While Central America is regarded as one of the most dangerous regions in the world for murder and violent crime...

>While Central America is regarded as one of the most dangerous regions in the world for murder and violent crime, Nicaragua for a number of years has proven an exception in the region. While Nicaragua had a murder rate of just over 11 people per 100,000, according to UNODC’s latest homicide report from 2013, in comparison to the so-called northern triangle countries, Honduras had a much higher rate of 90.4 people per 100,000, with El Salvador 41.2 and Guatemala 39.9.
>Fortunately, Nicaragua has been spared much of the gang violence synonymous with its northern triangle neighbors. Gangs such as Barrio 18 and the Mara Salvatrucha MS13, who with their tracing back to Los Angeles, have been notorious throughout the region have had a limited presence in Nicaragua.
>Again, a community-based approach in relation to gangs has been operating, where police sponsor meetings with the help of social workers, the community and family meetings with rival gangs. The idea being that current and potential gang members can reconcile differences, move toward peace and be helped to move away from a life of crime.

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t. Gonzales

Nicaragua is nice

Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, are not shit holes at all.

Travelling normies here who are looking for an """""authentic trip""""" (i.e. who just want to show off) are increasingly going to Nicaragua. It seems to be the new fad.

Will any other Latin American countries follow the example of Nicaragua, or will I keep seeing their posters praising retarded Dutarte clones because they have no empathy for anyone?

Ni-para-agua lmao xddd

Nicaragua is commie

I really hope Nicaragua doesn't rekt itself with this idiot canal idea

is the wild west here man but it will get better, also USA is always fucking with our goverments

Look, if you want to go to central america go to belize or costa rica.

South america? the best part is Ecuador. By far the best experience you can get.

The southern cone is not a good place to visit if you are murrikan or canadian.

>Nicaragua produces no oil, but is a land of fierce winds, tropical sun and rumbling volcanoes. In other words, it's a renewable energy paradise — and today the Central American nation is moving quickly to become a green energy powerhouse. Within a few years the vast majority of Nicaragua's electricity will come from hydroelectric dams, geothermal plants and wind farms.
>Just a few years ago, Nicaragua was almost totally dependent on imported fuel oil to generate power. The country also lacked thermal plants to turn that fuel oil into electricity. The result was rolling, 12-hour blackouts that damaged the economy and made daily life a grind.
>Silverio Martinez, who runs a general store in the farm town of San Jacinto, says the power outages paralyzed the town's water pumps. The local mill couldn't grind corn, so his wife couldn't make tortillas. Carpenters, he recalls, sat idle because their power tools were useless.
>Renewables now generate nearly half of Nicaragua's electricity, a figure that government officials predict could rise to 80 percent within a few years. That compares to just 13 percent in the United States.
>And it may be just the beginning. There is so much untapped energy in Nicaragua that it's planning to export electricity to its Central American neighbors.

Nicaragua is actually safer than Costa Rica going by murder.
>Panama, traditionally considered one of the safest countries in the region had a rate of 17.2 and Costa Rica had a rate of 8.5. Recent estimates from this year have put Nicaragua’s murder rate at around eight per 100,000 people.

Just a friendly reminder Castro and his supporters are responsible for this. MS 13, and 18th street have literal communist roots.

I really doubt Mexico has it in them to reclaim the territory. Only facism can save central america now. I'm dead serious.

Everything south of El Paso is a socialist shithole. What is it with Latinos that make them love socialism so much? Oh they are a very lazy, incompetent people.

Nicaragua is beautiful, cheap and has few tourists. If I had money I'd go there.

Communism made Nicaragua great.


>Castro and his supporters are responsible for brining renewable energy and the lowest crime rates in the region to Nicaragua
wtf I love castro now


Ask Venezuela

11 per 100.000 is about the same as my state. that's still a shithole mate


>t. u

The point is that it's much better than it should be considering it's surroundings.

criminals need to be castrated or exterminated
11 per 100k is still high btw, stupid fagot

>muh venez-

Oh look, it's the Nazi Panamaniac, here to try and derail another thread. Won't be giving him any (You)'s, I advise all of you to do the same.

>selfishly destabilizing the region for decades with bloody civil wars is ok cause meme energy
I don't think so commie

>Again, a community-based approach in relation to gangs has been operating

Pic related is the only community-based approach that works in the long run

>selfishly destabilizing the region for decades with bloody civil wars


We need a Central American Duterte to cleanse the streets of tattoo niggers.

No it isn't you dumb edgy retard. >"kill le weed smokers" doesn't solve anything just because /r/the_donald told you it did. Actually trying to tackle the problems that lead to people becoming criminals is the only thing that has ever worked to combat crime in the long term.

He did nothing wrong. If not for Iran Contra and the blowback that came to my country I'd be covered in face tattoos right now or stabbed 30+ times in a street somewhere.

That money trickled it's way down to our shithole. Military had more money. Uncle in the military now had gun to keep commies and gang members at bay. Now with protection we were able to get the fuck out.

>He did nothing wrong.
This is the part where I stopped reading and decided to stop replying to you, you traitorous cuckold. Kill yourself.

everybody knows that nicaragua is a shithole led by corrupt leftists
and that usa manufactured a civil war there in the 80s
make an effort please, noone wants to hear you talk about shit you dont know anything of

Fuck off you shitlib cunt, if drug dealers want to profit off the misery of others they deserve a bullet

>b-b-but muh weed

Yeah, yeah, as if drug dealers have any ethical qualms about selling other substances because DUDE CONSENTING ADULTS LMAO *dies of fentanyl overdose*

Beautifully articulated argument. You should be a writer.

Panamanian thinks I'm going to reply to him. No.
>smoking weed ruins lives dude! just say no!! the war on drugs has worked!!
You know Dutarte is literally addicted to fentanyl himself you stupid retard?

And? Drug dealers are scum looking to make a quick buck, and they really don't care how they do it. Only bleeding-heart shitlibs or autistic lolbertarians believe otherwise

>Dutarte is literally addicted to fentanyl
Got some sauce for that bucko?

>everyone agrees with me!!! please upvote me!
You know Sup Forums doesn't represent the majority of people, right?

We american now. Literally nothing wrong with being American.

>There is literally nothing wrong with using drugs, rational adults should be in charge of their own lives (even though genetics/upbringing have a major impact on whether a person uses drugs or not, which undermines the whole rationality thing - but hey, I'm a lolbertatian, I don't need actual evidence to back up my beliefs). I mean sure, there's gonna be a knock-on effect on the lives of those that have to deal with drug addicts - but what do I care? As long as someone's making money I'm happy

its the typical weed smoking college liberal praising socialism from afar. thinks drug dealers here are like his friend from across the street.
leftists have to make do but its surprising seeing anyone defending a dumpster such as nicaragua. here we pity them, their inmigrants go to costa rica or come here a lot. its a sad situation, a regime propped by maduro.


Ecuador is discount Colombia m8. Where did you get this idea that is the best place or that the southern cone is not good?

duterte fags btfo

But it's like they're living in another universe - it's obvious to anyone with a few braincells to rub together that people get into drug dealing because its basically a get-rich-quick scheme for proles that can't be assed to work hard.

Look at almost any sociological study of drug dealers, and you'll find the majority generally mock the working masses for being either too stupid or too cowardly to not sell drugs for "the easy money" like they do.

>he thinks not wanting to murder people means supporting drug dealers
Have you considering returning to ?

>he thinks not wanting to murder people means supporting drug dealers
>Have you considering returning to ?

Given that most redditors think drug dealers dindu nuffin, they gud bois (gotta get dat green bruh, CONSENTING ADULTS), you should be the one returning there

Ecuador is Colombia with the mindset of Peru and more indigenous, like Peru.

They're more peaceful

Being a redditor isn't about politics, it's about attitude. You'd know that if you weren't a cancerous redditor newfaggot yourself. You have to go back. End of story.

We have tourist towns made specially for gringos where we give overprized products and made up stories for your "authentic experience" trips.
After you idiots leave, we usually laugh about how easy the anglos spend your money on cheap manufactured stuff that only varies on the name of the region you bought it.

t. chilean who lives in valparaiso and organizes private tours for tourists

here, for a teen to become a dealer he needs to be initiated into a gang, so he will need to murder someone. they become mercenaries quick, because kids are pardoned easier.
people dont pity drug sellers, and long for a harsher solution. any outsider that says otherwise would be ridiculized, noone wants to live in a dumpster with niglet criminals running wild killing as they please. everyone is sick of it.

How do I avoid tourist traps?

i want to scam stupid anglos too what sort of shit should i sell them?

Don't let anybody fool you, socialism works. We need more socialism in Panama right fucking now.

>Mindset of Peru

So beautiful people speaking Paisa, and very nice?

I just want to see Coyhaique, Torres del Paine and Puntas Arenas. Wouldn't mind moving there permanently.

I find it interesting how the country with double the amount of murders as Nicaragua is trying to boss them around while giving anecdotal evidence in which he projects his own views as the general consensus of the entire country. I also find it interesting how he continues to call Nicaragua a corrupt violent shithole, despite not providing any sources at all to back up his retarded claims. I'm not exactly sure why there's been such a large wave of illiterate Nazi Mestizos shitting up this board as of late.

By not going to Lonely Planet. Just fly in and go native. You see more that way.

why so the country is ruined like venezuela? lel
no we need to sterilize poor people and increase reproduction among mid class and high class
its much more efficient, all problems solved.

>don't look like you're having the time of your life
>avoid cities/towns that most tourist packs offer (valparaiso/viña del mar/atacama) unless you really want to see that place
>if you're couchsurfing, ask your host for a small tour and nice places to see
>try to look for small towns around your tourism target place for a more authentic (and cheap) experience

Learn about the beautiful places around your town and a bit of the local folclore, then use your creativity. Last month I told a group that a hole in a wall was "a place where the devil was believed to live after an earthquake". There's some products made from wood and seashells where literally all that changes is the name of the city and the motive (I learned about that after a trip to Antofagasta where I bought the same stupid lighthouse made of seashells that in La Serena).
Once you've made a "name" ask for partnerships with some restaurants around the area and ask for a small profit, since you'll leave your tourists eating their food.
I'm trying to make a name right now to do the last thing.

I wish I could say I disagree with you.

A mix of Peruvian accent with Paisa accent.

Big amounts of indigenous blood.

And very quiet, don't want to be in conflicts people, the Peruvian mindset.

>Being a redditor isn't about politics, it's about attitude. You'd know that if you weren't a cancerous redditor newfaggot yourself. You have to go back. End of story.

Sounds excellent tbqh
>Perfect SA country?

what a fucking shithole tbqh

Well, has been elected several times as best SA country for tourism, especially for old people.

Crime and homicides are low for the region but you still have to be conscious is Latin America.

>go to a country full of niggers or a country full of yankee tourists

no thanks retard.

Is it really easy to get Peruvian citizenship?

I'm talking about Ecuador, in Peru Cusco and few cities would be great for mochileros or adventurous travelers/tourist to live.

Near 75% of people in 18 and 25 age want to move out of the country if they could, myself included.

>18 to 25
My mistake.

>tfw they are talking about you

Tell me about life in Ecuador user


I think he's shy.

El Salvador has a high murder rate, but it's actually a good place for tourists. The country is small, uses US dollars, has good roads, and has beaches, volcanoes, lakes, ruins, and rainforests all in a compact area. Guatemala has better ruins, but things are more spread-out. For a quick trip, El Salvador is pretty good, since you can stay in the capital and visit a lot of other places in a day and return by night.


Trying to not fail my subjects otherwise next semester I will actually have to pay for them.
Going in public transport is a bit of a hassle because a lot of the seats are really small. And I am just 175 cm.
There are two types of buses to move around the city: an older model in which everyone can go in and will stop almost anywhere, and a newer model with stations and you need a special card to access them, but it takes more time to move and in certain hours it gets really full. We are the country with most population density in South America if that has any value.
I see a lot of garbage on the streets and it enfuriates me because even though I do love my country, its people, specially here put me off.
Crime rate has decreased quite noticibly these past years but it seems it has stopped, even then, it's always important to watch out and be prudent.
Hear the news of how the previous government lied to us on the debts and quality of the new infrastructure. Also the corruption case of the vice-president.
I am not the type of person who goes to random parties or discos so I can't tell you much about them.
Girls are alright I guess, but like in the rest of Latin America don't fall for the qt latina meme
There are some nice places here like el Malecón del Salado and Santa Ana port.
S-shut up

Isn't that the guy whose dad worked for Noriega?


Why you're tsundere, Ecuador?

He is 100% correct though. Central America has failed. Should have stayed as a federation or something like a C.A. Union

Why are you tsundere, Ecuador?