Thoughts on this cunt?

thoughts on this cunt?


which one is the best brand

one of the first countries we infected with our blood :^)

Is there really a need to make yet another thread asshole?

I don't think about you at all.


best one is Miguelito

will AMLO turn the tides in 2018 and unify the great Soviet of Hispanoamerica?

They gave us the idea of the taco, which we perfected here in Norway.

Philipines, I am your father

my ancestors :)

Prey of the greatest evil neighboring it.



we got your culture, you got our genes. :^)

I'm almost jealous of you being bombed by them.

i've never met a mexican irl but i want a mexican gf

i also want mexican gf

how are we filipino in any way
you can't have one. shoo.

does that mean we're also as powerful as you?

I guess, we've got some Filipinos in Guerrero who believe they're Amerindians, meanwhile most of your "Spaniard" ancestors are really Mexicans, works both ways

Super shitholio with mentally ill posters like OP

you live in mexico you can get one easily tho



Ignore the hater, go for it friend


cuck. colombia tier tbqh.

The Spaniards brought many Indians allies from Tlaxcala to pacify the Philippines.


Join us friend, you could be Latin America's base in Asia, Arjentinos are bitches but everyone else is pretty chill

Nah, Colombia tier would be me posting pics of qties and actively whoring our country out, the leaf is already interested in Mexican girls, I'm just telling him to try if that's what he wants

this girl is part flip


she looks 100% mexican


In all fairness she'd probably look a lot better if she did her hair and makeup right

A country with great potential and kind people. Lovely beaches and scenery, great food, and devout Catholics. Poor pollution, traffic, crime and corruption but Mexicuties probably make life there still worth living for.

at this moment they are a little bit on the cuk side for not doin anything against Trump, nice food tho