Albanians are Muslim Trash of Europe. Cure your delusion.
Jayden Flores
1930's europe was alot different to 2016 europe
Hudson Wood
>We should follow Hitler's path 1:1 We would lose if we did this
Grayson Morales
He considered Chechens Aryans too. Go figure.
Luke Robinson
Slide thread
Anthony Young
>tfw albanian orthodox >tfw every fucking sandnigger says assalalum allukum or whatever the fuck they say to greet their sandnigger friends to me >tfw associated with a shitdirty religion >tfw if it wasnt for the fucking ottoman dickheads the country would be majority christian and Sup Forums memes about albanians would be cool guys and not fucking subhuman sandniggers REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Nicholas Gutierrez
Shitskin nation full of arab blood
Liam Gutierrez
When slavs sided with Hitler they were great. When they fought against him they were untermensch. Pic related Serbia's Prince Paul chilling with uncle Adolf.
Leo Wood
>hitler is never wrong
hitlerists should be purged from here as well as other naziboos