Anglish: How English would look like if French filth hadn't bled into it; a case for aesthetics

Here's an excerpt of a press article about Brexit:
>After the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union in 2019, there will be a transitional period for two years, from the day of its departure until it finally withdraws from the Single Market and Customs Union, and ends free movement of citizens.
>The British government will introduce new legislation for this purpose in the next session of Parliament, but this will face great opposition from the right of the Conservative Party, who want a complete break with Brussels following the 2016 referendum.

Now here's the same text, but every word of Latin or French descent has been replaced by a Germanic equivalent, or a word borrowed from another Germanic language and adapted to English morphology:
>After the Foreoned Kingdom withdraws from the European Foreoning in 2019, there will be an overgoing time for two years, from the day of its outgoing until it endily withdraws from the Onely Handling and Toll Foreoning, and ends free bewaying of boroughers.
>The British rulering will forebring new lawgiving for this outgive in the next sitting of Speakering, but this will onsee great againstsetting from the right of the Upsparing Offscything, who want a fullstandy break with Brussels following the 2016 folkbackchoosing.

What do you think? Doesn't it sound much more poetic to you?

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så english used to be swedish

it looks cool honestly I wish they went back to real english

Tbqh as a Bong I really like the french influence on English, it allows for English to be Romantic despite its Germanic roots. Plus it makes English really unique in its structure, spelling, and punctuation allowing for quite eloquent phrases and sentences not present in wholly Germanic and Romantic languages.

>mfw kind of feel like but also feel like

can you speak French with thicc English accent? Wanna listen to it

It would be ugly. Latin words are what provide beauty and finesse to the language.

Latinate influence saved English from being just another string of saxon grunting noises and allowed it to become a world class language.

Is there a generator for this or did you do it all by yourself? Pretty interesting desu

it sounds horrendous

Wanna listen to French with English accent. Pls Brits, this is the text you read

r u a grrl ?


Still sounds like some european language

>Still sounds like some european language
English is a European language though

>European language spoken in a European accent sounds like a European language
big if true

did you guys think it could pass for french if you don't know french though

Do you fucking indo european language speakers think this sounds even some language from Europe, eh?!

That's English in a Jap accent, why would it sound like a language from Europe?

There's more
overgoing time -> övergångstid
againstsetting -> motsättning
endily -> slutligen
fullstandy -> fullständigt
boroughers -> borgare -> medborgare
foreoned -> förenta/förenade

This is not English, I spoke French

Whatever, it's still in a horrid accent that sounds nothing like a western IE language.
>r as an alveolar tap instead of a uvular fricative

i think even when english was more 'pure' it had a very heavy scandinavian input
for instance in my hometown's dialect we still say
ga hyem (gå hem)
and bairn (barn)
and in very strong dialect (like rural areas in the north) people will say "hus" meaning house

You need to eat more escargot and wear a small beret

wow, really?
danish had a huge influence on english, but even before that it was similar to scandinavian.
but bairn should be child, not barn,
see, barn = child in scandi

If you take Romance aspects from English it just becomes an even more incomplete and mediocre language, and in that sentence you didn't even put the grammar corrections it gets from latin.

Even now with all the help it gets from romance tongues it's still BASIC as fuck, you'd just end up with caveman speech .


2bh that accent was kinda joke, my French accent is still very bad though :(
Wew you speak French tres bien. My French professor said that learning French for English natives is like "becoming able to speak 1.2 languages". I know it's kinda exaggeration, but how easy was it?

no, French-speakers in louisiania are basically red unfortunately, pic related is me

It was pretty easy but I had previous background in Italian and Spanish. Getting an okay accent took a lot longer than learning the grammar and everything. My Rs used to sound like Arabic.

>Wew you speak French tres bien. My French professor said that learning French for English natives is like "becoming able to speak 1.2 languages". I know it's kinda exaggeration, but how easy was it?

there is literally a shit-ton more similarities between scandinavian and English than french and english.
why do you think scandis are so good at English and french are not?
protip: i skipped all my English lessons yet still speak 10/10 English.

"ga hyem" would easily be understood as "gå hem" in Swedish, the pronunciation is close enough

>If you take Romance aspects from English it just becomes an even more incomplete and mediocre language, and in that sentence you didn't even put the grammar corrections it gets from latin.
>Even now with all the help it gets from romance tongues it's still BASIC as fuck, you'd just end up with caveman speech .

Go fuck yourself you little brown shit.

That's all Germanic.

>56% mutt calls a WHITE Uruguayan brown

It's like piece of gâteau probably, but I also feel French is easy since I know English grammar to some extent
>protip: i skipped all my English lessons yet still speak 10/10 English.
Shit I don't wanna live anymore

Lessons are literally the worst way to learn a language. You get bored in class, don't learn any slang, and go out talking like you're a posh businessman.

Hahaha, exactly, and that's why I'm here.

English class is goodd only fro grammar then you have to face the real world to become good
That's why japan sucks at other languages, it is because it's a close country

>why do you think scandis are so good at English and french are not?
protestant work ethic?

Si... how easy is it for you to learn French?


Make England Saxon again!

bairn is in fact the word for baby in Scots, and now a slang word for baby in Standard Scottish English

This is not understandable

Better than the swede, I give you the note of kek/10

you have a weird accent, but you definitly know french

why was't it undesrtsandable? i took french in school.

>56% mutt calls a WHITE Uruguayan brown
Nice memes, their "white" ancestors are brown to begin with.

will it sound qt to tartelettes in Montreal

>Nice memes, their "white" ancestors are brown to begin with.
Half of the 44% are these pseudo-whites you describe

I think even French beginners don't pronounce the plural "s" lol

Very very easy
I studied french for only 3 years when i was a child and could speak to a medium degree to a french person but as time pass and since I don't have the need to speak french i don't remember so much
English to me is 5 times more difficult for example

Sounds cringey asf without latin, i hate it. I love being RVMAN

I think the main problem is that you pronounce silent letters, like the 's' at the end of words in plural

>t. Rajeet McDublin

It definitly will.

English is a shit tier language though.

German, Russian, Japanese are all superior to it.

Nonnnnnnn I'm fucking jealous of youuuuu
>mfw my mother tongue is too far from French

shouldn't English have a fucked up, medieval word order like German if it returned to its Germanic roots?

This desu. English is the best of the Germanic and Romance branches.

Anglish is cool, but instead of wasting time LARPing in Anglish why not just learn German?

My name is Magnus aurelius

>tfw can't speak the same language as Yui Hirasawa (平沢 唯)

Japan needs diversity. They will quickly see it become their greatest strength

>wanting other cultures to ruin animu

Poland has better english than all of japan and still they are very homogeneous
Bring your Sup Forums shit out of here

So this is my French phrase book(Locutions de base)
Any opinions, French speaker?
>Having Japanese as a mother tongue means losing a key to any kind of language
Exactment :D
Japanese have the lowest English skill in Asia lol

looks good
these idioms are extremely common

that's what i mean user, bairn means "child" here. there's loads of words like that, for instance bait (old norse: beita), lass (old danish: las), blather (pladder). the long unshifted vowels like in ga rund (gå runt) and especially the grammar are very similar.
i think there's evidence to believe that old english spoken beyond a certain line was in the same family and possibly intelligible with old norse

why learn french lol?

meant for

it seems accurate, I'll add that "sauver la face" is outdated.


Isn't it from a Latin word or something...?

It manages to sound even less human.

Actually I'm suspending my French study lol. Gonna start again next spring
I like Sartre and other modern French philosophers, also Levi Strauss. So I wanna read their works in original

Europa is greek
You are right but germanic tribes doesn't have a word for the continent

>white fingers
you are not japanease

Oh, yea, Greek...
But it means it's not 'fully' germanic

Wait a moment, those fingers...
You are not a male

Japan is the homeland of the wh*Teoids
It is the island where Y*kub bred the wh*Te race

this, we'd say "perdre face" but not "sauver (la) face"

In italian:
perdere la faccia
salvare la faccia
Am I right?

Je suis homme Vous merde



Our holy prophet was brown. We should all aspire to emulate him (peace be upon him.)

piss be upon him

to add to this, in yorkshire lots of our dialect is still heavily norse tinged; for instance we say "eyup" which is very similar to the swedish sey upp (and actually has the same meaning, but is also used as a greeting) along with everything the other user said

oh and we do that norwegian thing where we repeat ourselves at the end of the sentence
>i love scandinavia, me

The Prophet had light skin. Brown (asmar) by Arab standards would be Indian tier brown, which the Prophet was not. Moses, however, is likely asmar

watch your back, kuff

>languages that no one will speak in 10 years

This is a good text to practice your pronounciation, try to also make the liasons.

Don Diègue :
Ô rage ! ô désespoir ! ô viellesse ennemie !
N'ai-je donc tant vécu que pour cette infamie ?
Et ne suis-je blanchi dans les travaux guerriers
Que pour voir en un jour flétrir tant de lauriers ?
Mon bras qu'avec respect tout l'Espagne admire,
Mon bras, qui tant de fois a sauvé cet empire,
Tant de fois affermi le trône de son roi,
Trahit donc ma querelle, et ne fait rien pour moi ?
Ô cruel souvenir de ma gloire passée !
Oeuvre de tant de jours en un jour effacée !
Nouvelle dignité fatale à mon bonheur !
Précipice élevé d'où tombe mon honneur !
Faut-il de votre éclat voir triompher Le Comte,
Et mourir sans vengeance, ou vivre dans la honte ?
Comte, sois de mon prince à présent gouverneur ;
Ce haut rang n'admet point un homme sans honneur ;
Et ton jaloux orgueil par cet affront insigne
Malgré le choix du roi, m'en a su rendre indigne.
Et toi, de mes exploits glorieux instrument,
Mais d'un corps tout de glace inutile ornement,
Fer, jadis tant à craindre, et qui, dans cette offense,
M'as servi de parade, et non pas de défense,
Va, quitte désormais le derniers des humains,
Passe, pour me venger, en de meilleures mains.

Post Vocaroos


saving this

This is the opening of The Iliad, right?

Nope, that's Le Cid by Corneille.



anglish looks cute

To be fair, you have to have an ever so hiȝ witscore to understand Rick and Morty. Þe wit is utmostly crafty, and wiþout a strong grasp of beheld worldken most of þe gags will go over a plain watcher's head. Þere's also Rick's wearning outlook, which is deftly woven into his mood- his own outlook draws heavily from Narodnaȝa Volȝa bookcraft, as a forebeeld. Þe rooters understand þis stuff; þey have þe witly inhold to truly get þe depþs of þese gags, to find out þat þey're not just funny- þey say someþing deep about LIFE. As an aftermaþ lede who don't like Rick & Morty truly ARE dolts- kindly þey wouldn't get, as a forebeeld, þe wit in Rick's þingwise fangwords "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a hidden hint to Turgenev's Russish ettin Faþers and Sons. I'm smirking riȝt now just þinking about one of þose addled plainheads scratching þeir muddling heads as Dan Harmon's oversmart wit unfolds itself on þeir farseer shirms. What dolts... how I feel bad for þem. And ȝes, by þe way, i DO have a Rick & Morty carving. And no, ȝou cannot see it. It's for þe ladies' eȝes only - and even þen þey have to show þat þey're wiþin 5 witscore of my own (I'd hope lower) beforehand. Noþin beliȝting kid

thank you for this post

you sound like an ancient bard reading the Iliad.