

Computers evolved, as well as cars and technology in general

Post media relating to the Early 2000's technology hype.

Not like we thought it would though.

Dude chill we're at it. Just forget about the flying cars

Europe will never be that way, the future is in east Asia

What amazing city is this?


More early 2000's technology hype.''

forgot link

honestly i actually feel like technology has moved forward heaps, im already feeling an "artificial" vibe to life that i get from some sci fi, if that makes sense

Naah back in 2000 we were laughing with the dumbass high expectations people used to have with the year 2000 in the past. In the 80s every new technical device or even video stores added "2000" to the name to appear hip and futuristic. In the 50s they thought we would live like the Jetsons.

Nothing like that will ever happen though. Even if it does, technological improvements won't make you happier. Quite on the contrary.

OPs post is essentially the same, but vice versa, here it is nostalgia that clouds and paints a false image.

I remember in the year 2000 a lot of products had 2000 after the name to appear high tech and futuristic.

I don't know about the 80's though.

Back to the future was set in 2015.

Today in 2017, I eat ramen alone in my 1960's apartment room just like the people in the past did, but with the latest phone and tablet and PC.

Big towers like this aren't probably the future tho.

I think this computerised looking album cover related to how excited we were about a jetsons like future in the early 2000's.

People actually thought that? I was 10 and even I knew we wouldn't have flying cars and shit by now.

Your internet is also better.

I think the flying car hype was in 50s

Not so much flying cars but people thought the world would become jetsons like.

another example of year 2000 pop culture.

I think this hype existed more or less between the 1950s and 2001-2008 (with a relapse in the 70s perhaps). It seems to be this widespread belief that things could only evolve/change for the better. That peace and prosperity would last very long and that mankind through globalization/tech would find harmony, etc. But I think the 1990s started to be gloomy about it (See the Matrix, Fight Club, American Beauty movies) and then 9/11 and the 2008 crisis definitely put a whole definitive end to that. It all became much more artificial and it's as if some people have lost hope and are more cynical about life. Just as if our life is just a parody of what it was meant to be

It may just be our era, and maybe the 2000's dream will come alive some day, or perhaps we just matured and realized it wouldn't happen

Obviously, technoogical change did arrive. We do live in the future, but the spirit isn't there. Tech hasn't brought us the supposed peace, happiness and prosperity it was supposed to. Maybe in fifty years we'll have flying cars, but it's our mindset that needs to be fixed

That's a really interesting thought on it.

I especially like the comments about the matrix.

If you look at some of the sci-fi tech from 1987 ninja turtles.. a lot of Donatello's inventions that were sci fi at the time became normal devices.

In fact, it started to sour in the 80s, when Japan was in this period.

People realized than the future would be more cyberpunk than sci-fi, and now we are slowly turning in what the dystopian books at the time were saying.

Heh, nowadays most of the stuff you can read in Gibson's books aren't sci-fi tier. VR, cyberlimbs, drones, you name it.

I'm as old as the Italian poster. What you are telling sounds like of 1980's to me. I and other people from my country were viewing the future very pessimistically in the year of 2000.

I think people were excited about computers and computerised design in the 80's too.

Just look at the highly computerised looking writing and star wars looking instrument gauges on 1980's cars.

>it started to sour in the 80s
Perhaps you're right, but there was still enthusiasm. Japan would be the next top world power, but as far as I can see, people weren't cynical and post-modernism hadn't came through yet. It all started in the late 90s, and came to its eight in 2008-today.

I think Australia used to be behind the rest of the world a lot but with the internet we are catching up in ways.

I still think Half Life 2 looks and plays better than most games made in the last decade and a half

Remember the modified cars that looked like weird spaceships with bodykits that had names like cyber and droid2.

>but as far as I can see, people weren't cynical
They were less cynical but the Japanese example was not really a good thing for most people, with all-powerful zaibatsus that took control of the entire lives of their employees.

Turned out Japan stagnated and the new powers that be are Korean and Chinese.

Everyone has a computer in their pocket.

We have head transplants now.

The world is crazy advanced.

Flying cars exist, it is just that they aren't practical enough to become common. It's like when victorian futurists though we'd have small personal zeppelins.

we literally live in a cyberpunk world. the only difference from the movies is that there are less skyscrapers.

>Half Life 2 looks and plays better than most games made in the last decade
Half Life 2 is truly a unique gem. We'll never have games like that again

Again, you're right, but whatever I see from the era, whether it be movies, or reports, they still had faith and they looked towards the future. You can't say that about people now. Just look at politics back then and now.
Also, Japan was much less feared than China from what I can tell.

What was the mood like for the 2000 Sydney Olympics? I remember Australia from the Matrix movie, it was shot in one of your cities I think

It was shot in sydney.

People were excited to have the Olympics here.

The future is going to be great if we survive Y2K.

that's been the case for people growing in the 70s thinking of the 00s rather than people growing in the 00s thinking of now desu

I was ten back in 2002 and growing up in the 00's it makes me nostalgic to know how some people dreamed up the decade

I'd go up to 1980's.

Also what makes you think people here didn't grow in the 80's and 90's as well as the 2000's?