
safe Iran edition

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I've got a feeling this engagement won't last. Something about that interview with him and that 56% seemed off. The chemistry wasn't right. I almost felt like she wasn't taking it seriously.


How do I turn my bitcoin into fiat?

Wow so true


how much toil would a toilsman toil if a a toilsman could toil toil?

watching that program First Dates on channel 4

don't particularly enjoy being reminded that people younger than me don't have autism and can hold conversations

I had a job interview today with the council. IT auditing. I don't know what the fuck auditing even is. Had to look it up, sounds like one of those things where people who don't know what they're talking about collectively agree to name things in bullshit terms to make it sound like a profession

only made 4 grand since august


Hate toil, love money

simple as

Toil on my brain

Toil intruding into every waking thought


is Melbourne that bad? I've not been yet myself but previous flatties said they were very disappointed by it - and they're brazilian

alri Mehdi

gonna invest in ethereum in 2018

execute all bitcoiners

literally have lost count of how many bitcoin in my wallet i just have too many


>have £50k and a good business idea

if you had one shot... would you take it, or let it slip?

*8 mile starts playing*

why 2018?

like 'consulting'
what the fuck is that lol

Israel will have US invading Iran before 2019

soon you'll see

there are financial auditors like accountants who check companies balance books to make sure they're not committing fraud

also at my call centre our calls and files get "audited" internally to make sure we aren't telling customers to fuck off and fobbing them off (except if you're smart you can avoid being caught)

quite the auditing expert me


Was walking to toil at 9am this morning and saw some girl in work clothes having a smoke + red bull at the same time.

Truly dire

I would invest it all in Bitcoin, wait 5-10 years, and then never have to work again.

consultants are leeches, blood sucking parasites, never trust ANYONE who says they're a consultant

the most powerful man in the world




Melbourne is a bona fide dump. Even the Chinese say it's shit. Pure marketing brilliance, simple as.

the song is actually Lose Yourself


>also at my call centre

love melbourne wish i lived there

>I had a job interview today with the council. IT auditing. I don't know what the fuck auditing even is. Had to look it up, sounds like one of those things where people who don't know what they're talking about collectively agree to name things in bullshit terms to make it sound like a profession

living on the thin line
tell me now what are we supposed to do

should i cop this?


our israeli relations have been going down the shitter for years now

trick some bugger into buying it off you

toil on the morrow but my boss has planned for me to do the decent tasks all day

there is literally n-nothing wrong with working in a call centre

calculating 2+2-1 in a quick fashion

what about muh culture? isn't it supposed to be where all the art/music scene is at


latest tune

All I've managed to gain by looking into IT auditing is, it's just a fancy method and way of looking for things that could stop working or get a virus and how that would affect an organisation. Then writing about.


get this one it's better

TOIL ON THE MORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!

*calls you*

Fuck off we're full

not even gonna brainlet you, just feel sorry for you lad, hang in there

do you ever hang up on niggers?



their job is to get their foot in the door, then use fear to extract as much money out of you as possible while "fixing" made up problems

Also at this interview, I was asked "the big question" according to them, if "in my opinion" a network can always be 100% secure

I said fuck no, never.

wish I had a job

then what would he do all day?


It's really not that bad. Especially if its a small local company with a couple lads in their 20s, can be banter.

get off your fucking arse then and get one

love calling customer support then bullying the call center employees about their shitty jobs lmao


im trying

that is correct, good job mate

I work at a call centre. I rip niggers like you apart every day.

*rips you a new arsehole*


the chad threat
the virgin flee

3 inch willy lad?

Why don't you start Ireland's first fishery?

wrong answer kiddo, your fired

what the fuck is lmao

possible you are confusing an actual cybersecurity job (which requires a proper degree + high level autism) and an "IT auditor" job where you are probably a glorified digital beancounter who manually checks what other beancounters enter into spreadsheets for typing errors

>hang in there
by my neck hopefully any day now

I've worked here for ~18 months and never had to terminate a call for abuse reasons. If they get mad I just absorb it like a sponge and say "mhm yeah I understand". I don't think the callers appreciate how little the people on my end care. At the end of the day I go home and their problems do not remotely affect me. I'm just paid by the company to sit in a chair as the first-line defense to allow the higher-ups to actually do work.

p__ n_____

try harder
>not a fish in town or boat at sea





I see a peng girl then I pose

>Nova is here

can't swim even though I live on an island. mental.

You've got to be a brain dead mong to care about any 'culture' outside of NGV

Nah I looked into it. I have qualifications and a background of IT for 8 years, just not auditing. We're a remote office and the IT manager on the clients site is the person who corresponds with us

is it rude to call up a shop the minute they open?

not like you'll need to swim the channel anytime soon

you swam ur mums fanny fastest cell you were

Had to get the bus with all the schoolgirls in it, to work today. Must fap soon

giv potat gf

Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

got myself into a right situation here lads

currently renting a room in a ghetto part of london with two flatmates from the ol' continent (southern europeans) who don't speak english that well

no you cuck

oo igger

lmao he fell for the bitcoin meme

You don't NEED fiat anymore mate, you've got bitcoin :^)