
wipe out the kikes edition

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HMRC asking me for £1500 because I got overpaid by my previous employer, what do?


real nigger shit

lads any gay porn channels on freeview?

Anime girls look more puré if you ask me

need a jewish sow to breed so my kids will be chosen


is anyone else having trouble with the captchas?

What do you think of your country's World Cup 2018 group draw? Yanks need not reply.

The smurfs are called pitufos in México LOL

Need more powerviolence in here desu


>Eva Green and her weird brother will never force you to take her virginity
>You will never gas yourselves to death after weeks of hedonism and sexual adventure

For the love of God won't somebody please fucking hat me?
Thanks in advance,

Nope, not hatting you.



Imagine being a plen that uses public trackers. Oh lord!

wc is in 2019 lad and it's breddy good

reckon we'll top our group, have a handy game against the blicks and a tough game against the aussies before beating poo peeland in the final

Posting from a county hotel where I can only get a connection on the second floor, and even then only one tenuous bar.

There's shouting downstairs. There's shouting outside my room.

Send help

the Japanese girl has quite an outstanding bum


>Loyalists are more concerned about islam than Catholicism currently
what makes you think that?

trinidad & tobago

fuck sake Bruce.
where are your testicles.

imagine me on an aussie tracker for tv shows because i wanted to watch talkin' 'bout your generation because i liked josh thomas

I make the shittiest, cringiest posts in every thread I'm in and have not ONCE been hatted
Meanwhile some complete mong who isn't even trying comes along and says something related to race and gets thousands of hats. What's so hat-worthy about race issues anyway? It's all anyone ever talks about these days it isn't weird and cringey
If that's all it takes: Moslems are terrorists, whites have original sin and blacks are really really stupid


I asked the locals to obliterate them in the course of their pool game


educated guess

ree firefox is making the native extension reset everytime i open a new tab
don't wanna use chrome

Very lazy, not going to hat you

apply yourself

go back to 56

did you accidentally open a private window

love Sydney wish it was better governed

yeah i don't like to use Chrome either

Thailad, your next post is doubles

nothing more cucked than brown people worshiping aryan jesus

How exciting, oh wait..

>go back to 56

You have ruined me, hope you're happy

reminder thailad contributes to white genocide by FLEEING his white homeland

gg easy

i do everything in private


dont believe the norn irish to be all that educated sry :\

Is he the young homo?

Even the irish subhuman is attacking you Thai póster haha

>I do everything in private


This is the kind of fedora I can get behind
I used to try and work with you, but you're been consistently wrong for too long now.
I received a prophecy, in the year 2075 whites will have resistance pockets in Asia, I'm merely paving the way.

just got redpilled ama

It seems the Summerfags have stuck around till Winter this year...
Pick one, and don't come back

I am the mushroom man. Only radcens know who I am.

Sup Forums is literally worksafe Sup Forums with flags

Evening, lad.

Hello newfag.

nah its the thinking man's Sup Forums

better choon


Worksafe Sup Forums with flags

Ahhh no he is here


>Hello newfag.

watching "do the right thing". AMA

>nah its the thinking man's Sup Forums

Would you sell your soul?

how black are you?

ah good enough, dont think id been brainleted either
cheers la

I am very inteligent you idiots


Confession time: a world where money is lent for several years to the governments of Japan, Germany and Switzerland at a negative interest rate is hard to comprehend.

please give me a yank post to reply "fuck off yank"

Good chance that I've been on Sup Forums for the longest out of everyone - Q4 2006

just did a VERY satisfying fluff

I'm a kike
Depends on what for

>I am very inteligent you idiots

You're too easy

Prove you're a Jew

Now we have two Kike fags , no wonder why /Brit/ is so shit today

>I'm a kike

My last named is Silverstein

>Depends on what for
Wrong answer, you need to find God

I'm physically white, spiritually black, and mentally Jewish

Prove it

>You're too easy

fuck off yank

medal's in the post

I have transcended norn Iron and republican Irish.
A united Ireland and a close trade union which is already in play with Britian is the best outcome.
Maintain your culture. learn from our mistakes

You're meant to just say FOY

Nich archive you have lad

I really wish NI would fuck off to ROI

It's best for all

I think I'll do my Masters at Melbourne

irish culture??

Thanks, lad.

approaching 3am feels


Not good enough for Tsinghua?

most of them are shutting down
couldn't compete with bunnings

Why is not the south african jew getting banned for posting nudes