Was he ever good?

I remember back in 2014 we considered Spoony, Joe, and Brad to be the 3 decent guys on tgwtg.

How times have changed

No, he was always unbearable to look at and to listen, don't listen to these millenial reditors who say that he was good once.

No one on Sup Forums ever liked that autist


I think we all felt bad for him after the Syrian holiday incident

No one ever considered Joe to be one of the decent ones. By 2014 most of Sup Forums had already turned on Spoony but he used to be loved on here. Brad was generally liked on here up until last year, a lot of people turned on him because he wouldn't shut up about the 2016 presidential election.

He is the earthly avatar of reddit

>tfw I still go back and watch spoonys phantasmagoria play through

Why can't he make something as good as that again?

Don't tell me what to play