Reminder that being white is about culture, morals and values, not about skin colour

Reminder that being white is about culture, morals and values, not about skin colour.

Pic related is an honorary white Arab because she is a disgusting promiscuous trashbag; whereas noble Arabian knights like Bashar al-Assad will always be pure Arab and non-white.

>white Arab

A white Arab is someone who is ethnically Arab therefore Arab, and a complete atheist degenerate, therefore white.

sandniggers will always be sandniggers no matter how pale they are.
deal with it, muhammad

t. MuhaMAD

nigger she doesn't even look arab, she looks full blown pajeet


Whiter than you, Pedro

not really, osama

t. 49%

as a matter of fact, being a pale sandnigger is the worst thing ever
because you are not white, and don't have malanin to protect your skin.
just blow yourself up or throw planes into buildings and shit

>that one brazilian asspained about sandnigs
who hurt you?

White= European/european ancestry
A pale sandnigger is less white than a swarthy european.


You know turk, i have been toying with the ideas of evola concerning race, maybe the biological skin classification is really not enough to measure the caliber of a human.

>Pic related is an honorary white Arab because she is a disgusting promiscuous trashbag

Our country considers arabs "white" regardless of their religion or skin. They're wrong and we're stuck with it. We have no high ground.

My sweet bouboulina :)

Arab mad their women are degenerate lmao, you from Sydney? You should see the state of them.

This arab women were made for non arabic cock

Being white is about being an Anglo and nothing to do with "culture" or "morals". It isn't a positive or negative thing, it's just a lazy demographic descriptor for mainly British peoples who happen to have scattered themselves around the world a fair bit.

sage for garbage Sup Forums thread.

>the one flying in the air

t. Yuriorkis Gamboa

>Identifying with your race/looks rather than ethnicity
Look at these plebs thinking they have a heritage.

>The current U.S. Census definition includes as white "a person having origins in any of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa."[198] The U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation describes white people as "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa through racial categories used in the UCR Program adopted from the Statistical Policy Handbook (1978) and published by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce."[212] The "white" category in the UCR includes non-black Hispanics.[213]
Shes literally white per your own definition.

I strongly agree with this sentiment tbqhwy

thats because all europeans have mena ancestry.