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International #823
Hilo latino
Denmark is in a personal union with norway for 300 years
longest life span in the world
Russia and friends
Can we all agree that Eastern Euros are the most BASED white people?
Are men from your country alpha enough to commit suicide by poison in an international court?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
What is the point of having so much of undeveloped land?
What percentaje of your ancient language do you understand?
I suffer in America
Why did the Ottoman empire shrivel and die? It was strongest empire in the world with a lot of land, people and ports...
What about an Sup Forumsernational Omegle thread ?
Been dry coughing like a motherfucker for two days straight, just coughed up blood
Contrary to the popular belief, Somalis are actually good people
Europeans are awake, post freeways
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone et Blanc- Edition rustique
99% of girls wouldnt date me because im 5'6
Kairos Diversity Recognition - /kdr/
Top Baby Names in the US released
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this picture?
Mfw soon it will be summer again
/polska katolicka/
Fuck your court lmao
What is this wonderful invention called in your country? :D
Le Royal Baby Face
Do i have f*nn in my blood?
Slavic languages
Look who came out of his cave!
Redpill me on the non-Russian semi-independent parts of Russia
Why are Spain and Italy first world countries but not Uruguay?
Mfw -10 celsius
Do your countrymen have problems keeping their hands to themselves?
Why can Finns run their country even though 90% of them are socially awkward? have to learn from you
What can be done about the d*nish problem?
I want to travel to Europe
Drumpf is finally done
The FINNISH man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
Biggest mistakes
Europe Sex
Anglish: How English would look like if French filth hadn't bled into it; a case for aesthetics
Japanese, Korean, Chinese
How does gaysex feel like?
Rice food friends!
What do you call the milky way galaxy in your country?
Should people have to assimilate?
Sverigetråden - Gulingupplagan
Russia is not a threat to Finland
/sino/ - 中文
Fewer Finns than before say they think Finland should join the NATO military alliance...
/fr/ - le fil français
Holy shit Trump is retweeting British white nationalists has he gone too far?
Another day spent wagecucking for $20/hour
French American friendship thread
/brit/ *goes to shit after antics edition*
Film set in europe in the 40's
Learn japanese!
Do you consider them European?
How do I get a cute Korean waifu? What do Koreans think of Canadians?
Did someone say
ITT: guess the country
How did you found Sup Forums
What is this dish called in your country?
Post your friends IRL
His country doesn't have a super-volcano
Everytime an american says "whiter than you, muhammed" his country becomes 0.1% less white
Could he pass in Southern Europe?
Both produce lot of MMA fighters
Where all the balts at
ITT we post technology that remains unknown to the general population of US of A:
ITT Sup Forums in the bronze age
Brexit EU bill was just agreed
Pay $60/month and only get these shitty speeds
/ex-ussr/ general
Anyone here have a feminine penis?
What do you hate in your country most?
Who are the most hated by your people rulers of your country in the past...
*contaminates your royal gene pool from with dna from generations of inbreeding*
/danmarktråden/ det er onsdag mine gutter
Regional nationalism
Singapore and Japan
Kurva anyátok
I'm a hapa
Why are latin americans such savages?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Messicans really celebrate Day of the Dead?
/sag/-South Asian General
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Name 1 (one, un, ein, uno) negative thing that would happen if the US were nuked off the face of the Earth
Hilo latino
What happens here?
Which was dumber, Trump or Brexit?
Your cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I actually hate them unironically HATE THEM
What age were you when you started driving Sup Forums?
Ugly language, autistic people, shit food, irrelevant country, constantly confused for other nordic countries 24/7...
Do serial killers still exist?
Are Blasians the true future of humanity?
Do you consider South America as part of the Western world? Why or why not?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Tfw you served in army 21 months in your early 20s
20 years old in 9 months
/ourguy/ is at it again in his latest Q&A with kids from university he:
Do you want to teach English in Japan?
A lovely Italian girl
It makes me tear up thinking about richard nixon flying away from the white house on marine one
Culture Pals - /cp/
/cum/ canada usa mexica
/lat/ hilo latino
Where are the "bad guys" in your cunt?
Sup Forums smartphone
/ita/ - il filo
Poland confirmed savior of Christendom...
Serious question, why Argentinians, Chileans and Uruguayans think they are white and superior?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is ISIS based?
Tfw people bullied me because i was pale
Why do people consider French a more major language than Portuguese when Portuguese has more native speakers?
How do you feel about inter-racial relationships?
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
Reminder that Baekje百濟(クダラ)was a Japanese Kingdom. Evil Sillia(Koreans) annexed Baekje and assimilated them
Why is this faggy emo dyed shit popular with young blacks? Why is the media so set on feminizing blacks?
Uh oh
/sca/ Scandinavia general
Remember. No Russian
Post your best and most interesting maps
Reminder that if you have brown eyes you are not white
ITT: We discuss the greatest empire in history
Just a (cohen)incidence goyim!
1. Your country
ITT: photos we took
Do Russians ever stop and think about how utterly retarded their geopolitical relationship web is...
/asean/ - soyboy
I have the opportunity to go teach at an English-language school in Uruguay
Joke about or insult trump
Why are Asians so tall now?
This is my perfect world
5 of the last 8 independent coffee shops I've visited are owned and operated by Persians
Your honest opinion on Finnish women?
Is she the whitest person alive?
/nachtschicht/, tagsüber /deutsch/
La creatura
Ask a Mexican anything
/fr/ ou plutôt /oc/ - le fil du MIDI
Why don't they have subculture?
What’s the objectively best-sounding language and why is it Portuguese?
A cartoon talking about the Arabic caliphate and Arabic/muslim mythology
Do you guys actually care about race...
Qué piensa usted acerca de Los Estados Unidos?
Was born in Austria
How can the average family survive in Italy
Why do Americans hate swedes so much
France is gay?
Had to shit in a bowl and throw it out of the window because my sister have her friends over
What happens after death, Sup Forums?
be burger
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Dear European whites. And I specify "whites," because, whatever you say about le 56%, you're on the same path...
Sup Forums SEETHIN
How old do I look and where am I from, Sup Forums ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is there actually such a thing as "authentic" Italian food? Are Italians playing a trick on the rest of us?
If your country is landlocked then its pretty much a non-country
ITT: We thank the country above you because of a porn star
ITT we post common sense that enrages the American mind
FUCK YOU FINLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sverigetråden - Fällupplagan
European men kiss each other as a greeting
/lat/ hilo latino
/ultrachad/ ehemals /deutsch/
Rare Culture/Ethnicity thread pt.5: Electric Sup Forums-triggeroo
Thank you Brits :)
/Southern Europe/
Someone explain Kazakhstan to me
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why don't we all join together and nuke this country? Russia would not be problem, if they don't stir up dissension...
Britain has used her perfidious ways on pretty much every single country at some point in the course of history and the...
/balk/an thread
Be eurofag
/ita/ - il filo
Can I pass as a local in your country?
Which one would you pick for your girlfriend?
The Amerigoblin/Amerimutt/Ameriorc meme completely backfires if you think about it...
Most of the world will not defend nor even recognise this
/führerbunker/ und manchmal auch /deutsch/
Getting real tired of this guy
What's the most distinctive American city for non-Americans?
Sum up your country in one picture
Post parts of your country you hope get attacked by North Korea
Why do you all shittalk Canada so much here?
ITT: Say "Cocks..." in your language
Poland versus the Holocaust Industry
My ancestors :)
Why i keep coming here, even though content is crap 95% of the time
In the year 1066 William the Misbegotten and his fellow Normans stormed into England, took wald from the Angle-Saxan...
Ancestry Thread
Asia rate thread?
Be 14
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Why are Germans the most bullied group on Sup Forums?
I can’t tell if all this gayposting is ironic or not why are there so many gays on this board
Is it common?
1- your cunt
Let's see who's actually white on this shithole board
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Macron in Africa
Which country's people can't handle the bants?
/brit/cat meow because it knows that in my bag the food edi
I want Denmark in my bed right now
Post your face ITT when you realize proper (north) Italians are the smartest people in Europe
1. your counter
First thing that comes to your mind when you see this?
Learn Russian
How to immigrate to EU from fucking russia?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
I just got a job at a big company...
/balk/ - Balkan thread
What a fucking embarrassment
/sino/ - 中文
This is Northern Europe. Say something nice about us
Édition l'Angleterre fût notre première colonie
I hate this
My fellow Americans
Everything you say in this thread has to rhyme
Am I the only one who get triggered by the fact that there are so many really good european bands which did not release...
Lord of the rings races IRL
1. you're a country
Sverigetråden – ingrids upplaga
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1936
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Reminder that Hiragana/Katakana was invented centuries before "Hangul"
What is Sweden's actual fucking problem? Like, I can see why Germany is so cucked...
Now they are βάρβαροι
What makes french cuisine so high ranked by everyone?
Yfw Americans can't do joined-up handwriting
You wake up in an European house
What goes on here?
Yeeeeeeeeeeees. My mom is making me riceeeeee <333333
Why didn't your country produce anime?
Who is the best ally of your country?
5% average gdp growth per year
WTF Germany?
Are there any hot Portuguese women? I usually see hot guys in the Azores
Tfw can't fap to anything but NTR manga
/ex-ussr/ general
Your country
I can't get drunk, im 1/8 irish haha!
/deutsch/ Kontroverse Ausgabe
Am I considered attractive in your country?
Be german
What's their fucking problem?
What is backlash on this from UK women?
Have you ever been in love?
Over 15% unemployment
/mena/ ''peace and harmony'' edition
I want to report proxy user to Sup Forums manager
If you had a fist with the size of the moon and could punch 3 countries, then what would you choose?
If Norway Sweden and Denmark have been around for so long then why do they only have 5 million people each? Checkmate
Is there a name for porn where the chick has enormous ass?
You may ONLY post ITT if YOU are BLACK
"Millennials don't work hard enough that's why they can't afford anything!"
>tfw spend hours on Google Earth looking at pictures of remote Russian villages
What the fuck is wrong with them?
To be honest reindeer are fucking idiots and will run right under anything that's coming towards them
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Harry, my grandson
Do I really owe America my spending loyalty?
How long id your penis??
/v4/ & ground crew
Kurva anyátok
Why is there so much self hatred with Asians?
Russian girls are most beaut
Why do anglos eat this garbage?
Tfw no Black gf
One country is a violent brown hellhole on the verge of being a failed state with daily beheadings
Syphilis patients in Japan, more than 5000 people for the first time in 44 years
What does Sup Forums know about the American Civil War?
Sweden the cuck country
Endless superficial courtesy
1. you're cunt
Why are our shitholes so reliant on immigration for our economy? Isn't this inherently unstable?
Take a photo right now and post it
Sverigetråden - Oanständiga upplagan
Are Brits as tough and racist IRL as they are on Sup Forums...
Everything is going well in Japan now
/cum/ canada usa mexica
BTW guys...
It’s time to have a real discussion about American/Mexican relations
This puta calls you "el cabron aburrido muy loco"
Rare Culture/Ethnicity thread pt.4: Family Tree Template Edition
Will you just shut the fuck up already
ITT: we thanks our old colonial masters for something we love
Is your country right?
He doesn't stand with Israel
UK told to accept high Indian immigration or forget about getting a trade deal with India after Brexit
Am I Indo-Aryan or a Dravidian Australoid?
Pol/ has made me legit despise white people
Applied to a job in Japan because fuck it why not
1. ur cunt
Does your language have a casual version of "yes" like english has "yeah" ?
Will we ever see anything like WWII again?
Next superpower
Order medical cannabis on the deep weebz
Why aren't you helping black people?
Why do so many foreigners not know that it snows in Canada??
How much does a bottle of the cheapest Vodka cost in your country?
Why doesn't our country use normal green camo by default?
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Tfw Finland in ww2 used concentration camps
At what point did you realize you wanted an Asian bf?
Would you rather be turk or greek?
What was Sup Forums's reaction to Eurotrip when it was released? Did the euros get mad?
What is New England like?
Who is your regions neighborhood creep?
Tell me your passion how u love Nippon
National wealth data
/flags/ + /extraflags/
Are people in your country personally open to the idea of American immigrants
You can't blame him, the girl is beautiful
Philippine women are so diversed. How can latinas even compete?
Amerimutt hate thread
/fr/ — Le Fil Français
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Jesus christ
/lat/ hilo latino
Europeans going to africa = fine
Reme,ber to take your vitamin D, my northern friends
The e """"""u""""""
How do you eat steak?
You're country
There's literally nothing great about this country. It is only island with degenerate people and degenerate culture...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Culture Pals - /cp/
How come Spics are more violent than Black people? in California...
Are native americans worth keeping...
1. Yuore cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Is he right?
Jesus christ
Why are there so many communists here?
How do we fix the relationship between America and Mexico?
Is he right?
What are the flyover regions of your country?
Go to bed.. NOW!
Why do people say the Russians are bad guys?
Hey user, your dad and I have decided to we'll be taking in a 17 years old refugee child to live with us
Ur cunt
Edycja kotów
Hey brits, how do you feel knowing that you will have a part african KANG in the next few decades?
Why do white bois even try and compete with superior brown men?
Libya you have about 0.005 s to explain this !
1- your cunt
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Frogs uniornicly think this spineless protective socialist German pet will reform there economy
Vietnamese are the most powerful race in the world
Are American Latino artists like Camila Cabello, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Lil Pump...
Post your cunntrys best female athlete
Can they be re-programmed like other robots, or are the permanently set to full autismo scat-obsessed shit-banter mode?
Daily reminder if you don't live in countries in blue you aren't white
Guys I need 11$ right fucking now
longest life span in the world
be burger
How do American mainlanders feel about the ongoing Great Puerto Rican migration into the Continental US?
ITT: Candies from your cunt
Banter finn
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
Your cunt
Why are they so self hating?
1.Your cunt
Why do people watch it?
Finally a good and popular movie about Mexico
/sca/ Scandinavia general
This is a 10/10 in Finland
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/
1. You're cunt
When will the Stans finally unite?
If you HAD TO live in one of these countries, which one would you take?
How do we stop the mongrelization of europe lads. at this rate they wont be white anymore
Tea or Coffee
Why hasn't Mexico annexed them?
Meanwhile in Brazil
1 Nigger
This is literally the perfect Europe, and there is nothing you can do to disprove that
Wtf? a british prince is getting BLACKED and YANKED, abolish the monarchy British republic NOW!
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Sup Forums has become Sup Forums
Why do Americans hate the Amerimutt meme so much? I thought they were proud of being a nation of immigrants?
It would seem to be a universal constant that every country whose flag consists of the colors red and white is a...
Europeans like meat like THIS
your country
Your country
1)Your country
This brazilian monkey is whiter than 90% of "european" posters
Is scandinavia basically dead?
International cast in video games
What is this country even known for?
Socialism works!!!
Is it an issue for brits that African blood will enter the royal family?
Will England change their flag for when Scotland becomes independent?
What does the average male look like in your country?
/fr/ - Le fil de la Francophonie
How does average American look like??
Kurva enyészet
When estonian boy gives you a (you)
Mfw always thought that Americans being dumb is a meme, just like all the other stereotypes
Stop the Growing Trend of Germanophobia on Sup Forums NOW
I'm scared, Sup Forums. Are the electronics absorbing your lives?
Why is America so hypocrite?
Why are Germans so butthurt about Brexit?
Woah I'm 31% Middle-eastern and North African, that's insane cool XD!
Why are meds so hairy?
How can they become rich?
Is this country a friend or enemy of your country?
They were the strongest
Asia vs Europe
They were strongest Islamic empire but why did they failed to conquer Europe?
Do you guys already have carp in your bathtub waiting for christmas?
Don't let your country be destroyed
How do you say Cocks... in your country?
Oh god there is going to be mixed royals in the bloodline
Why are the red countries best at EVERYTHING (when excluding America obviously)?
If you don't have contactless pay by 2017 are you really a first world country?
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
Why is italian cuisine so disgusting?
This is average russian posters I imagine
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
I am against the practice of stealing wallets, but if you do, don't do it in Portugal!
Post real-life cyberpunk from your cunt
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Is it racist for a Spanish speaking person to call a black person "negro"?
Whats your opinion on Balkan people and countries?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Tfw lose will to study
I can’t speak English and it kills me
/NEU/ ehemals /deutsch/
Has your Royal Family been BLACKED yet?
Why there is no twink in India?
Do you think East Asian are smart??
Do Eastern European or Slavic women idolize Melania Trump?
1. Your country
Why do commonwealthers seem so attached to their hideous cuckstamp flags...
Which language should I learn between French and Russian?
/ex-ussr/ general
The MEDITERRANEAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
/fr/ - le francofil mâtinal
Philipine girls are for ______
Why are the Germans like this?
Finland Thread
What went so right?
Scientists send this to ailen
So we all know "soyboy" is a new term to refer to feminine men. In this compound word...
What are women like in your country?
Why do Asian students are always killing themselves??
Try to speak in a british accent
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What is wrong with me why an I depressed all the time? Its been 3 months already it won't go away...
Where have you been?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because...
Are there many interracial couples in your cunt? If so, what's the common mix? What's your opinion on it?
American gaijin (who can't speak Japanese) handling a Japanese police stop
Go to Japan
It must be hard to live in Russia
Now japan, why did you have to go and ruin dragon ball z with this retarded shit?
Is there any hope of simply bribing them to get them on our side instead...
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Why can't we read?
Tell me one thing that Southeast Asia does better than East Asia
Why are east asians sooooooo smart?
How do Yellow men feel about White men dating/marrying/having children with their women?
Is this the one country that can't be bantered? It's too evil
/lat/ Hilo latino
Americans have to be 21 or older to purchase alcohol
Why are Germans the most bullied group on Sup Forums?
Why do Americans love Israel so much?
The people with the most body hair on Earth live around the Mediterranean, in Scandinavia, in Iceland, and Hokkaido
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...