Is it really that big of a deal? How are we supposed to get our fucking cars home?
Who /drunkdriver/ here?
Reported to Justin Trudeau's cuck commando anti-drunk driving legion, squad #5.
You're done kiddo.
Drunk blowie joeys on the way home are god tier
>implying the Cuck Commander would waste resources on drunk driving when there isn't yet a refugee in every white woman
I do it all the time. Never even had a close call.
The only issue is if i am really tired and drunk, then i havento pay extra attention.
patrician taste.
kinda weird you go to the pub with your mom though
The white man tax is covering the cost.
lol just ride the bicycle carbabbies
Hey man, a hole's a hole...
stop retards
other peoples lives are in danger, not just yours
Drunk driving is not that big of a deal unless the driver is wasted. That being said, why take the risk? Why not take a cab/bus?
drove home way over the limit last night
had 7 beers, a 15mg pain killer and about half a bottle of whiskey
feels good man
I used to drive drunk all the time back in high school and college. I'm smarter than just about everyone though so it's not a big deal. Most people are too dumb to handle it. If you aren't, then it doesn't really matter if it's legal or not. Cops are fucking stupid.
Ask the Cops why they are harsh on it.
It is the same reason the drinking age was raised to 21 in a bunch of places.
The fatality rate and general injury rate goes way the fuck up in the air every time the Drinking and Driving laws are loosened.
You can have a wild free for all society but you will have many more deaths and injuries.
You can have a more restrictive and oppressive society but much less death and injury.
Not allowed to do that either.
>ITT people too poor to afford a taxi
Lucky fucker
Left a work party last night waaay over the limit. Had about 7 jameson and gingers. No pain killers tho :(
>How are we supposed to get our fucking cars home?
By not drinking? I dunno mang, it's a tough question.
It's only a big deal if you get caught, or if you wreck your shit, or if you hurt or kill somebody. Best to avoid it if possible, a DUI is a big expense compared to the inconvenience of going to get your car in the morning
You can lose your driver license, if you get caught drunk on bike.
Yeah its pretty great here, i think it isnt allowed here either but police dont care. General consensus is more like atleast youre not driving
>tfw living 10 minutes of walk away from a decent bar
>being so irresponsible with your money that you actually pay for cabs
>It is the same reason the drinking age was raised to 21 in a bunch of places.
it never occurred to me before, but did America raise the drinking age to 21 just to take the focus off harsher drunk diving laws? I seem to remember (from watching episodes of Quincy) that the courts went pretty easy on drunk drivers back in the day, because EVERYONE drove drunk occasionally.
Seems like when faced with a choice between passing tougher drunk-driving laws for everyone, and blaming it all on those darn kids, they blamed it all on those darn kids.
>"Its only a big deal if you get caught.."
As all forms of crime. Question is: Is it worth the risk? If its just one block away on a secondary road, yes. If you are travelling along the highway for a decent distance, then you are an huge faggot.
Drunk driving causes the majority of fatal accidents, but with that said, most people's view of drunk driving isn't factual.
You're more likely to die in a fall, but there's no mothers against heights over three feet group. The majority of the population feel emotionally against drunk driving and view drunk driving as unnecessary, much like firearm ownership.
There's no winning. You may able to drive better while drunk. You may even be able to drive better than most people while drunk, but the rest of the population doesn't give a shit.
They can have all the worst driving habits imaginable. They can never check their mirrors or blind spots, stay up to for 48 hours working and literally see things that aren't there while driving. They can drive while being 90 years old and having zero situational awareness, but the moment you have two beers and get behind your car, that's worse than all of the above because, in their mind, 'you didn't really need to'.
Bad driving is punished regardless or not you are drunk. If you're drunk enough to cause an accident, you're already going to deal with that accident.
Still, driving while drunk isn't worth it. They're take away your license for a year, at least in my province. Maybe if you're lucky you can pay a thousand dollars to be involved in a Breathalyzer when starting the car program, but that would be way after your court date, which can been months after you actual drove drunk.
Lots of people turn into retards even after just one drink. I don't and used to do it all the time, so did my friends, nothing happened. Being a bit relaxed can make you a better driver. As long as you're not totally fucked up on spirits, which we weren't, we nearly always just drank beer.
I drove quite drunk a few times. As long as I keep in mind that I must pay absolute attention to the road, I don't think I'll ever crash, but of course I try to avoid it.
DUIs are a very grave offence over here, rightly so considering all the people who die because of drunk drivers all the time. A friend of mine wrecked his car on his very first university party.
I really can't figure out how shitty of a driver you have to be to completely suck at driving as soon as you chug some tequilas.
Quality post. That pretty much says it all.
eh, I honestly think this is similar to talking on cell phones.
>some people can do it while driving, some can't, depends on how good of a driver they are, how the manage multi-tasking, and how good their concentration is.
Me post 20 beers + Energy drink is still a better driver than most minorities, old people, and teenagers.
Am I as good as I would be sober? No, reaction time is a down a bit, judgement isn't as good, and vision suffers, but my abilities are still superior to the aforementioned groups that are allowed on the road.
Personally, I think you should be able to qualify for your license while drunk, your BAC measured, then have that stated on the licence.
>for many years I was what my friends called the 3D. Designated, drunk, driver. Folks would pile up in my car or truck and I would always lead the drunk caravan of vehicles from the bar.
how far do you get drunk away from home? like if you have $20-$40 cab ride it aint that bad
Take an Uber you dip
>get cited for being drunk in public
>no thanks leaf
Drinking and driving should be legal. It's profiling. Just because other people drive like jackasses after a couple beers doesn't mean that everyone else does.
Take some fat, 300 pound man who drinks daily for example. A couple beers for him is... fucking nothing. He probably wouldn't even feel a buzz.
Drinking and driving laws is no different than racial profiling. "Hey other people in your group do this, so I'm checking you out too."
Police officers should be going after bad drivers; not the content of someone's blood. If someone is driving perfectly fine with alcohol in his system then what's even the problem? "He MIGHT cause an accident." Sure, same with someone who is driving while extremely tired, or a myriad of other things.
I used to do it kind of a lot. I really only drive on 2 beers now unless things go wrong. I live in the woods 25 mins away from the city.
>still a better driver than most minorities
kek, do you really think like that?
(((They))) want you to use public transportation, Citizen.
>not being able to walk down a street without getting arrested when you're drunk
Fucking rookie lmao
wow this thread is fucked up , my uncle died cause he got t-boned by a drunk driver who ran a stop light. drunk driving is irresponsible , putting other lives at risk cause you're too cheap to get a cab or ask a friend to DD for you.
Fuck you if you drink and drive.
Lack of forethought is a nigger trait.
They fight without a second thought of jailtime or death for the same reason you drive drunk without a second thought of jailtime or death
You're a nigger, OP.
Don't you retards realize you are literally driving a weapon? Your ignorant negligence should be treated as attempted murder, no pussy ass bullshit like revoking your driving license.
You an Albertian buddy? The town I was in this time last year is apparently the drink-drive capital of the country, loads of crosses on the side of the road commemorating where silly lads had got themselves killed drink-driving. Didn't do any myself, but got in the car with a friend who had drunk a shit-ton, so still got the local experience.
Only numales can't properly operate a vehicle while intoxicated.
GenXfag here
It used to be legal in my state to drink and drive until the mid 80's(as long as you weren't drunk) and I believe the drunk level was. .125 or something. They started it fairly high and lowered it after time, of course.
I drove drunk 100s of times in college without accident. I got pulled over and told to walk home, though, or whoever I was riding with did.
I think it's a stupid thing to do, but no, it's not the end of the world. It's a pretty alcoholic thing to do, though.
>drinking the alcoholic jew
Nope, the merchants in Big Oil want you to drive wherever you go.
I don't drink cause I don't want to hurt my gains and because I drive without insurance. The risk is greater than the damage that you do to your body drinking.
wtf I hate driving now
I had a business in college where myself and a friend would drive to get you together, them one of us would tail the other in the customer's vehicle to their destination. $40 per ride. Made a lot of money doing that until we got caught operating without livery (class E, New York) licenses. $150 fine each, kept doing it anyway throughout college.
I wish i grow up to be as badass as you some day.
Yeah let me catch a bus at 1 in the morning to the middle of the forest 20 miles away. You dumbasses have no idea how spread out America is. Driving is how you get places.
Fuck your uncle. He probably helped cause the accident and you're lying about what happened.
That's how it is on the Internet. You only ever get one side of the story, like when people tell stories of when they got in a fight. "So I was minding my own business at a bar and this guy comes out of nowhere and punches me in the face!" It's like suuuuuuure that's what happened.
You're a fuckin' liar and I'm glad your gay uncle died.
>Asians and curry niggers drive like shit around here. This is fact.
>Mexicans don't have insurance or licenses, drive like shit, and drive vehicles that aren't road worthy.
>Niggers drive around sipping purple drank, on multiple kinds of drugs, in poorly modified vehicles with Ben-Hur hubcaps or 40" rims.
>Women just can't into spacial reasoning
Yea, pretty much believe this. I have been your country as well. Your people can't drive for shit.
>drive drunk frequently
>when I do, I'm 10000x more alert, more safe, and I drive 100 percent by the book, the type of driving that would make a driving instructor/driving tester an orgasm
Seriously, I'm way safer driving drunk than I am when I'm sober. I'm a really aggressive driver when I'm sober, tail gating, running yellows, weaving in and out of lanes without fully checking blind spots
When I'm drunk, literally everything is by the book except for my BAC.
I'm just paranoid of getting caught.
unless others are like me, I don't think they should drink and drive.
>drunk rig pig in his truck
>ripping around corners
>can't control his vehicle and kills someone
fuck that. I absolutely hate when people drink and drive and do stupid fucking shit
This was my thought as well. Then after a few beers at dinner I smashed a deer while driving home. Car wasn't too bad, but somebody who drove past at some point called the highway patrol. Bout 5 minutes after it happened while I was still looking at the damage cop pulls up. Ended with a DUI after a trip to the station. Then the fucker took me back to my car and just dropped me off on the road so I could "call a tow truck" (at this point it was about 11-30pm).
Shit was lame and my insurance was pretty bad once I got my license back again. Not quite a big deal anymore but doubt I could ever get a commercial drivers license now, plus the $ cost of the whole thing.
You may drive great when drunk, but that doesn't mean shit can't happen and force you into the situation of talking to a cop while you smell like alcohol. just my 2 cents.
worked patrol for 10 years
you assholes really are oblivious to how shit your driving is
>be me
>morning shift holdover, someone called in sick
>see car driving in wrong lane on the main drag of town at like 5mph, weaving
>car not stopping
>follow car for about 4 blocks
>all the other drivers getting the fuck out of the way
>car turns really wide into ressie subdv
>too wide, now jerked up onto curb, still going
>partner comes from other direction, boxes in with bumper
>approach drivers side, is some lady in her 50s
>just sits there
>doesnt even make eye contact
>car still in drive, reach in and put it in park
>grab keys
>extract lady from car
>cant even hold herself upright
>eyes glassy as fuck
>field sobriety time - recite the alphabet
>still holding her upright
>the alphabet lady, come on - A, B, C...
>lady keeps repeating the letter A over and over
>roughed, cuffed, & stuffed, hook for 1
this was at around 7 in the fucking morning
everyone out & about, kids going to school
>user thinks this is not a big deal
I do it often. So much better than getting a cab home for like $70.
Of all the degenerate things I did when I was younger, this is the thing I am most ashamed of. You put families at risk when you do shit like this. You should actually be killed.
Have you ever been DD? It fucking sucks. A true friend wouldn't subject their friend to that.
Just have a look both ways when you go through an intersection even if it's green. Taking it for granted that it's safe is fucking stupid.
stop justifying your niggerness , just take an uber you jew fuck. it's fine if you have 2 beers that's fine but if you're wasted then go fuck yourself.
Former Drunk Driver here.
Got in an accident 5 years ago.
$10,000 by the time i was done.
3 years informal probation.
30 days community service
2 years Ignition Interlock Device.
Not worth it guys.
Only good thing out of it was I stopped my degenerate drinking.
Already said that this isn't something I do anymore. I'll drive on 2 beers or I stay at a buddy's house.
I don't even think your religion allows you to drink anyways.
Drank five beer over the span of 6+ hours last night and did 2 grams of cocaine, drove home.
>Drinking the fermented Jew
You wouldnt have that problem if you werent such a fucking degenerate.
The coke negates the beers... c'mon man
Funny and original, too. Now don't tell me you make 6 figures at the age of 18 or i'm going to faint.
uber OP
trust me OWI/DUI are no good i have 2
Well im not retarded like her, and im not a woman so i acutally know how to drive
Those laws exist in the US solely so if you do in fact hurt someone you can be charged.
I've been so drunk I was falling off my bike and the same police who were handing out DUIs left and right helped me lock my bike up and let a friend walk me home.
Ummm bro? Five beers over the span of six hours would put you below the legal limit.
>Drinking the alcoholic jew and engaging in nigger activity(driving drunk)
Enjoy those phytoestrogens in your beer and DUI fees
Compelling argument, you fat alcoholic fuck.
Probably true, you just sound like a tool.
I like how pol constantly harps on statistics when it comes to nigger IQ, black crime etc but drunk driving comes up and suddenly it's anecdotes and overestimations of self-ability.
How hard is it to stop drinking 1-2 hours before you plan on leaving? You won't be intoxicated if you give yourself time to sober up.
That's the general consensus everywhere until you crash into a group of people
K cop boy, answer me this one
also, I have a friend who is RCMP, I'm well aware of how lights are number one way you catch someone.
I feel like I've beat the game.
I can see his point, almost everybody thinks they drive fine, but with no-one actually judging your performance, it's just your word. A friend of mine holds his beer well and balances it by not drinking too much and mixing with water, and he drives fine a bit drunk, but on the other hand I've ridden with people who are beyond shit drivers sober.
People who can't drive while drunk are the same shitheads who can't drive while sober. Go the speed limit, pay some modicum of attention and you'll be fine.
Wouldn't of drove if it wasn't for the 2 grams of cocaine. Woke up pretty refreshed went for a couple slices of pizza and had a red bull after, I feel like one million dollars.
Friend the thing is, you can have alcohol in your blood, be drunk or whatever and still be perfectly able to drive safely, BUT some faggot hits YOU, you test positive for DUI and YOU are fucked
I used to drink and drive all the fucking time. Seriously, all the fucking time. Never had any accidents or anything. A few times I was so shitty drunk, I didn't even remember I drove home.... Whatever, I was big into drinking back then.
Then I got caught. And it fucking sucked dick. I'm sitting there, in these dumbass classes that I had to pay for, and get to, without my license for a year. Looking at all these assholes that had 2,3,4,5 fucking 6DUIs Like older women, in there crying about how they have to go to jail for 6 months, and will never ever hold a licence again. At that moment I decided
>I'm not going to be one of these fucking idiots.
And then I stopped drinking.
Have fun in the pokey, faggot
> How do I walk
These are just white niggers justifying their behavior. There's not much of a difference between niggers of different skin colors.
If it wasn't for the cocaine I would of been able to drink more, sometimes I have trouble consuming lots of alcohol when I do cocaine, it is probably for the better.
You felt it was necessary to stop drinking entirely?
Lets put it this way kid, I've driven drunk 3 nights a week (8+ drinks) for 5 years past cops and shit and never got pulled over
Get fucked pussy
Why would anybody drink in the first place other than societal pressure, really?
>tastes like shit
>fucks with your head
>Sup Forums will defend something as dumb and irresponsible as drunk driving
They're weak willed degenerates
r. Friendless Loser
wew this edge tho
You Uncle could have fallen off some scaffolding, he could have been hit by a person who didn't see him. Could have been struck by lighting.
If any of the above happened, you would have said 'that is life', put on your big boy pants and go back to what you were doing.
When your uncle was killed by a person who was temporarily a worse driver, you chimp out. Instead of imposing reasonable restrictions, like say, if you're in an accident and you've made yourself a worse driver you are penalized more than you would normally be... No, you decide that relatively is going out the window.
Everyone who is perfectly fine to be on the road still gets pulled over in traffic stops and checked. Then you fuck with them, violating their right not to be arbitrarily detained. Yes, the supreme court of Canada did rule that it's a violation but then saved it under section one.
Grow the fuck up, you coward.
I agree... That means you got some good coke, which is weird, considering you're in leafland... I wouldn't have thought that canada had good coke, but when there's a will, there's a way, right?
lol what a dweeb
Men ride women fagit