Who /drunkdriver/ here?

stop retards

other peoples lives are in danger, not just yours

Drunk driving is not that big of a deal unless the driver is wasted. That being said, why take the risk? Why not take a cab/bus?

drove home way over the limit last night
had 7 beers, a 15mg pain killer and about half a bottle of whiskey
feels good man

I used to drive drunk all the time back in high school and college. I'm smarter than just about everyone though so it's not a big deal. Most people are too dumb to handle it. If you aren't, then it doesn't really matter if it's legal or not. Cops are fucking stupid.

Ask the Cops why they are harsh on it.

It is the same reason the drinking age was raised to 21 in a bunch of places.

The fatality rate and general injury rate goes way the fuck up in the air every time the Drinking and Driving laws are loosened.

You can have a wild free for all society but you will have many more deaths and injuries.

You can have a more restrictive and oppressive society but much less death and injury.

Not allowed to do that either.

>ITT people too poor to afford a taxi

Lucky fucker

Left a work party last night waaay over the limit. Had about 7 jameson and gingers. No pain killers tho :(

>How are we supposed to get our fucking cars home?

By not drinking? I dunno mang, it's a tough question.

It's only a big deal if you get caught, or if you wreck your shit, or if you hurt or kill somebody. Best to avoid it if possible, a DUI is a big expense compared to the inconvenience of going to get your car in the morning