We don't have enough funding to monitor the ISIS soldiers returning to London due to budget cuts from the central...

>We don't have enough funding to monitor the ISIS soldiers returning to London due to budget cuts from the central government

What did Mayor of London Sadiq Khan mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's prety much explanatory.

It's almost like Khan is sympathetic to ISIS...

>pride season
>diversity budget

God shave the Queen

>London makes 34 billion a year
>oh no they painted a few cars, that cost under a 1000, so that a minority feels safer

Also i'm not economist, but i'm pretty fucking sure it'd cost more to monitor individual people for an extended period of time, than it would to paint a car.

And prisoners cost 31k a year.

And they can't strip the people of citizenship, if they are a citizen, because of the Constitution. You also can't deny entrance of a person if their a citizen, without necessary reason, and apparently this isn't reason enough.

Most universities/govenments/etc. have a diversity budget.

Not even a decent attempt, 0/10.

youtube.com/watch?v=WEnN6k8VZFE ???

Back to leftypol with you

Nothing he said there is wrong, the police can do fuck all if the government keeps slashing their funding.

??? its not about wrong or right, its about priorities. how low is your iq, ahmed?

Are you going to give source or are you just making shit up with the small mutt brain of yours?
Or fuck off back to pol you spastic
What he said was true now shoo shoo mutt

what the fuck did he say that was wrong?

an extra 750$ to the police is absolutely nothing you spastic

The absolute vacuum of Mutt intelligence never ceases to amaze me.

Wow, Britain puts Canada to shame in terms of diversity! If only we too could stop focusing on violent crime entirely and instead let superior BLACK men grind on our officers and arrest people for mean twitter posts. Britain still has so much to teach us colonies; like how to ignore Muslim rape gangs and to allow acid attacks to go unpunished.

this is how you sound

Does Sadiq have anything to do with Sussex police? I thought he was major of London

It's some dude named Marc Thorne

>diversity budget

You are also aware the Sussex police is not the same as the Metropolitan police, which is London police, right? No? Clearly not, you fucking moronic cunt.

He's not even in charge of funding the Met...

all the counties in that area do the same thing

I was starting to think mutts were too bullied
But then there is this post kek

>break the law by posting hate speech
>brag about it on social media

Oy vey!
Why is I being detained???

If you're going to bait, at least get something interesting that doesn't just make you look like an idiot.

Again, doesn't happen in London. All this stupid shit you see UK police do happens in places with almost no crime where they can just sit on their ass all day and spend money.

>In America you can beat niggers and the nig gets arrested
>In Britain you get beat by pakis and the police walk around in high heels with their finger nails painted
You both deserve it

This country is fucking pathetic, Brexit has restored some hope but we have a long way to go.

Hope Kimmy fires a nuke into London desu

>doesnt happen in london
>says london right in the article

Only polish can save UK now.

Sussex is a county on the south coast of England.

It's got Brighton in that's why they're doing this because Brighton is some gay lefty place with a fucking Green MP

Literally cannot even tell what the OP is trying to say, can someone translate orc for me?

Can they fuck, poles are nearly as shit at integrating as pakis.

>white and Christian
>still stick to their shithole communities, have their own polish shops and commit crime

Just another Sup Forumstard who wobbled off the reservation.


Hate speech laws are illegal and immoral.

If only Londonistanis got as triggered by Muslims raping kids as they do about internet posts like in this thread. It's no wonder the government spends all their money arresting tTwitter users, government policy is clearly a reflection of their own values.


>the businessmutt with the case full of money



What's wrong with a traditional British last name?


Bretons came from Britain
Angles, Saxons, and Jutes need to fuck off back to D*nmark and G*rmany


>reddit meme
>londonistan resident

>not enough money for police
>enough money for royal family

Go back to Sup Forums, you fucking idiot. You outsiders are not welcome on Sup Forums.

I see no problem.