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based Macron

Go back to England ausyralian convict

Why rood zinedine?

Don't understand the outrage. Seeking asylum is a temporary relocation. They should be grateful France took them in at all.

wtf j'aime Macron maintenant

China doing this all the time but media never speak about that, other countries too but always europe get bashed when trying to get in control of our borders


I want to see if he dared to talk like that to a guy instead.

Macron vs arab mafioso


He's literally a God
He even said that his thoughs are too deep for simple humans

we need a Macron here RIGHT NOW, giv

I'll believe he means it when he actually does something and not just spits a few words for the camera

>tfw you unironically wanted LePenn to win

>tfw you're glad she didn't

I don't understand frog. What's going on here?
What are they saying to each other?

>mfw monolingual

pls no
I'm also a spanish speaker (but that won't help my case against you, and my spanish isn't any good)

When Macron was minister in Hollande gov, he told that "the best way to pay a suit is to work" to unemployed people.

The guy in Marseille is mad about that, Macron approach him, the guy said don't touch me don't touch me, good for nothing. people in marseille don't like you

Macron said he does not represent all the people in Marseille and he leaves

So that was before he even became president?
Riddle me this Francois, and I don't know much about baguette politics so bear with me.
How well known was Macron before he ran for pres?
Did he really come from nowhere? How is he viewed in France amongst people of different political views? I only hear about the memes spread through here and how jvpiterian he is.

>Riddle me this Francois, and I don't know much about baguette politics so bear with me.

Nothing surprising.
Why don't you do your own research, dumb arrogant mutts?

Yes, this video is during the campaign. He was not a president yet.
Before he was in the Hollande gov, he was totally unknown. He began to be well known when he resigned from the government then he said he will run for the elections, then destroy the socialist party before the first round.
After medias did the job, he's very young etc.

People think he runs France like a absolute monarch. He almost destroyed the right wing party few days ago. He does not have an opposition, his party controls everything now.

I knew you were going to be arrogant enough to give this kind of response Pierre.
But true, I guess I could go out and research on my own. But I don't since I'm busy with life and nothing I do at the moment requires me to learn about French politics.
I'm just a bit curious is all, and Sup Forums makes it easy to ask people like (you).

>his party controls everything now.
The time has come then, get ready

>going to be arrogant enough

How ironic

He demolished both the left and the right in France? Is that possible?
It's just a little hard to envision that since that would be impossible in American politics.

>But I don't since I'm busy with life and nothing I do at the moment requires me to learn about French politics
Not funny at all man, this is Sup Forums

But he is right. Why couldn't you properly answer his question or, at the very least, ignore it?

The big thing is Macron's party, it was few months ago but now the blue thing (right party) is divided since many people left few days ago.
So you can do nothing, the laws pass easy

I can't stop myself when a mutt act like an uneducated prick.

is Macron just a guy who got pushed a little too far by the whole "le radical centrist" meme?

Uneducated? Even so, why didn't you "educate" him instead pf laughing at his question?

Thanks for the answers lads.

Fine, fine.

Asking questions is not an issue.
Asking questions and putting a stereotypes every two words is just the kind of rude mutt behavior that needs to be punished on Sup Forums and that shows his underlying mindset.

You can turn off the proxy now.

Mon ami, do you really think that I am an american with a proxy? Я нe oжидaл тaкoгo oт фpaнцyзa.
And what rude stereotypes did he mention?
>Riddle me this Francois, and I don't know much about baguette politics so bear with me.

Baguette is nothing but another way of saying "Frenchman". Kinda like "Burger". I don't understand what is it that you are so upset over.

If you give me the translation, I will make a subtitled video for you

If the French don’t want Macron please give him to us.

Well I just punished him, like he deserved, you're the one who's making it a big deal.

A mutt needs to be properly reeducated to be functioning member of society.
Sup Forums is a chance for someone like him.

He said that Arabs are good for nothing.

Man, I keep telling Canberra to quit their shit!

Seriously though, Australia Is Australian For The Refugee's Song: "Fuck Off! WE'RE FULL'Z!"

Why Aren't The Refugees Getting Here Faster? I Keep Sending Out The Fucking Invites...

Is It A Postage Problem?

You use those words when you want to banter. If you're genuinely curious you shouldn't be arrogant enough to use them.
When I ask questions about American politics I'm not putting a burger every two words.
So if you decide to use them you need to accept that the answer might be on a similar tone.

Ooh, france. So Fiesty.

La communication est Femme ;) Honhonhon!

>Seeking asylum is a temporary relocation
oh, honey…
these ""asylum seekers"" are never going back unless they're removed by force.

Exactly but he never will.
These asylum seekers can't be sent back, "thanks" to the EU

There's no such thing as a Moroccan asylum seeker, for fuck's sake.

Exactly, it makes no sense.
I hate how they try to say that every migrants is asylum seeker now.

Macron is everything that Trump could have been.

Asylum is a word in the English language that is nominally used in conjunction with 'Mental Health'

They do not associate the word 'asylum' and 'sanctuary' in any capacity. The word itself, because it is described/translated FROM/TO the Linga Franca (English), implies that you can 'blame someone else for your troubles'.

That's all the 'white imperial English diaspora' learned upon trying to survive in new cultures. "We Too Can Complain!" It's just that whites didn't carry over any of that 'fine breeding' from Europe.

Australia is a fucking classical example. Dumping ground for the unwanted U.K. problems and 'escape from poverty' for some of its citizens. Of course our country was going to turn into one that doesn't know how to MAINTAIN a culture.

The existing one was even kinder than 'that'.

Welcome to fucking Australia, m8!

how is that controversial? she over stayed her visa so she has to go home
just because she has a towel on her head?

>she has a towel on her head

yes, and because she's a muslim.

Why is this even a popular video? It's a random Muslim man yelling at Macron, and Macron just says, "t-that's not true, p-pls leave."

A French user can check my subtitles pls

> Arab: Why would we want to take pictures with you, when you say that the French are good for nothing?
> Macron: Hello, sir!
> Arab: Do not say hello to me.
> Macron: I have already told you something like that!
> Arab: Do not touch me!
> Macron: I tell you, you're wrong!
> Arab: You say that the French are good for nothing, and yet you come
> Macron: I never said that!
> Arab: Are we good for nothing? Then do not come visit us in Marseille.
> Macron: I come to Marseille, and not only because you are in Marseille.
> Arab: It is you who are good at nothing! You do nothing!
> Macron: Don't say nonsense!
> Arab: Over an entire 5-year period, you did nothing. You are good for nothing!


>The kings of African colonization cry when they get colonized by Africans


PR stunt, saw the camera and said exactly what his publicist tells him will bump his sinking poll numbers among the right wing.

She'll be in France until she dies.

>Mon ami, do you really think that I am an american

Sure thing :
Why are amerilards such pathetic liars.

Remember we can't detect any of your posts just by reading, no need for the flag.

You're right, I shouldn't have been soo insensitive to you.
I should've called you samir or mohammed instead, would've been more fitting for you.

this 100%. Just like the time merkel made a migrant kid cry on tv because she said she may have to leave. One year later she lets in close to 1 million of them and acts like it was her plan all along.

Disgusting neo-liberal slime like this have absolutely no values other than what they percieve will help them with their donors or in the polls from the plebians.