What degrees can a dumb person study at University?

What degrees can a dumb person study at University?

Anything aside from STEM

Physical education

If my electrical engineering professor managed to finish a STEM university I'm pretty sure than anyone who isn't literally retarded can. He's a great person but holy shit he's slow as fuck.

Don't go to uni if you're dumb. They weren't invented for people like you but they have been warped to cater for you because you give them money.

It's not the only pathway for success especially in this country

I'm good at English and History but I feel like unless you're doing a Math related degree it's not worth it.

Don't chase your dreams. Chase financial security

all of them

can't you have a vocational education?
i dont know how it works in australia but here you can get such a degree in programming with having to use math



I just want a comfy admin position

well maybe you can work your way up
but otherwise, you cannot

gender studies

Modern universities exist to get money from dumb people. You can easily major without facing any difficulties unless your goal is to be a 666IQ nuclear scientist.

Try math
>be me
>math phd student
>literally all we do is add and divide longer and longer numbers every day
>sometimes we solve for x
>english phds wirting fucking books
hahaha feels good man


>american education

theoretical physics, philosophy, mathematics and computer science

Stop being dumb

Any of them, there's no such thing as a difficult degree

Did you get your 300k starting job yet?

Kek, i consider myself dumb, and i had no problem getting a stem degree (i graduate this year).

Just avoid courses with "engineer" in the name, and you will be fine. They are a meme of useless subjects.

Nursing will land you a guaranteed job with a decent salary. As a male nurse you can pretty much choose where you work.

but consider then that being a nurse is shit

Most people aren't interested in wiping old people's poos all day or dealing with bleeding and vomiting people rolling through understaffed emergency rooms

Gender studies

Depends what you do, for example I've never had to deal with shit or piss. It's often women complaining how though it is when they've not worked at real shitty jobs, Like 30% time there's nothing to do. Even less on night shift when you can just pretty much watch movies and shitpost while getting extra pay.
As I said as male job you can choose your workplace. Nurses not only work at hospitals.

Actually this. Intelligence is nothing, perseverance and being constant are the only quality you need at uni

Yeah there's pretty much nothing you can do in college (at least at an undergrad level) that requires any sort of ingenuity or originality. Just study the material.

What degree is ideal for last minute studying and acing all exams? What is the laziest degree?

CS. i'm literally braindead


>Like 30% time there's nothing to do. Even less on night shift when you can just pretty much watch movies and shitpost while getting extra pay.

Lad you live in a country that has a functioning healthcare system. Here we have multiple public health crises and huge swaths of people who can't afford health care, so they develop more health problems, and only go once it gets really bad.

>mfw failed Calculus in university
Just didnt show up for the fucking midterm exam, I would've scored 0 anyways, and nobody to copy from sadly.

math has been the hardest part for me too, but somehow i survived it. calculus wasn't too bad, or maybe the exam was just easy

what do cs majors study in finland?

you play cs:go? :D

c++, c#, php, javascipt(many libraries), mysql, algorithms, java, linux and much more

i was one of those students everyone said was gonna "become something" and go to some great university, then during gymnasium i suddenly stopped caring about it all, what was said during lessons didnt "click" with me, especially math. I somehow managed to pass everything but now i am working at mcdonalds at 21 years old, about to be kicked out of home, and i just dont know what the fuck i am supposed to be doing, feel like i will end up like being like the worst sort of people you see on this fucking forum

Unless you're legitimately retarded, as long as you have a provider (parents, trust fund etc) you can get any degree you like.
If you're poor however, you're screwed. Unless you're living in a country that funds your studies through unibucks or scholarships, or unless you're super healthy and energetic enough to work while studying, you're not gonna make it.

THE dumb person degree

tfw need to decide on university in a few month
tfw feel the same way

Should I quit studying history, go back to learn maths and chemistry and then try to get a pharmacy degree, even though I like the former?


In Australia they fund your degree and you don't have to pay it back till you earn 50,000+ a year.

>unless you're super healthy and energetic enough to work while studying
fucking western weakling shits lmao
full time student + work + private life + drugs + fun + parties + perfect university score (do you western pigs even have university grades?)


Dont go to university if your not confident in your abilities, why not learn a craft instead ?

t. craft of surrendering master

that's the best penal colony ever.

>didnt show up to the exam
>perfect score
Clearly you study in some shithole

im a different poster dumbo

also your country uni dumbo

So what degree do you study?
>also your country uni
What? Speak English


We have the same

your countrys uni you 0 reading comprehension subhuman

my asiatic altaic brother kiss kiss

>be dumbass chink who cant communicate in English properly
>accuse others of having bad comprehension
Hahhaha stupid chink soyboy.
You clearly dont speak English well enough to go to a Canadian uni. So why are you lying?

>>be dumbass chink who cant communicate in English properly
are you fucking retarded? i speak better english than you do
not my fault you subhuman trash cannot into english and need constructions you heard tens of thousands of times before to comprehend people talking to you

>i speak better english than you do
Clearly not>before to comprehend people
Hahahhahahahahha. Just stop posting my dumb passive aggressive friend.
Why do you have to lie that you go to uni in Canada?

Why the fuck do dumb people go to universities anyway? They should go for a trade that doesn't require high intelligence but is still valuable and requires practical knowledge/experience to master. I really don't understand the modern obsession with university education for everyone, it doesn't work as a concept due to natural IQ-distribution.

All that being said, there are plenty of useless degrees to choose from, but don't expect them to have any value outside academia where you might be able to land a job as an indoctrinator of other dumb kids.

>Why do you have to lie that you go to uni in Canada?
i graduated btw
why are you so asshurt? cant afford uni in your own country or what?

You're the one who got his panties up in a twist instead of answering the question.

just study there is dumb tb h

>You're the one who got his panties up in a twist instead of answering the question.
what kind of proofs idiot? photo of a piece of paper?

>no proofs
Thought so. Just find it incredibly unlikely they'd let you in with your shitty language skills

Hell, IDK. I got some serious issues - While always being good at history and such, I can't do math, even in a high school level. Therefore every degree that I can think of will be completely usless for finding a job. Truly frustrating.
I'm very unusual here because I live in a country of high-tech workers and programmers.

If you can use a computer you can do maths, it's simply a matter of practice. If yiou start low you can get to chink levels within a year, maths is simply logic and practice.

use some apps to practice. Even retards can count.

what a flop