Talk with a girl for like 3 months

>talk with a girl for like 3 months
>i finally ask her for a date
>she says she has a boyfriend

she did this on purpose

that's why you ask a girl for a date the day you meet her

>talk with a girl for like 3 months
>i finally ask her for a date

Well I don't know. Sometimes girls with boyfriends (or even lacking one) pick other guys into their friendzone while the guy doesn't really get it. It becomes tragic when the guy really, really doesn't get it all turns awkward.

At least some good might come out of being in a zone, like this girl having a female friend that might actually be interested in. And talking to a female might teach some social skills. But that's for normies I guess.

>talk with a girl for like 3 months
there's the problem user
ask them out relatively fast
if you've been talking more than 2 weeks chances are that it won't go anywhere


>he fell for the vaginal jew

Serves you right for being so retarded. I have no sympathy for breederscum.

doesn't exist
if she talks to you she is sexually interested

she did this to him because she wants him to fight her boyfriend, so she can pick the better one

that's a primal instinct

that's how women work

who should I believe?


basically this

>promiscuit & fidelity
Yeah, men like sex. Astute observation, breedertard.
>mental health
Wow, so being oppressed and persecuted by a homophobic society that hates your guts will lead to mental health issues. Astute observation, beedertard.
>physical health
Wow, so in America where in many States they teach abstinence-only instead of teaching young people about contraception and STDs, more people will contract STDs? Astute observation, breedertard.

Breeders -- not even once.

This is actually correct but most people don't go as far as taking a woman from someone. It not necessary a success. Too many factors involved.

slavs always give the manliest advices, but that might be cultural, I heard in Sweden it's the female who makes the first move so your technique might not work there

There’s no technique to dating. Just be yourself. =^]

>Yeah, men like sex. Astute observation, breedertard.
the point is that gay men have insanely high number of sexual partners, and even have several partners while being in a relationship

>Wow, so being oppressed and persecuted by a homophobic society that hates your guts will lead to mental health issues. Astute observation, beedertard.
did you even read the picture?
it said that across cultures with different levels of acceptance of homosexuals there was no difference the level of mental illness among homosexuals

>Wow, so in America where in many States they teach abstinence-only instead of teaching young people about contraception and STDs, more people will contract STDs? Astute observation, breedertard.
again, the point is that the level of STDs among gay men is much higher than that of heterosexuals

>wow user, i didn't even know that you are straight. i talked to you for months and gave you subtle sexual signals, but i just wanted a friend to spend time with. i actually have a boyfriend already. oops i friendzoned you on accident hihihi

does that make any sense to you?

>have great gf
>don't feel worthy of her
>know the relationship is doomed because she is inevitably going to realize she can do much better
>can preemptively devastate her or anxiously wait until it all comes crashing down

wat do

>talking to w*men
>trying to DATE w*men
Please don't fall for the memes, user.

>uses the word 'homophobic' unironically
the current state of germany

please tell me you at least recieve some direct payment from mama merkel

>the point is that gay men have insanely high number of sexual partners
Because there are no women involved, who arguably are the mitigating factor here because they are the better people. Without women around, men will behave like animals. This is an indictment of patriarchy. How can men ever recover?
>different levels of acceptance
What is that even supposed to mean? Has the cut-off level of acceptance been determined in order to make a fair comparison? There is no such thing as homosexual acceptance. Even in countries where gay marriage is legal, millions of gays are still afraid to come out because they'd be confronted with repercussions on all levels of society. Your meme point is retarded. Stupid breedertard.
>the point is that the level of STDs among gay men is much higher than that of heterosexuals
Yeah, men are more promiscuous than women, we've already established that, breedertard. When you combine that with abstinence-only sex education, you get STDs.

Stupid, stupid breeder.

woke as fuck but women also seek security and will cultivate subpar backup plans

>some direct payment from mama merkel

Like your slavnigger brothers who come here to leech off welfare because your 3rd world shithole doesn't afford them any other opportunities?

Slavniggers -- not even once.

Slavniggers are second only to Turks when it comes to leeching off welfare.

>Kroatien 5,2
>Niederlande 4,9

damn, we're such wellfare suckers

yes ?

How much money do you save hiring them compared to the increased tax you have to pay?

you have much to learn my young disciple

>How much money do you save hiring

Do you somehow not get the point of welfare? Do you even know what "welfare" means? Is English not your first language?

They aren't hired. That's why they are on welfare.

Stupid mutt.

>Niederlande 4,9

Probably slavniggers who were given Dutch citizenship.

Gastarbeiter were a mistake.

then teach me, fampai

you offer hungry people food, they take it. that's normal.

im afraid that's also part of the plan of the current eu elites. they'll use those poor people for something

Tons of them are cheap laborers though. They are still collectively a net gain if you are a greedy business owner.

yeah, better take refugees from Syria and teach them to work

>my country can't feed my people
>because we're a 3rd world shithole
>but at least we can still look down on gays
>oops serbs are raping us in the asshole
>please save us, Daddy Nato

don't know if you're a bogomite or a sodomite

from what I can remember we defeated Serbs without NATO, while Albanians needed NATO

Yeah, having a massive black labor sector is a total net gain.

Stupid mutt.

Wonder if this guy would ever think his suicide would become a meme posted on a Chinese cartoon forum

There is no difference between shitskins and slavnigges. Both are subhuman.
>we defeated Serbs without NATO
lüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüül holy shit, what a retarded slavnigger

>implying that's a fair comparison
slavs dindu nuffin

Do girls think guys are talking to them to be their friends? If guys wanted to talk about dumb shit for no reason they'd do it with their guy friends.

Surely they know there's a 90% chance a guy spending a lot of time chatting to them wants to bang them right?

>slavs dindu nuffin

That's why they're on welfare. They literally do nothing.


but what about the polish plumber memes?

They like betas praising and giving them attention, it makes them feel better.

>but what about the polish plumber memes?

It's not a meme. For them it's a way of life.

I can't remember a time when my family did not have Polish cleaning crew. One of them even was a male. That was hilarious.

True but they dont realize they do that and want that.
Because she will get angry and upset at the new man when he fights her bf.
So even though thats what they want, its retarded to even get close to women with bfs

What does it mean when a girl I talk to everyday never mentions her bf to me? I know she has a bf and so does she.

There is definitely some sexual tension between us.

guten argumenten mein freund

when you have nothing smart to say you switch to memes

>dissing the hardworking ones
fucked up bro

you basically answered your own question

You yourself talked about "hungry people", and how that was a good enough excuse for being a permanent welfare nigger.

>s-stop quoting me verbatim, it's not fair!!!
>waaaah, waaaaah

>A slavnigger and his welfare check are soon united.

Slavs were a mistake.

kek. btfo'd.

oh man, hans is on his slav rant again, i need a drink for this


At least she said it to you mate. It means something, she is honest. Some girls just play this game until they loose their actual boyfriend. I used to have one, she had like 3 orbiters around her all the time. They were loosers though.

You’re retard

I'm the boyfriend