1. ur cunt tree

1. ur cunt tree
2. how much you drink alcohol?

1. Finland
2. 4-6 beers once a week (every friday)

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I have sex with girls, I dont need to drink shitty beer for a good time.

everyday either beer or wine

1. america
2. 0

I drink a glass or two of wine 4x per week

1. flag
2. No regularity. I might binge drink one day of the week, or have a few glass of wine every day for a week, or just drink a beer or cider twice a week.

I prefer wine to beer, specially light wines like green-white or (dry) moscatel (it's like a moscatto, I think).

wine is our blood

1 404
2 every day, a couple of beers or a couple glasses of wine

I drink table beer if I want to stay sober (1-3% alcohol depending on the style), or a glass of wine with my food.
I drink strong beers (>5%, usually 8-13%) or wine when I want to get drunk.

I still look good and my weight is ok, but I feel like I should check my liver. I sometimes take silymarin extract pills for the liver.

My dad was an alcoholic, so was my grand-mother's father. It a generational spirit, a family curse in the male line.

1 or 2 bottles of 0.33cl beer a week
sometimes the same but during 2/3 weeks

usually 4-6 cans in a friends house then go to a club or pub and have drinks there too

Same as OP but on Saturday, alone in my shitty apartment while I watch some movies

>silymarin extract pills

Never heard of those. Are they backed up by science or is it just another mumbo jumbo natural "cure" for everything?

As much as I can, whenever I get the chance.

1. Denmark
2. about a liter of trash white wine a day, or the rough equivalent in beer (alcohol) or maybe some gun and tonic some times if i feel fancy, or run out of beer and or wine

i have a problem

>0.33cl beer

3-4 beers a day. minimum. I dont have a problem though

i fall for everything addictive

1. Flag.
2. I'll often have a beer or a cider whenever there's a good football match on TV. Also a glass or two of wine with dinner every now and then. Then perhaps once a month or so I'll actually drink to get drunk.

I only drink on festivities.

All or nothing. 3-4 beers is the worst, least satisfactory amount one can have. It just dulls you, gives headache and brings insomnia. Like jumping from a diving tower and falling short.


>3-4 beers is the worst, least satisfactory amount one can have

Maybe if you're 200kg alcoholic

2-3 beers a day

t. bavarian

1. US
2. Alcoholic so once every 1-2 months I down a liter of 40%

haha are you gay, I remember drinking 3 liters of beer once and I wasn't even staggering it's just water bro

It is backed up by science actually it is one of the few things that hospitals can administer in case of amatoxin poisoning withing the first hours (death cap mushroom), and it is also use with alcoholics that are really far gone but have no cirrhosis yet.


I understand your healthy scepticism, personally I always check pubmed and the academic literature.

Problem with the health food store crap is poor bioavailability. There exist better derivated (higher water solubility hence better bioavailability), but they are patented. You can easily make it yourself though, you need to find a source for bulk standardized silymarin extract and complex it with lechitin (health food store) or beta-cyclodextrin (order online).

I use the same line of thinking with beer. Our beers are usually strongly hopped, but humuline and lupuline, the bitter constituents in hops, are also potent estrogenics, and the cause of manboobies and beer bellies. It makes no sense to stop eating soy products while you still drink beer.

But again nature offers a way out. Flax seed oil contains certain constituents (beta-glycans I think, have to re-check) that have a strong affinity for the estrogen receptors, but have very weak estrogenic effects. Essentially it does the same as tamoxifen (nolvadex) or clomid, it binds to the estrogen receptors but has no real activity, but as suchs it blocks the receptor so stronger estrogenics can't bind to it anymore.

I still have to dig up some more on this one, but it looks like a good idea just to drink a bit of flax seed oil every day. It should work against estrogen in the drinking water or bis-phenol A too.

24 pack every friday and saturday
t. binge-drinking pro

I like to have a beer or a glass of wine after work, usually only get sloshes once every few months tho

>1. flag
>2. No alcohol at all, because it triggers cluster headache attacks. Before they started, though, I'd at most have a glass of whisky or two in the evening on weekends, I wasn't much of a drinker at all, so stopping altogether wasn't a big loss.

Just drink vodka if you want to avoid xenestrogens. I mean, alcohol itself is bad for your, well everything, but at least your T might be slightly higher if you switch beer to vodka.

True, I just really like the taste of a good strong beer.
Red wine is a better choice too, the polyphenols in there have an aromatase inhibiting effect, meaning they block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. So technically this should be better than vodka.

I have an Soxhlet extraction apparatus and good lab skills (and access to most academic journals), my autism is quite strong when it comes to stuff like this.


>Cluster headaches
My condolences.
How haven't you killed yourself yet? Do people ever get well from that?

2-3 beers every other day
don't drink more than 3 a day anymore because I feel shitty the next day

used to drink a lot (almost daily, 5 beers - infinite), now trying to lose weight

>2-4 bottles of wine, 5-7 times a week

2-3 bottles of wine a day.

>How haven't you killed yourself yet?
I honestly don't know. Regard for the family, I guess.
>Do people ever get well from that?
Sort of. Most people have the periodic version, where it's "on" for a period of days/weeks/months where you get X attacks a day - the cluster it's named for - and then it goes away for months or even years, but I'm one of the lucky few to be chronic. 7 and a half years and counting.

I'm glad yours are so infrequent.
Cluster headaches are genuinely terrifying, I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy.

You seem to have misunderstood. My cluster headache is chronic, meaning my attacks occur without any of the pauses people with the periodic version get. I haven't had a day without cluster headache attacks in the seven and a half years I've had it.
And yeah, it's hellish.

Jesus christ, I am so sorry.

1. finland
2. 2-3 beers in a year