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International #824
Which country have hug culture as greeting?
/brit/ the british culture general
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/megaCHAD/ aka /deutsch/
What is Sup Forums drinking tonight?
Americans call this a sandwich
Are japanese the strongest asians?
How come japanese soft power is so big if they speak chin chon? what is so appealing about it?
Is Obedience considered an important quality in children in your country?
Ask a drunk American anything
Tfw your country is a God at sports
Le 23%
You download tor browser and enter to deep web but you dont find anything good only fbi scams
Go to other boards
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
/v4/ & investors
What the fuck is their pr*blem
Okay Finland, what the fuck is this?
Ask a drunk Polak anything
20km of coastline
Why are the French so good at making videogames?
A question for pro-EU Germans on Sup Forums
21 years old
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/lat/ hilo latino
Still praying for a 7.5 earthquake to strike this shithole
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How can I differ a Japanese, Chinese and Korean just by looking at them?
Who is your country going to side with in the upcoming American civil war?
I don't like Mexicans
1. your country
Tell me what you know about my home states
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
French flag
Why are Americans stupid?
What's the most important country that speaks your language?
What's the best country in the southern cone?
White males have straight, smooth hair
How are you spending your friday night, Sup Forums?
Was going to edit a map to bully portugal
Hello fellow anglosphere brethren!
Sverigetråden - Karl XIIs upplaga
Stand up if you hate the french
Why do East Asian people immigrate to Canada, US, and Australia but not Europe?
If your country was to be split up into two, where would the boarder be?
I’m feeling a little mischievous today, so I’ll ask something that’s been intriguing me for some time
longest life span in the world
I thought that Prussia still existed until I was 16
Why is Croatia even a thing? What's their history? Why'd they join the Nazis?
What is the most scandalous thing to have happened to your nation in the 21st century?
After Cyprus, which will be the next non-European country to join the EU?
/fr/ - le fil de l'agriculture rupestre
What are some xenophobic/racist jokes in your country?
Times you were mean to foreign kids
You wake up on easter island
Are there really people here who want to kill Americans?
Which of these countries is your favorite?
What are some stereotypes about Romanians in your country?
Do you stand with Armenia or Azerbaijan?
We don't have Britain's history
/cum/ canada usa mexica
/bach/, sonst /deutsch/
Be neet
How would you describe the women of your country?
1. your cunt
Wtf? i love hawaii now!
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Which country has the best looking women and why is it Poland?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Why are gays in Europe/North America such Islam apologists?
Sup Forums - let's have an international general
/ita/ il filo
Canada lifts visa requirements on Romania and Bulgaria
America is talking about its wall, ITT: we talk about what we want for Europe. Which naturally, Britain will pay for
What does Sup Forums unironically think about the mexican people?
Sup Forums BTFO
Post image that scares white people
Who /45th parallel/ here?
Learning German Language
ISIS is Islamic
The Gulf Arab model
This is considered white in the USA
Which country had the best one
You don't know how good you have it, not being born a Shitalian
What future do you want to see for the EU
His "language" can be learnt by an amerilard in under 1000 hours
How is Bavarian culture different from Austrian culture?
Native English speakers of Sup Forums, What do you think when you read broken English on Sup Forums?
Confess your sins, my child
Naked people playing tag in a gas chamber
Sometimes i go in my mom's bed to cuddle her
Last bastion of free speech in Europe
How do I immigrate to sweden?
Hey at least you can still post amerimutt memes
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmysupplagan
Your honest opinion on this country thread
Death penalty is the only thing that can reduce our crime rates
How are foreigners treated in your country?
Why are they so mad?
/v4/ + foreigners
You cant say "merry christmas" in america
Go to the beach
Which culture in history has sexist costume?
Hispanics calling spain dad
How do you spent fridays in your country? In Finland i made today some meatballs and lentils
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
Is this image true?
/brit/ the british culture general
Why do Americans slice their sandwiches like this?
1. Your country
When you take that first sip of the day
1. Your country
/Sino/ 中文 Chinese thread
I've decided to finally leave 4cancer
1.your country
Punjabis are the fairest ethnic group in india
/cum/ canada usa mexica
It's happening!
Uma delicia
Sverigetråden - *Blockerar 2Dbögens väg*
Ask an Arab living in Arabia anything
Why are Europeans afraid of guns?
On Finns
/brit/ the british culture general
Post your December weather
Why do girls need thick dicks if they can cum using your two fingers?
Happy Great Union Day, Romania!
Amerimutt collectors edition
Italian buildings
/ex-ussr/ general
Sverigetråden - låliupplagan
Finnish is hard to learn
99% of girls wouldnt date me because i am 5'6 and ugly
Talking to Taiwanese
What do burned T*rkroaches smell like?
Why isnt ukraine smart?
Will they ever apologize for enslaving and slaughtering millions?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Post Virgin x CHAD, Sup Forums related
Koreans can't read documents from 50 years ago! Kek
What's the difference between these 3 (4) countries?
Go to America
I admit Hangul is superior
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Who else here /paid shill/?
ITT: We praise our creator
/brit/ the cool kids general
What happens here?
What languages did you study in school, Sup Forums? And for how long...
Why is Russia so poor? Is this EU fault?
/deutsch/ Aus Prinzip-Ausgabe
Today is muhamed (pbuh) (birthday say something nice about him
Whites are master race
The average brazilian poster
/lat/ hilo latino
Which country had the best one
/brit/ the british culture general
How do you dress Sup Forums?
You guys are fine
Why japan woman have hair vagina?
What is the red stuff?
漢文 Thread
ITT: we speak using a language we dont know
/mena/ goes in the subject field you stupid Khaoula orbiting chink
Are you exited for christmas?
tfw you know 30 languages
What degrees can a dumb person study at University?
It's euro hours on Sup Forums again
Which countries in Europe
This is what average nordic poster looks like
Tfw people will say sadiq khan is more british than me
Do you ever use Sup Forums memes irl?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Germany?
#1 accomplishment of your country
日韓 Thread
/brit/ the british culture general
Kurva anyátok
Why do they stink?
Post girl
Your age
How come they all know english?
First thoughts when you see this flag
Obama can the president again or it's not possible ?
What does Sup Forums think of Africa's current and "emerging" megacities? Which would you pick...
Is this the greatest subplebbit of our time?
Are Koreans and Japanese the same race?
Quick, try to speak English without any romance words! You can do it!
What are families like in USA?
/brit/ the british culture general
R8 my suit
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
While Central America is regarded as one of the most dangerous regions in the world for murder and violent crime...
Why cant white people and black people just work together?
Would you give your DNA to a private company in exchange for the information they can extract from it?
What does Sup Forums drive?
4th world
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1937
Fucking hell you don't know how awful it is to live in a country this full and this expensive. Don't EVER come here...
What's your least favorite Anglo country?
How do you say "I'M PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIIICK" in your language?
What do you like about Islam?
I just want gays to be happy!!!!
Thoughts on African-Americans?
I like the diversity thing in star trek but not in star wars. Im not going to see this movie, looks dumb and forced
I wanna buy a pc gamer lads
California already has a Brazilian/spic commie tier justice what a shame
/deutsch/ - Adolf Hitler ausgabe
/lat/ hilo latino
God i wish that were me
You wake up tomorrow with a bf from 1 (ONE) nationality
Help Honduras
How to deal with the problem of sluts in your country?
Thoughts on this cunt?
Did Sup Forums actually make you lose respect for any particular country?
More like this
What are right wingers like your cunt?
Japan is over, Korea is great
Can we join the EU?
Introvert in an extrovert country
Where is the wall?
It's already December
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lat/ - /hilo latino/
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Why is Mandarin more useful than Spanish?
How to make friends Sup Forums? or more precisely how to get a social circle from nothing Sup Forums? how to start it?
First thoughts when you see this flag
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + ...?
Fun fact: green part is the only good part in mexico
Is shitting your pants a normal socially accepted behaviour in murica? How common is it?
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone et Blanc- Edition confite de l'hiver qui approche
Non-americans, what are things americans do that completely baffle you?
His """country""" is landlocked
Could have been born as ANYTHING
Hey guys what do you think about this news and Macron ?
Your country
The current state of Sup Forums
White people will become minority in all nations
User. user. sit down and tell me about life in your country
Talk with a girl for like 3 months
Sverigetråden - Sötbrevupplagan
/sino/ - 中文
Why are Norwegians innately a poor people despite not having Slav genetics...
/cum/ Canada US mexico
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Be Californian
Is this the future the US choose?
/ita/ - il filo
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Parts of your country you hope secede soon
Seriously, what's the deal with Eastern Europe?
A N I M E P U S S Y (update)
R.I.P. Slobodan Praljak 1945 - 2017
/deutsch/ /Nachtschicht/ mit Winterstimmung
Finnish girls
From now on rude posting is banned from Sup Forums
/deutsch/ edition suisse
What am I ?
Foodie edition
Why is Russia so poor?
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
How old are you, Sup Forums?
Whos your cunt's Donald Trump
Reminder that Sup Forums is a pro-EU board
Do you like how other countries portray yours in fiction?
Mfw I see an It*lian-Am*rican
Let’s say slavery is legal. What would you need a slave for?
Nordics say meds and slavs are non-white
Will Americans ever recover from this?
Sverigetråden - låliupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
One of the medical tests for people here when joining the army is anal exams which check weather you have been...
Is depression real or is just a meme?
Argue against this
Greater Greece when? Italians are the only ones that wont be purged on the map
Any Jap here? I want to punch one of you subhumans in your stupid ching chong face
Go to Sup Forums to learn more about foreign cultures
His country doesn't have its own unique snowflake pagan religion and mythology
Remember Sup Forums, when someone from Lisbon claim they are "rich" and the rest of the country is butthurt...
Poland and Brazil confirmed for smarter and more civilized than 90% of the globe
You either rot in prison or suicide and become a fresh edgy meme
His country only has one official language
Are people in your country excited for the royal wedding?
French rap is pretty good
Rate my hand
Sup Forumsfag comes on Sup Forums to stir shit
Why americans do not celebrate easter? I thought they are christians?
What would I pass off as in your fine nation?
Why don't you have a raifu, Sup Forums?
What would you say the chances of a military coup d'état happening in your country are?
Ummm,why did you take me to an Asian restaurant? I wanted to experience your culture
Europe, Europe, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when we come for you?
We don't have enough funding to monitor the ISIS soldiers returning to London due to budget cuts from the central...
Last bastion of free speech in Europe
How can I get a Japanese gf?
What happens here
How do video games depict your country
What’s the difference between Germany and Austria?
/Southern Europe/
/isr/ ad matai edition
His country doesn't deify her founder
Europe's Muslim Population, 2017
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Military service
Sverigetråden - Kejsare Aurelianus upplagan
Sverigetråden - Barbariupplagan
I do like a pint of Guinness every once in a while, must be because I'm Irish
/lat/ - hilo latino
Does your country have a variation of 'slag culture'?
Regional differences
Does anyone on Sup Forums suffer from any rare, chronic diseases?
Amerisharts BTFO by based Varg
Spaniards call ladybugs "little faggots"
What are your thoughts on white men with filo women?
Tfw I'll always be Southern European
1. ur cunt tree
Whoever made this vid is going to the worse place of the hell
Epic ways to kill myself?
If your country had to take in 1 million niggers, sandniggers or spics
Is Argentina too corrupted because of italians?
What is this part of the world the literal anus of humanity? Apart from Japan, Malaysia...
Culture Pals /cp/ general thread
About Americans
/fr/ - le fil français et francophone
Anglos killed this
Post your favourite amerimutt ITT
You will never be italian
>Finnish music
1. Your country
Say something nice about all your neighboring countries (sea borders don't count). I'll start:
Do you like democracy?
Come check out this Finnish drunk streaming. KKONA :D
Greek football fans attack Muslims celebrating Prophet’s birthday in Athens
Why arent we combining our central european countries again? Alone we are slaves to America and EU...
Would you marry someone from your country or do you want a foreign wife?
All the northern hemisphere nations will celebrate christmas in comfyness while it snows
1. your cunt
Which one do you like/hate most?
Sverigetråden - Leninupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ - Christusmörder ausgabe
Tfw suicide scheduled for new years eve
What's our opinion on these guys?
Are italians whi- no are italians humans ?
Why are Europeans gay?
/ex ussr/ general
Tfw asians were the master race all along
Did traditional outfits in Germany really show this much cleavage or was it something invented by a beer company in the...
What the fuck is his problem?
Why do 99% of French posters on Sup Forums come from Paris but they claim Paris is a shithole and other parts of France...
What stereotypes about your country are true?
That one Russian living in Germany
Future British monarch is going to unironically be a NIGGER
Would you prefer a gf from the tellow area in this map? Or the black area? Or something between?
Can someone survive as a homeless person in your country? Relying on public facilities, cash everything, no ID
First snow this year in Poland
I'm a Sup Forumsack
When will Russia join the EU?
What onamonapia does your native language use for farts?
/Ummah - شعب
Youtube blocked Finland because finnish jews didnt pay the youtube bill
Reminder that third world dung heaps play PC and Xbox; first world countries play PS4
Which one of you are willing to give me refugee if india decided to invade us?
Can America EVER recover from the
Why is Russia so ethnically stable country?
Tfw you accidentally hire a dutch bartender
If your country could become the 51st American state by referendum, would you vote for it?
This is poland
Whether you like it or not, the Anglosphere are the best places in the world...
Who copies the west more, Russia or China?
/brit/ the british culture general
Why doesn't he literally just stop tweeting?
Did Trump just alienate his last friend on the international arena?
What is the most beautlful language to speak?
Kurva anyátok
Free healthcare for niggers
Serious question: why the fuck are women so mean?
Bulgarians and Romanians gain visa-free access to Canada tomorrow (December 1st)
Who is the most famous pornstar from your country?
At what age do girls stop making fun of you for being a virgin?
How large are women's breasts in your country?
Are you a racist?
Why can't they pronounce 't'?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My peepee is only 15cm
/brit/ honey producing insect edition
Trump will unironically save Western civilisation using twitter
Southern United States
Mrw a shitskin uses American computer technology (powered by electricity which was discovered by an American) to access...
Is it racist if I don't like Africans but black Indians are hot as fuck to me?
Why are Germans ashamed of their heritage?
/brit/ *doesn't go to shit edition*
If you had to move to one country in the Balkans, which country would you choose?
Are you looking forward to the future of Europe?
Your age
Twerking: is it just an American thing?
The Japanese language is a fucking sham. Once you have even a basic level of proficiency...
Mom teaches me how to make tacos with hand-made tortillas
Any Liechtensteiners?
Can you guess his ethnicity?
What's their secret?
Is your country a PlayStation country or Nintendo country
Did he realized that he's already president?
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Why do men in this country pee while sitted?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Your language:
What is your favorite film, Sup Forums?
Why is Korea so Evangelical?
Is veganism popular in your country?
You're cunt
In real life, Americans are actually super nice people
Best state, perhaps?
Which country have hottest girls?
I think the Islamization of Europe will happen without a change in ethnic identity
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Europeans dont take showers
Walking down the street
Well, Sup Forums?
Could designer babies save the white race?
Muslim population in some EU countries could triple
This really isn't funny anymore. Gooks please leave my country
Do you think the United States makes the best music in the world?
Which Latin American hellhole will an American feel most at home in?
So is africa finally going to lift its head this century?
What cunt has the best prostitutes and why is it the UK?
Possibly the last bastion of the freedom of speech in the world
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Whats this guys name Sup Forums?
Only 1 of world's top 7 most influential people is European
Post your town city flag
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
3.4 million Muslims are American citizens
1. cunt
This is the new argentine bill design.... Say something nice to them
Would you go for assimilated Arap waifu?
Tfw no Black gf
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Why do the rest of Europeans consider that this country is a non-country?
Wake up
Is it true that Hapas are considered the standard of beauty in East and Southeast Asia...
Who really did the most for the Allies?
Has Sup Forums changed your views and opinions of foreigners?
2030 Europe looks beautiful
/ita/ - il filo
What's your experience with Poland and Poles
Niggers have 'muh dick', brits had 'muh large empire', Germans have " muh order"
Traditional Curonian outfits from Western Latvia
Do you also love Italian girls?
/fr/ - le fil franco-belge
White woman
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Czech here, should I date a pretty Russian or not?
Why do japanese people do that thing where they use an English word instead of a word from their language in anime...
Why don't Europeans like peanut butter?
Getting tired of r/Europe posting here
Kurva anyátok
Has Americanization affected your country? In what ways, culture, language, politics, maybe even social attitudes, food...
Post the face of the most famous guy in your country's bills
Have a growing interest in Latin America
/v4/ & squadron
Why the fuck you don't have saunas in your country?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Where were you when president Macron utterly bantered into silence corrupt African politicians...
You have to live in one of these countries for the rest of your life - you aren't allowed to leave
"B-but Spain is hot and warm all the year" :(
How does it feel to be so inferior to nordics?
ITT: post superheroes from your country
Rank the Romance languages by relevance
Which portuguese sounds better in your opinion?
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this picture?
/fr/ - Le francofil
ITT: We Discuss the greatest empire to have ever existed ever!
Where do most Irish immigrants come from?
How do the people of the UK (and Europe in general) feel about the rise of the mixed race?
His country was stupid enough to trade in it's currency which had historic figures for a fucking window or bridge on...
/ita/ il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
Was Italy truly as shitty as everyone says in WW2?
What are you studying, Sup Forums?
You wake up in a Japanese home
Do you have these atrocities in your cunt?
What is your first name?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...