What's their fucking problem?

What's their fucking problem?

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>referring to all 6 million people

Anyway, I'm one of them. What has you upset?

good question, we don't know

The ugly language mainly.

At least they cucked Sweden and took their island.

>lose entire skane
>but we hav bornholm

their island? it was always danish

As far as n*rdics go they're alright i guess, Sweden i can't stand, they're all seemingly Sup Forumstards

>their island? it was always danish
Preben, please. Bornholm is rightfull swedosh clay. Even the americans know it.



nothing is "swedish clay", you are an african vassal state.

Shut yoir mouth before we tale själland and jylland

I ve heard they smoke a lot of Dank, must be nice living in Dankmark. Wish i could use drugs there and culturally enrich their women

>triggered paki
Fuck off back to pakistan

What's stopping you? Just go to Christiania in CPH, and you buy your weed there.

thought you shut it down, can you smuggle some over the öresund bridge to me, preben? I live in helsingborg, Come on over.

Sorry buddy, I'm not a reserve Swede, I'm a Jute, it's too far away from me. But it can't be that hard to get weed in Sweden.

Capital is on a island and not mainland
Shitty choiche but who cares

Based dank

danes and jutes were two seperate people until they united, the danes come from the isles so it was always the most important part of the country.

You forgot to add that our first King came from Jutland.

Country change capital over time to planning better
Your capital is literally closer to sweden than the whole jutland


the southern tip of sweden used to be danish, so the capital was kept on the island since it was the center of the country.

I know the history but this is in the past, in Italy for example the first capital was Turin and we changed it to Rome whenn we conquered the city in 1870

Italy is also completely different in the sense that your country was unified rather recently. Original danish lands have all been ruled under one crown since at least the 9th century.

Rome -> Mediolanum (Milan) -> Costantinople in ~300BC
Change of capital is pretty common in the past and in the future
In the USA for example NY -> Washington DC
I know that now has little sense since we are in the EU without any prevision of war but to have your capital so defenseless its a risk

norwegians are the only nerdics that qualify as human beings

They have healthcare unlike us.

I heard they don't have bath or shower unit in their houses and flats, just shower and hole near toilet, that;s fucking disgusting. Is it true?

Yesterday i finished 2 season of The Last Kingdom. Anglos there look like dumbs and god slaves, danish vikings look 100 times better than anglos. Somebody watch this shit? Your thoughts about them?

>anglosaxons came from denmark
>norse came from denmark
>normans came from denmark
>the danish invaded and conquered danish who then rebelled and kicked out those danish but were then invaded and conquered by more danish
fucking danish

the normans were french thoe

they were norse that settled in france

anglosaxons weren't danes though, they didn't even speak a norse dialect.

didn't say danes, i said danish (as in from denmark)
that's also why i said norse instead of danes

>it was always danish
no it's not, it's rightful 4th reich clay