Frogs uniornicly think this spineless protective socialist German pet will reform there economy

>frogs uniornicly think this spineless protective socialist German pet will reform there economy

The guy is a protective twat that is doing the same thing that his predecessors have done time and time again
Why do frogs honestly think they will ever become relevant if they keep bowing to unions and misguided nationalism
Macron is just Le penn with a pro Eu stance and pro immigration from The ME
Why can’t frogs govern them self?
Why are they so incompetent at economics?

I just want a strong France again ;-;

Other urls found in this thread:

Get better soon frogs ;-;

fuck off hairy inbred goblin on some foggy island, french are based and dont need your perfidious advice

>Why can’t frogs govern them self?

They want to l'ami, they're just waiting to seize the right opportunity.

He's not done nearly what's needed but credit where it's due, he has done more to rationalize French labor law than any other president in decades and that's their biggest problem by far


A literal who nation responds to me
Who is he?
I follow French politics but I’m not sure who he is
>uses duck duck go

Yes but if you compare them to us or Germany it’s still Venezuela tier
We need completion again so that when German gets nuked/balkanised the U.K. and France can go back to being rivals

>Why are they so incompetent at economics?


Yeah what he is doing about immigration is better than our country
But that doesn’t change the fact that he supports merkles children

We'll see. Couple Macron's reforms with an expansionary ECB and I bet French unemployment could get as low as six or seven percent

We don't want the U.K as rivals, we want them as a colony

love how brits now use us as a buzzword to strengthen their arguments

He's Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the next Robespierre or the next Stalin depending on who you ask.

Having a good thread
A Turk has to join and ruin everything

Macron plans to increase productivity
The well known formula is increase in productivity=decrease in employment

But I suppose that’s not always the case if he doesn’t fiddle with micro economics like his predecessors have done so
Because your people are white niggers

Weren't they both mass murderers? And who would compare him to a classical, liberal ideologue?

>UK rivaling France

After Brexit you will be rivaling Pakistan m9

rich coming from literal wewuzzers


>Who is he?
>I follow French politics

Say hello to the new emperor of Europe while your country sink

Lad the guy is irrelevant

Did you read the OP or do you want to carry on larping

he is the only opposition to Macron right now. If you are gonna make a bait thread you need to make it looks like you are serious

What about Le penn?
Did you read the article
The guy can’t even get a rally together

You left it just before he fix it, too bad

Le Pen is a complete meme and embarassment. Ever since Macron was elected, Mélenchon is the only opposing voice that matters, and he has been one of the best known politicians for the last years.
So you're either baiting or stupid.

Marine Lepen is extremely unpopular since she ridiculed herself during the debate with Macron.

I don't like Melenchon, I just tell you that right now he is the only opposition. All the political parties are in pieces.

>the U.K. and France can go back to being rivals
>*shoot yourself in the shot*
>"err surely France will follow suit and end up as ridiculous as us so we can keep rivalling each other :3"

You're replying to a commie but he's right sadly, Mélenchon is the only opposition since the recent implosion of the FN (Marine's first lieutenant was kicked out for anti-europeanism)

Now the FN is pro EU, I think they read somewhere this topic stresses the people to much

But he hasn’t even fixed your country
Except I am not anti Eu I am anti protectionism and socialism
Something France has in great quantities
Wasn’t aware how fucked frances political landscape was
I knew Le penn has lost a great deal of popularity and many speculate she will step down but damn

>t. John Cuckman
Holy shit brits are unironically getting fucked in the arse hard by the tories and they like it!

Why is it that right wingers are so fucking uneducated? He's moderate neo-liberal snooze fest that's honestly slightly further to the right than the status quo of France has been for a long time. Melenchon? Socialist. Le Pen? Far right populist. Macron? Centrist. Really, please never post again.

Bit of a shame desu, the FN had a point about the euro being bad but now there's really no alternative to Macron

You guys supported Le Pen because of memes, if you would know her presidential program you would spit on her, you guys are unironically closer to Macron than Marine

>the FN had a point about the euro
It does, but it doesn't know why it does. Everyone there is economically-illiterate. Macron is at least a former M&A banker, and now how to run by numbers.

How are they closer to Macron than Le Pen ? Did you see who is their president ? They fully support memes.

I'm talking economics, which is the prevalent topic before societal shit

I always preferred Macron to Le Pen though, her other policies were much worse
I assume it's just a matter of disliking foreigners and intellectuals. Usually a bad bias to have but in the case of the single currency it led them to the correct result

Stop using our philosophy
Neo libralism is british and encourages competition and globalisation
He is an outspoken trade protective

Now fuck of mutt

If anything, fucking K*ynianism should be honored as the British go to seeing as he was a Brit.

We are not England, a French Thatcher would've been murdered the first week of her term. The guy is a full blown liberal but has to refrain

I always liked Macron. He’s probably my favorite world leader of anyone right now in the world. He’s a competent pragmatic neo-liberalist.

The only hang up I ever had with him was his comment about “There is no such thing as French culture”.

How can you not realize the erasing of cultures is a liberal ideology is beyond me

You can give the Brits half credit for Hayek

.... only to follow it up with "but there is Breton culture, Alsatian culture, Provençal culture, Picardian culture". Still a retarded comment though, since there is the culture of Paris which is what everyone understands to be the "French culture" on the whole.

>being against a united Europe that can care for its own interests instead of following America and getting poked in the asshole by Russia

Eh true, And they repopularized Chicago-style thinking through Thatcher but that doesn't advance my point thoigh.

Heyak is british you muppit
Lord Rees moogg is british
What the fuck are you on about you spastic
I just hope next term he will go full on thatcher

Do you think England is a better place to live in than France? Your poverty rate is way above ours, I get that you're probably from the upper class but let's think about the people here

It’s not a black and white thing. Some cultures deserve to be erased like Radical Islam, but some should be celebrated, preserved, and cherished.

Communism is a far worse offender at crushing cultures than neoliberalism. The USSR and CCP erased 1000s of years of their history in their push to become industrialized.

UK employment rates and GDP per capita are higher than France though. And the country was a wasteland when Thatcher got elected, falling further behind every year; now it's comparable to the continental economies that eclipsed it in the postwar era

Of course employment rate is higher because there is almost no labour laws and people are forced to take a job extremely quickly if they don't want to get in the shit deep. I don't say that France's model is good, it costed us a lot and is highly inefficient that's why I'm Macron is reforming the labour laws. But during tacher's era and even more today, inequalities in the UK are insane.

anglo-americans don't care about social stuff, that's just how it is

France is slowly bleeding their wealth and most talented and smart workers because of their ridiculous labor laws. People don’t want to start businesses there because it’s such an insane hassle to just get a business off the ground.

Trends like that pose an extreme danger to France’s economic future, and it’s harder and harder to reverse the longer it goes.

France shouldn’t be bleeding more millionaires than underdeveloped countries like China, India, Brazil, and Turkey.

I do not consider a country to be good or bad depending on it's total wealth of gdp per capita (if that was the case Qatar and other shitholes would be paradise on earth). You're twice as likely to be a poor and depressive person if you're born in uk or the usa than in Sweden for example, But I'm not here to change your views everyone has bias even me

We don’t care about inequality
If you are talking about that meme image
It’s completely irrelevant to the U.K.
British people travel to work from one town to another
Or one city to another

That being said if you go to the north it’s a complete shithole Poland tier
But I don’t really consider them human so I couldn’t give 10 shits+ I am upperclass

>france is such an incompetent piece of shit
>i'm just trying to help

slimy cunt

UK’s main issue is it’s overpopulated, cramped, cloudy, and the average house size is a smaller than a tin can. It just isn’t an appealing place to live for most people, and Brits would often rather relocate to one of their former colonies when they can.

France is way more geographically advantaged.

The thing is that inequalities cost money. If you don't take care of your poors they will become pure monkeys and cost you tons of money, way more than if you invest in them.

That’s the consequence of a competitive market
If you are dumb and lazy you will loose your job or get a low pay
While the smart get high paying jobs
This creates a class divide and in turn anger and envy

It’s the greatest problem of capitalism
But I still don’t think frances solution of anti-libralism is the answer

What's your job?

He is.
>please never post again
Not your safe space.

Poors in Britain actually work for a living though, more "investment" happening there than in countries where pay commensurate with their low productivity is legal
There's plenty of room for everyone in the UK to have a decent size home at a relatively affordable price. They just need to liberalize land use and building

That’s true
I think it was 2011? There was an economic paper around 700 pages long that completely revolutionised economic thought in stateing that low inequality leads to high productivity

That being said
Every country with low inequality is extremely rich and has a fairly small economy with a lot of micromanagement by the government

Germany is a good example inequality is huge it’s extremely often for Germans to use food banks
But productivity is extremely high along with employment
Why is this? Because the nation has based its self around unity of state and civic nationalism Under Wolfgang’s leadership

Not every solution leads to the same result thus why when you say inequality costs us money I say northerners are inbred monkey people

I work at the IISS as a junior geopolitical analyst while I’m doing my PHD at LSE

If you genocided the poor other poors will take their place, you're sounding like the typical unbearable american

So you have literally no job, you produce nothing of value and you're spitting your bile on the poor and dumb workers (who are poor and dumb indeed)

whats worse is that eventually if you dont take care of the poor you become proud like the americans of the fact that the victims of the lastest shooting have to gofundme their healthcare

It’s just a joke famlam

Our northerners are stuck in there ways forever upset about thatcher (I expect macron will do a better job than thatcher) liberalising the economy

The true solution to the north is to go the German Method
Stop being so snobby as a society about university degrees and instead start to look at apprenticeships as an equal way to social mobility along with more government support for them(this will most likely happen as immigration will decrease thus manufacturing and manual labour jobs will become in high demand of labour)
Along with the Singaporean style of social housing to stop ghettos of old unionists being but hurt and trying to start race wars with pakis

Did you not read my post?
I work at the IISS
I used to have a part time job; as a barista, as a Clark, and as a runner in a bar
I have had my hands dirty mate

Who the fuck said anything about genociding the poor?

>not killing the poor

It sounded clear to me that geopolitical analyst is not a productive job, but props to you anyway I hope you have a comfy, it's just your hatred for people more useful to the society than you that disturbs me
good post

Emperor Emmanuel ">tfw too intelligent" Macron "the Jupiterian" is leading France to glory and there is nothing you can do to stop him.

It’s a joke mate

Come to the U.K. and go into a pub
You will meet working class and upper class alike mingleing in deep conversation about politics philosophy or just banter
It has been this way since the 1400s
It’s why so many brits don’t see themself as European
We have an extremely different class culture in comparison
For example Germans it’s very hard to tell the difference between a working class and upperclas person

>France invested the internet meme

Other than that good image
Needs some stake in it though

Did you mean it's hard for a German to tell the difference? I've been to Germany and you can tell the difference between upper and working class right away. You're right I don't know anything about British culture, thanks for that insight

The US isn’t ethnically homogeneous country like Sweden. It’s an immigrant nation. The issues we deal with are a completely different animal than European countries.

You ever wonder why Healthcare in the US is so expensive in SPITE of the fact that there isn’t a single payer coverage system? Because we actually do treat everyone regardless of whether or not they can afford it. We don’t just throw them out on the streets to die.

Because poor Americans will never realistically be able to pay off the cost of treatment, Hospitals shift that burden on the middle and upper class that can, which makes Healthcare insanely expensive for the average person.

A universal healthcare system here would be an absolute disaster.


>Germany is a good example inequality is huge it’s extremely often for Germans to use food banks
>For example Germans it’s very hard to tell the difference between a working class and upperclas person
>Did you mean it's hard for a German to tell the difference?
Please tell me more about my country

Germans do use food banks though
They are the largest users in Western Europe
>hard to tell the difference
That’s from my experience as a foreigner

I asked a question because I didn't understand his sentence, post carefully now Hans. Tho I did say there is a visible difference between the upper and working class in Germany, is it wrong?
Been to Munchen, it seemed pretty clear to me, the upperclass was walking around in suits

Did you even read my post? Because your graph only helps my point.

In 1980, we began experiencing a massive immigration wave from Hispanics which is largely what started pushing Healthcare prices through the roof.

Your country has suffered a similar weight on your social programs after taking in so many migrants, and had to cut down on immigration rates.

my apologies, i was prejudicial and thought it would be some stupid bullshit like in most cases

>I want a strong france again :_:
>to contain germany

No little tommy, no. The time of containment is over, the AYRANDIED has been cancelled.

We can nuke you anytime m8
It’s better to keep your peoples alive to make cool shit though

>Germans do use food banks though
Yes that is true, but more for the reason that it is so large and plenty of people wouldn't absolutely need to use it, it's just a fairly cheap way to get high quality food you wouldn't be able to afford otherwise.
>That’s from my experience as a foreigner
Understandable, but then you might understand why I pointed that out, since it's certainly fairly easy to tell the difference, if you know the culture.
>Tho I did say there is a visible difference between the upper and working class in Germany, is it wrong?
No you're absolutely right
>Been to Munchen, it seemed pretty clear to me, the upperclass was walking around in suits
Munich is bad example, since it's a very rich city, in other parts the differences can be somewhat more subtle, since it is part of German culture to not really show off wealth

when will europe pay its debts?

It’s completely rational. I don’t mind the EU so long as France is there to keep German autism in check.

The EU would be just another German Reich if it was just Germany + peon countries. France though isn’t gonna just let Germany call all the shots.

hahahaha fuck this country

we already did what with the refugees from your wars

You clearly don't follow French politics. Even a cursory glance at the coverage of the election would have informed you about Melenchon

The problem is france once was the one calling the shots (de gual) and ended up a laughing stock (lost Vietnam adopted the euro to become second fiddle to Germany)

I work for Soros ama

Wow, you really dont know shit about anything.

I have already pointed out that image is a meme irrelevant to us
I posted an article that summed up my view on it
Fillon and Le penn were the big players in the election

Learn to fucking spell mate. You're clearly nowhere near as informed as you think you are. You write like some lower class dole bludger.

Based de gual.