
Have your say
keep normies out today edition


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Like half of these were just copied from the Irish en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_inventions_and_discoveries

Is there a bigger WE WUZ nation than England?

>there are people here who dont fuck a new chick every week


any BLACK man?


Got 13 (You)'s last thread.


think we've all been there mate

what came before judaism

>being a virgin
>in year 2017
how is it possible

is it true that people look down on you if haven't lost your virginity past the age of 19

pretty much 50/50...
Also, being a virgin does not make you sub normie, conversely, being a non virgin does not make you a normie.

not one of those people



Kara BOĞA blood flows through my veins

Going through fluid mechanics and got confused and now I feel sad lads cause being smart is the only positive thing I have.

Can one of you cheer me up please

your mum


Listening to Aussie grime atm

Is there an Evola archive like marxists org? Never read him. Interested to see what the runt had to say


are you the yank with the retarded sister?

onii chan geimu

ah dw, i stopped being smart years ago and have nothing going for me but i turned out alri
t. not currently in employment

try harder

who robbed the hash from the gaff????????????????????

>catching up



reckon more people need to vote for it to be decisive

dad has a very vintage email



*adding some notes to my archive*


Negroes are a highly advanced and highly evolved sub-specie of the orangutan. There's more, but that is the basis.

AJ Tracey went to shit after Naila

My parents had an @aol until very recently and only got rid of dial up 8 or 9 years ago

>almost 10 years ago

haha wh*Tey is mad

Yea why don’t you come prove it then you spacky dog

China is a paper tiger

why does nobody have flags
why it broke

haha archive heh, anything about me in there

How did yanks do it

*sticks a trumpet up my arse*

he's real, lads

nah, just the yanks x

Give me your address if you’re Gonna talk like a hard man

never done it myself but i've never met an engineer who didn't complain about fluid mechanics given the opportunity, it's probably normal

how retarded?

when I was a kid my parents had AOL, I used to frequent the chat rooms they had on their. Absolutely FILLED with unchecked pedos. Lots of gay men tried to nonce me online iirc

this but unironically

so close
yet so far

reddit flags for reddit fags

any linkin park man in

ur mom complained about my fluid mechanics when it was running down her face a dripping onto the bedsheets

script updated to a new domain, look for an extraflags thread for more info

>online assessment for some easy fucking job
>numerical, verbal and deductive reasoning test
fucking christ

>did it in a rush
>running out of time
>guess answers
>notice at the end "do not guess answers, wrong answers give negative marks"
ahah fuck sake

ancient gimmick

big up whatever man showed me Naila here at 100k views

Used to do a lot of Linkin Park posting but seems weird now he's dead

Extremely, still plays with dolls at 17 years old

can i have sex with her vaginally

*quickly hides my warhammer figures*

if you dont like blues like this you are either homosex or underage

People keep using my food at uni
very pissed off

doesn't sound that bad

Has anyone ever actually united the Roman Empire on EU4?

That would take days

Applied for a job at the cinema.


Why is /brit/ so hostile to socialism? Is helping the poor a bad thing nowadays?

>People keep using my food

applied for a gf at the cinema

>amerimutt listening to black music

Look at this chart and try prove me wrong. No can.




Suppose she could be fucking niggers like most girls here age so I guess so.

Well what's your solution?
Just stop buying food?

>that y axis
hmm very interesting

need to suck this

gf sent this

Wait a minute that's not a chart

EU4 is shit t ry vicky 2


I had the exact same experience


It’s been an absolute laugh lads. I’m gonna finally end my life tonight and I wanted to thank you all quickly.

Keep a look out on Dover local news over the next few days for a body found at the bottom of the cliffs.

Over and out, lads.

how does one 'use' food you fucking monkey, what do they do use your cucumbers to poke themselves in the bum and put it back? mong

and either confront them, buy less, keep it in your room, or steal shit back

don't care about star wars and frankly i'm tired of hearing about it



thanks amerifriend

that actually does make me feel better

need to tongue this
not gay
simple as

please don't mate x

>how do they use my food
i get it, its stealing
>steal it back
i'm not a nigger

Sorry lad but I dont blame you

Better not you mong

Steals from his flatmates and gives to thyself.

See you tomorrow bruv

Attention uni lads.
It's the last day of term next Friday.

Did you go back home on the day, after or before?


have no friends not even online and have never had sex lads