Foodie edition

Foodie edition

Post a pic (that you took) of food
Your cunt
Did you make it or buy it

Bought it

stupid amerifat always thinks about food..


What are those pearl things?

Risotto I think, right OP?

Looks like a kind of couscous.

Canada is right

Any other foodies on Sup Forums

Made this one


Is this code for fatty? Fucking fat burger.

How the fuck do you eat a burger that falls apart.

You typically eat this style with a knife and fork

No, faggot

my usual dinner

bought it

was cooking some kiełbasa few days ago

Americans can't into raw meat.

Looks good! Is crab juicy enough to not need a sauce?

Brie and a piece of bread?

Those onions? Looks good. The type of stuff I cook when it is just me around.

We eat a lot of raw foods here
Sushi, sashimi, prosciutto, ceviche, poke, steak tartar are some that come to mind

It depends on how you make it. This was a southern style boil (onion, lemon, paprika, salt, garlic, bay leaves, sausage, corn)
This was is juicy, but I liked to dip the crab meat in Chinese vinegar

>Brie and a piece of bread?
Camembert + whole grain bun
Cheap and filling, also good macros
>Those onions? Looks good. The type of stuff I cook when it is just me around.
yup, onions
it's a kind of food I make when I really don't feel like cooking and just want to make a lot of cheap tasty food quickly

Made it

Looks good, what's the white stuff on the right

What's the stringy thing in the centre

Here's another
Wife made this one

Feta cheese.

Fried leeks.

Interesting. I think the only time we ever eat feta is crumbled onto Mediterranean food

With the tomatoes and cucumbers on the side, it's almost like a deconstructed Greek salad. I usually add some kind of meat or cheese to my breakfast, so sometimes I'll use other cheeses like cheddar, halloumi, etc.

>steamed fish
>mixed beef and vegetables


>mexico of yurop ×D

Yeah, she's from Nanjing

I guess this counts. I made some pretty bomb salsa

Foodie here. Love Colombian, Mediterranean (all countries) and unironically American cuisine.

Pic related is a burger I ate last friday

Looks tasty. The funny thing about the US is that most Amerifats just eat fast food or shitty food, so they don't even know what American food is.

You should find a recipe for Crawfish Étouffée. It's amazing. Crab claw soup is really good, too. Also shrimp gumbo

I've read a lot about american cuisine and I know it varies vastly depending on the region. Quite heavy although tasty-looking in the south, light and focused on greens and seafood in the NW, lots of influences from everywhere in NY, etc.... I like how it is really based on seasonal produce too

>Yeah, she's from Nanjing
Did her grandma get tojo-ed?

Do you guys eat Ceviche in Columbia?
It's really hard to find a place that makes authentic Ceviche in the US. I fucking love Ceviche Only one restaurant on my city that does


Chestnut tiramisu
gf and I made it

Sweet potatoes gratin dauphinois
Made it

Yes. Ceviche is not common in my city but it is very common in coastal cities. Also, countries like Ecuador, Peru and Chile have their own versions too

Coq au vin during cooking
Made it

at a restaurant in Lyon


What's on the side of the glass?

why is your country so obsessed with how fancy the food looks? it's food on a plate that you will shit out later and you pay more for the style?

A chestnut burr (what's around the chestnut)

What's fancy in that pic ?

Lmao fucking savage.
It doest even look THAT nice. It's normal
Presentation is important

Fuck it was straight even in paint wtf


the bottom left plate

>lemonade in a red wine glass

It's a fat slab of meat, how is that fancy ?

This was some pretty good fried alligator

The cocktail ?

Are there even any restaurants in the USA outside of hollywood movies?

A kiwi clafoutis, this one was a test that turned out pretty good.

We have fuck tons of restaurants from all over the world

>Yes. Ceviche is not common in my city but it is very common in coastal cities.
I always thought it was the Peruvians who were mostly into Ceviche.

He's american after all.

>Are there even any restaurants in the USA outside of hollywood movies?
Yes yes clearly just a hill Billy. Even mom and pops in the Northeast plate food. Maybe in the Midwest or South the cook just dumps it out on a plate like a rancid pile of puke.

>He's american after all.
No he's an American from a garbage area. See

Carnitas Taco with guacamole and jalapeño sauce. This one I took it like 3 weeks ago

Looks tasty

Here's American style hot-pot

Nice, is that influenced by korean cuisine?

Veal stew inside a bread lmao

That actually looks fucking delicious

I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. We call it fondue, but this restaurant did it in a new way. We also sometimes have a big pot of melted cheese instead of broth, and we dip bread into it. Or a melted pot of chocolate and dip fruits into it

Here's a delicious soft shell crab sandwich I bought

made some grilled back ribs and baked potatoes for dinner with some grilled zucchini

post those china tits user

Oooooh noice.

data mining thread

hey thats pretty good

Yesterdays dinner