Who is the best ally of your country?

Who is the best ally of your country?

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Argentina I guess

Army and fleet

Armenia of course

everyone hate us

The Netherlands and Norway in that order.

Lithuania is BEST FRIEND

We never really had a permanent and powerful ally, it was always something born of necessity. France helped us in the 30 years war because they wanted to weaken the Habsburgs, but we couldn't remain allied with them because they kept dragging us into messy wars we had nothing to do with and nothing to gain from. The Dutch helped us once or twice just to keep the balance of power but they stole our colonies. The English helped here and there I guess but didn't do anything major. We liked using Scottish mercenaries, does that count?

Based powerful Monaco. Seriously, we know they'd never betray us.

I like Chile






Because of Germany we got our independence. In WW2 they first backstabbed us but the German people hated that Hitler didn't intervene in Winter War. During the darkest hours of the 1990s economic downturn the only banker that lend us money was a Finnophile German, so I guess Germany.

well then

New Zealand



what ever country is the least like Denmark

1. UK
2. Poland
3. Canada
4. France
5. Italy

ranked taking into consideration historical ties, modern day strategic importance, disposition of the people towards us, and ideological similarity.

Honorable mentions: Netherlands, Australia, and Israel (yes I know)


Chile is Australia's best friend in South America твн

that's fucked up

>2. Poland
>5. Italy



We only have a master!

we've been buttbuddies with Poland for years now and Italy has the most positive outlook towards the US in Europe besides Albania (and Americans overwhelmingly like them, it's quite a feat to be a European country and be universally known AND liked in the US)


I thought nobody cares about chile.

France, US.
historically : Russia

Why never mention Ro, senpai ? Almost as many dead in coalition wars as Poland and 4th most deployed troops at 50.000 rotated. Ty for the exp tho. We're also spending a lot of defense in the next few years, the only reliable black sea ally, though not that much ideological parity I guess.

Or at least France instead of Netherlands. Italy has been involved in super expensive R&D projects with the US recently so I'll give you that, : (

I am as hairy as this guy :(
what do?

I'd go 1 Aussies
2 is maybe UK
3 for Candos
4 France, yah
5 is real

try going into bearmode

nvm didn't read France

If they weren't there we would be Britain's colony again.
I wouldn't mind to fight for them in future.
Thank You , Russians.

im lifting but im so hairy thats disgusting :(

Rom , Poland, Italy, NZ, SK are most likely the ones in our top 6-10 not in any specific order, or just somewhere in 1-10 wherever these days

Man I'd eat a baby in order to train with Romanian armed forces but I'm stuck in fucking Japan.

I'm sorry, ROMANia, you should have been an honorable mention for participating in our Baltic exercises .

>If they weren't there we would be Britain's colony again.
Any differences from now?



alot , 4 million pounds are not going to Britain every year.

everyone except korean

Nobody, all of our neighbours hate us

We are still poorfags and poorly equipped, but the units work well and we have a lot of old ordinance to spare regularly for exercises.


We need some military offsets, and stuff like pic related (HIMARS) and more defense contracts and you can shut your liberal's sewer mouths with some relaxation in the volume of your own deployments.

Netherlands a QT, cute cute cute

Sewer mouths or not I'd love to deploy to train with yall
and I agree, we should sell more of our stuff
surprised we didn't sell those missiles to the Finns, probably not to piss off their neighbors though


USA will help you .(If you have oil)

I hate you, ch*Loid



Army and naval fleet.

Argentina & friends.


Army and fleet.


even for belarus? couldn't you just say Russia

Shouldn't you be thanking Mongolia though?

USA or the UK

Send 4 million Priyankas in Russia


Estados Unidos

In that order

>steal the entire coastline of a continent for yourselves
>wonder why everyone hates you

No one hates Chile. They never did.

Anyone expected her.

I believe Belarusians is just a part of big russian tree like bavarians and saxons in Germany.

Well, maybe Peru or Bolivia.


Unpopular opinion to say the least.

Top bantz

>chop down all the macacos forests
>make soup of them too just to rub it in
>wonder why everyone hates you

>A continent
Just Bolivia

>Estados Unidos
How long till it becomes official name for USA?

UK or France.
Maybe Canada but they don't have any real power.

It already is in Spanish.

>Stupid americans believe europeans are their friends.

For us (Russians) it was a fatal mistake.

It already is, jokes aside

We are their friends.

can't help but laugh when burgers say they consider us friends
lmaoo kys


Probably UK. We share the most information with eachother and we have common goals

>No one hates Chile. They never did.

Are you president of EU or british Queen to say that US and EU are friends?

Closest ally is Canada.

Most beneficial ally is either the U.K. or Japan.

Never because later generations of immigrants ditch Spanish or speak it so poorly that they should ditch it.

We stand alone in all the world
Too American for Euros
Too European for Americans

>Stupid americans believe europeans are their friends.
Bad Post
>We are their friends.
Good Post

>can't help but laugh when burgers say they consider us friends
>lmaoo kys
Bad Post

>Are you president of EU or british Queen to say that US and EU are friends?
As if the EU was worth something. I'm talking for France.

No, I'm not from n*Rrland, I'm a SCANIAN bull.

Politicians and their twitter accounts.

Fun fact. Azerbaijan is 70% under sea level. If someone manage to build a canal from the Mediterranean sea, they would flood half the country.

Why do people always forget about Japan? They’re easily in the top 3 as far as US allies. They’re our single most crucial alliance in the East, and as China continues to be a growing concern, our relationship with Japan’s becomes ever more important. We coordinate the vast majority of our broad Asian geopolitical strategy through Japan.

If someone want profs.

we are the ally of everyone, except the Muslims, and China, and the Africans, and some of the Europeans

Not really.

Sorry, i forget the legend.
>Which Country Is The Greatest Threat to World Peace.

France, no question
literally the reason why the EU exists

Finland, whether they want it or not.

I'm doing my very best to forget about them as I am there right now
but I do know what you're saying, yes