1.your country

1.your country
2.have you ever killed an animal(not insects)?

how the hell can someone have not killed a single animal

No, never.

Yeah I fish from time to time. Also volunteered at a vet where they had me putting down stray dogs.

I killed myself from inside

I used to feed baby birds to my dogs

I shoot a bird once. That was horrible.

a lot of fish, some rats, birds

do brazilians who eat sopa de macaco kill them by themselves or you can buy dead monkeys in brazil?

I've gone hunting duck, deer, and turkey hunting and have killed those animals
Also cut the head off some chickens at my grandpa's farm

what is that kid doing

playing with a carp that is being kept in bathtub, awaiting christmas

No idea
It's not that common, hence why it became a meme
But they probably kill the monkeys themselves

I stabbed a P*le once

I was almost attacked by a poisonous snek when I was 8yo.
I attacked first.
Snek is ded.

3 goats
1 sheep
14 pigs
16 chicken
a lot of fish
3 dogs
unknown number of mice
16 rats
2 weasels
20+ pigeons
1 duck
13 snakes
1 cat (traffic accident)
1 baby cow
1 fox (ended its misery)
23 rabbits

Yes, spiders

A pig and a chicken

The only man ITT

I killd my yorkshire terrier for cooking

I fished a barracuda once in the Bissagos but I wasn't the one who clubbed it.

where the fuck do you live, some kind of animal warzone?

I ran over a turtle once

Thank you Mario, being a villager is ungrateful

Are you a poacher?

Yes, hunting and fishing are very normal here.

there are wild turtles in USA?


no, i never went hunting, i like wild animals to stay in the wild, i kill those that end up in my attic and refuse to leave my property, or when the fox got entangled in barbed wire and was bleeding a lot, half awake.
I dont poach, if i could get away with it, i would murder anyone that poaches and damages our dwindling fragile wildlife.
I dont hunt either, i have food already and i dont like that kind of sport

muslim here,here is my 'victims' list:

-4 chickens (slaughtered muslim style)
-fish (on a daily basis)
-10,maybe 20 quail bird
-2 turkey
-1 geese
-1 duck

Killed a bird that was dying because a cat mauled it a couple of weeks ago.

I've killed a pig with a knife and shot a moose.

Killed some Hajjis during my tour in Afghanistan.

What did you use as anesthesia? The backhead of the axe or a hammer? Or one of those fancy spike guns to the brain?

The older men just held it in place and I pushed the knife into its neck.

The bird deserves it,better to die than to suffer.

thanks aussieanon

back when I was 13 or 14 we stoned a rabbid rabbit to death

rabbits, chickens and pigs

But the pig then panics and releases too much adrenaline and ruins the meat, it either reeks of piss or tastes like iron ore, disgusting, why torture the pig

did you do it rapidly?

>stoned a rabbit to death

Are you really a swede?...kinda sounds a bit muslim-ish thing to do..

Who hasn't gone fishing?

Idk, I think it was more like a man-up thing arranged for me rather than "the regular method". We ate the pig later and I got some meat to take along to the city. I remember it tasted quite good.

I've been slaying pigs and chicken with my granpa since I was like 10


just fishes I havent counted how many


B-But it was an accident

kind of.
my friend threw a concrete block to the head, the thing started shaking so I threw another one on it's head and it died, then we used a stick to throw into the bushes.

>Are you really a swede?
>kinda sounds a bit muslim-ish thing to do..
it does
muslims here are reknown for their animal cruelty but you need to know that we didn't do it because of entertainment but rather because the thing was rabbid, we were ending it's misery and putting an end to any potential harm it might do to a toddler or a pet.

Gopnik vegetarian btfo

What's wrong with hunting God's creatures?


I think it's fucking disgusting that a lot of people eat meat, but are too sensitive to think about the fact that an animal died for that meat.

Hahaha holy shit.

I delegate the killing to the professionals (butchers) and I pay for that too. I like wearing shoes too but I'm not really keen on making them on my own.

Shot a Taliban guy at long range. We called it a confirmed kill but I honestly don’t know.

You don't have to kill them yourself, at least acknowledge that something died to feed you.

> have you ever killed an animal
That's what the thread is about.
I acknowledge that I kill billions of bacteria with my immune system every second by just existing.

It's related to the thread topic.


1. Borneo
Fish - more than I can count
Aquarium fish - 13 (I was naive. Tap water)
Lobsters - 20
Mud crabs - 100-ish
Other crabs - uncountable
Chicken - 40 (since I was 10, now I can slice the throat singlehanded)
Chickenlet - 1 (I was 8, slept with one because it's cute and it lies flat in the morning under my body, still sad thinking about it)
Cats - uncountable (accidents, put to sleep, sickness)
Dogs - can't remember (accidents)
Cows - 5x (for Eid and my brother's marriage)
Goats - 10x (similar reason as cows')
Wild deers - 8++ (Hunting)
Porcupines - 4 (Hunting)
Wild boars - less than 12 (fell in my traps for wild deers, sold it to those that can eat it)
Monitor lizards - 5 (They preying my fowls, sold it to those that can eat it)
Snakes - plenty of them
Cobras - 3 (dwelling in the storage garage)
Frogs - uncountable (accidents)
Rabbits - 50-ish (I like the soft meat)
Mice/rats - plenty of them (my cat also kills them)
3 human guy - (personal reason)

I really love animals, so I won't if I can avoid it. The only exception would be spiders, because I absolutely hate them, and a few fish throughout my life.


Why you kill them?
They are cute!
You are like canadians, killing underage seals.



>3 human guy
what the fuck

I've only killed insects, but some call them human.....

1. flag
2. some chickens. They were delicious

cute, but they are rats
and once their predators population diminished, we are a seeing a huge capy population
thus we must control them
also for the meat

Yes, moose, deer, boar, reindeer, fox etc. Hunting is huge here in Sweden, I started with my grandpa when I was 14.

...Shouldn't have even mention that.

When I was 4 til 9 years old my father used to take me to hunt in a farm that we had, learned to shoot (most of the time I got harmed by the weapons recoil but it was fun) killed a snake and a Anta animal natural of Brazil (Im bot sure but I think my father and his friends ate the Anta in a barbecue way)

When I was 8 in a vacation at my uncle's house that was in a rural region, a rabid dog bit me when I was returning to the house. The dog bit my kneel and it was pretty bad, cried a lot, was scared at, climbed up a tree with a bloody knee and waited for the feral dog to leave. Went home, my uncle is a doctor and took care of my knee. Next day I returned there with a wooden bat, dog was there and it bit me again but I manage to swing the bat in its head, the dog fell then I grabbed a big rock and smashed its head. (This was actually very dumb, I had to take several vaccines against lots of diseases and 20 stiches on my knee, gotta scar to remember)

when I was 17 my mother beach house got flooded and several rats of the size of a medium dog came along, gotta broom and smashed their heads (it was ugly and stink a lot)

Yes. Hunting is my life.

1. Flag
2. A villero counts as animal?

looks nice to be made into spicy rendang.

Yeah every day. I'm serving in the livestock industry.

I don't know what rendang is but yes it is very tasty. Moose meat is the best meat if you ask me.

I snapped a grievously wounded bird's neck once
it felt very, very bad

Now that I think about it, no.

That sounds depressing as fuck.

>this """man""" is what vikings became


Tell us what you did user

>3 human guy - (personal reason)
Yep buddy. I hope you like rape in prison.

I went fishing once if that counts

Someone redpills me on the whole "poles have fishes in their bath tube" deal.

keeping the fish alive keps it fresh
Hungarians do it too

i once accidentally killed a baby chick, i still feel about it :(

>mfw no comfy farmer/hunter life

1)keep fresh
2)filter them with clean water so they don't taste like mud

Is it really necessary to teach your dog to relish the taste of flesh and blood of living creatures?

I've only killed snakes, but lots and lots of them. I've killed probably 300+ snakes in my life. They infest the area I live in, they taste good, their skin is worth a lot of money, and I just genuinely hate snakes.

why would you kill dogs you barbarian wretch

I ate a dog with my whole family once but that's all


we always eat carp on Christmas Eve, it's a tradition. but in communism times buying food was not that easy, there were bug shortages, and you couldn't just wealk into a store day before and buy it because more often then not they wouldn't have it. so people would buy karp when they had a chance in December and keep them in a bathtub until christmas. nowdays less and less people are doing that because there is no point anymore, but for some still do.

who the fuck keeps the score?

a carp several times (I still remember cracking its head open and fresh blood on the snow) and one hamster cause I was sad

yes, a lithuanian stumbled on my lawn so i gutted him like the pig he was


I stepped on a little crab by accident when I was at the beach.