Why is italian cuisine so disgusting?

why is italian cuisine so disgusting?

It's Germans pretending to be Italians.

yeah the brand is german, but pizza in general looks disgusting. Only good pizzas are made by kurds.

>Product of Germany

plus side is that italian food is cheap like this traditional italian dish, maccheroni con ketchup

Needs annanas

This is some really weak bait. You have disappointed me Finland.

This is student meal level, Italian cuisine can be really expensive if you go for certain ingredients


So shat do poor Italians eat as their daily meal?

But that is American (™, god bless, hail the orange man) food.

Osso bucco is my favoriye dish tbqh

Blank pasta with cheap cheese and cheap wine to forget that they are poor ?

Holy shit whats wrong with italy

>upper class french
>grew up eating pasta with ketchup


Because children really like Ketchup since it's so sweet.

Saarioinen comfirmed for best pizza

>sweet pizza

it's not really pretending


wtf I hate shitaly now

100% Italian, stop shilling for your country and go home, Giovanni

Oh I was going to buy that but now I won't. Thanks you saved me $7

>This is student meal level
So? Most of popular italian cuisine has it roots in peasants making shit to eat.

Interesting, never seen chocalate ristorante here.

someone please stop germany before it is too late

But they do quite literally eat pizza with Nutella

Looks like dog barf desu

Is this what happens when German scientists aren't allowed to blow off steam by conducting experiments on jews and slavs?

This is what happens when German ovens aren't flavoured with essence of David.

Its actually inspired by brazilian pizza

How did you get a picture of my dinner?

they are just trying to imitate us, as always

hm lacks a drizzle of olive oil

Where's the oregano Giuseppe?

>Italian cuisine


No such thing. They're Iranian gypsies.