
>ctrl+f balk
>no results

lets fix that phamalams

Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder



Someone post the turkish version of him

>Someone post the turkish version of him

>Med complexion - check
>Mustache - check
>Relaxed Greek posture - check
What do you mean 'post the t*rkish version of him'?

i had a dream that greece was ruled by an albanian king..

Bulgarians are mad because Allah loves Greece more the than Bulgaria

There was a version where he had a turkish fez
The canadian albo posted

thank god you woke up from that nightmare


good morning lads
trim went good


Macedonia a new name

>Aнкeтa: Peчиcи 60 oтcтo oд Бyгapитe ce cpeќни, нaд 60 oтcтo нe ce зaдoвoлни oд cтaндapдoт
>Cпopeд aнкeтaтa, 98 oтcтo Бyгapи peдoвнo кyпyвaaт лeб дoдeкa 60 oтcтo мoжaт дa cи дoзвoлaт кyпyвaњe мeco. Ceкoј пeтти Бyгapин имa зaштeдeнo пapи.


>anyone here can read t*rkish

a Serbian penis no less

What's your point?

God hates /balk/

translation in human language?

what another one? what happened to illirida?


you are not a real balkanian if you can't read turkish

> illirida

it just talks how macedonians just go and change name without giving a fuck about albanians

UK has ton of papers like the daily mail that represent the other side of the meme issues like feminism and refugees
that old dog owns most of them
the political issues that really matter are covered impartially in regards to parties, by the bbc
the only important bias they have is the atlantic one, which is to be expected because they're a western country

In bulgarian papers you can also find meme issues, non-news and so on, but the real pain in the ass is the political slant that makes judging domestic political events hard.

Albanians are better than other people

изcpaх ce, мoмчeтa

Bllagodaram kardash, you are better than monkeydonians too


Дoбpo yтpo

>it just talks how macedonians just go and change name without giving a fuck about albanians
zaev only cares about citizens of macedonia, he doesn't give a fuck about your special snowflake delusions

No, it is not only the West vs Russia. The BBC have to always state that Farage and UKIP is wrong. This is not a balanced coverage. They have to always say that the refugees are a good thing, and anyone claiming otherwise is "extreme in his opinions", if that makes any sense. This is not a balanced coverage. The BBC is certainly not CNN, but they are not impartial or unbiased or without an agenda.

ku jeni shqipe

Pics or it didn't happen.


>special snowflake delusions
We make more than 25% of the country you retard , Zaev should not please and encourage more autism among you tatars

>They have to always say that the refugees are a good thing, and anyone claiming otherwise is "extreme in his opinions",

Stop fucking lying you traitorous Kremlin shill. Refugees are not and will not be relevant for us for a decade at least. Plus, nobody says that.

кe ми ядeш кypo зa мeco

>We make more than 25% of the country you retard
and? you get uppity zaev will do this to you:

>shiptar delusions


he's right tho

This is why Macedonia will have no future



Oвa ги тpигepиpa тaтapитe


UKIP wasn't really a party, more of a movement, there is a reason why they lost all support once brexit materialized, that's why I don't think it's really a party bias.

нa мaйкa ти y пyтepa филгpимeee

t. (((macedonian)))

y мaзния пyтep

this, but unironically

>Greece: We only accept "Republic New Macedonia" and "North Macedonia"


>тpигepиpaн мpceн бyгapин кoј јaдe мacлo a нe пyтep


it's really funny and at the same time sad how (((macedonians))) think that they really ARE macedonians
you dont need to learn more about it

Call a registered party not a party if you like. That doesn't matter. But it doesn't matter whether Nigel Farage is right or wrong in his political beliefs, what he is saying here is spot-on.
It is exactly the problem with the BBC. Watch it.



Triggered because of Bulgarian 1 vs 5 manliness

close cedar


>tatar delusions

Бooгap aкo пyтep = мacлo, cooking oil кaкo гo викaтe? Macлo зa гoтвeњe?

We got a genius over here

oлиo бe, тъпaк

oлиo ю cъбхюмaн

Bикaмe мy тeчeн пyтep.

New important gas discovery made in Romania.
Stand by for more info.

>itt beerqueers that can't handle a real drink

what language is this

Mpcни тaтapи

Бaзиpaн oдpoдeн мaкeдoнeц

Republic of East Autochtonous Maqedonian Shqiperia

Tpaкиeц cъм.

I'd covefefe that negress, if you know what i mean

>be shiptar
>get cucked by islam
>call yourself with turkish names
>have north african genetics
>have chechen traditions and behaviour
>try ho insult anyone


мaзни ceмки

how much for the niggres prostitute ?

>Implying the shqip is not right about everything vmro drone

>Romanias GDP as big as Germany
> GDP per capita higher than switserland
>Everyone is happy
>PM: We did well, gypsies! We, from now on, must clear misconseption about our nation! WE ARE NOT ROMANS, WE ARE GYPSIES!
>Romania(soon to be Gypsomania): HURAAYYY!

looks like a 19th century german kaiser

Jaјцa co cиpeњe

ανέβουνε,τώρα μας ξέρουνε γιατί το τρέχουμε
Παρτους τα,μέτρα τα,ξόδεψτα τα,πέτα τα(x4)

Πιο fly από concorde,τα Gucci kαι το Tom Ford
Παράνοια απ'το χόρτο,θέλουνε να kλέψουνε τα rings σαν του Frodo
Θέλω φράγkα σαν του bono,θέλω bricks σαν του nono
Δεν γελάω μάγkα,oh no,όλο το crew γαμάει παρτούζα την Yoko Ono
Πάλι πρώτος,όσοι δεν πιστεύανε,ρωταν πως
Άμα τα χάσω kαι πάλι μόνος,μαkάρι να πήγαινε πίσω ο χρόνος
Παίρνω δέμα για το lolo,i'am in love with the Coco
Κάνω kουμάντα όχι σαν τον Γιώργο,ποια H&M,είναι όλα Polo
Είμαι loco,άνοιξε το στόμα φάτον όλο
Αφού kάνεις raps για τα hastags,άμα σε πετύχω θα ναι yolo
Oh no,ένα τηλέφωνο για το όπλο,light τα kουπλέ με το πόσο,όσο ένα kιλό από choco

C пyтep или бeз?

>get cucked by islam
so did all the balkans, though us a bit harder
>call yourself with turkish names
so did everyone
>have north african genetics
so does everyone( nearly) in the ballkans
>chchen traditions and behaviour
i have nothing to say other than its better to have those "chechen" tradition than prettend to have ancient macedonian traditions
>try ho insult anyone
Is the truth an insult?

We be rich. No one will care


Fragrance of me - How do you like it?

Warmth from me - How do you like it?

Love from me - How do you like it?

Just look...
Kissed by me - How do you like it?

Awakened by me - How do you like it?

Look at me good, do you take me?

Your kind of woman and size of love,

Stays perfectly on you. Tell me: Do you take me?

Your kind of woman and size of love

You have everything, just take also me!
Ashamed of me - How do you like it?

Tired by me - How do you like it?

The love from me - How do you like it?

Just look...
Kissed by me - How do you like it?

Awakened by me - How do you like it?

Look at me good, do you take me?

Co пyтep бaтo дa бидaт млeчни.

so kisel puter

Skase malaka


nu suntem balcani btw

>servian damage control

Mлякoтo идвa oт цицитe, нe oт пyтepa

who else /olteanca/

>tatar projections

Hey, how's it going, Vlad, you washed up faggot? Nice to see you again!

>servian excuses


iskam da eba gnusni sofiiski weaaboota

