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International #825
There are estonians posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Say finland should officially join NATO
Doctor asks if you've ever had gay sex
How do I find a hobby that makes my life worth living?
Which countries in Europe
What is a regular price of a meal in a local restaurant in your city?
His language refers to the (((shabbat))) in the word for saturday
Russia mentioned
Mfw Japanese dogs still use glorious Chinese characters
Nuke this country and kill every inhabitant
I'm walking around for a coffee
1. country
"We must preserve the Aryan beaut--
*opens up my girl's friends vagina*
Builds successful stable prosperous African country
Sverigetråden - NÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ
Where is better to be born?
Is safe for a solo woman travel in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Freedom of speech
Porn is banned
Hey whiteboi, we heard you talked shit about India
I love Korea
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Ukraine introduced a Visa free regime for citizens of the countries of European Union, U.S.A, Canada, Japan...
Griiils battle thread
/luso/ fio lusofono
What happened to the Indians of this board?
Could a united Korea replace Japan as a economic and cultural world power?
/brit/ the nigger culture general
Tfw 173cm (5'8'')
This sound stumps the Germanic
mfw inmigrants in first world countries ruin the board
Persians tried and failed
/ex-ussr/ general
Kurva anyád
Psst, hey you, over here
Is the islamic golden age real or is it a bad meme?
Which countries posters are the least funny? Who is utterly devoid of humour?
Do women feel loneliness...
/brit/ the british culture general
Wait, (you) can afford a phone? (you) must be related to the president or something
Rarest flag on INT
China Swede
How are you preparing for the Korean century?
What a country is not a shithole exactly?
Interantional over 100kg thread
In 15 minutes I will go the bakery to buy fresh croissants and chocolatines for my breakfast
/ita/ - il filo
Boer, Rhodie and Anglo-African Thread
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/brit/ the british culture general
Thank you UK for letting Macron frenchified anglophone african countries as Ghana
This qt just died in ongoing violent protests in honduras
Wait, Portugal can afford phones? OP must be related to the president or something
When will he finally fucking die with his sickening '''country'''...
Please nuke our country
Asian wars
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Russia plans to release its own cryptocurrency. Venezuela just announced the same...
I like France
/blue states/ - states that voted blue
/fr - le francofil franphone francophile
/midwest/ - Heartland US & friends
The cost of living will eventually go down right Sup Forums?
You find out your girl fucked a black guy once
What's the most beautiful ethnicity?
The absolute state of white girls
What went wrong?
Confess your sins Sup Forums
Moving to Europe
Where would you rule of you were an emperor?
/lat/ hilo latino
/lat/- hilo latino
Why is someone like his accent next to non-existent, but someone like his girlfriend is incredibly obvious?
American citizenship denied
/Cali/ - California General
I'm sorry, but this is the coolest fucking flag ever. It puts all other flags to shame
ITT we celebrate 700 years of anglo-portuguese alliance
What do you think about hapa nationalism?
Fellow spics, we HAVE to do something. Gringos are ruined out most priced food
There's a new trend spreading this Christmas
/SW/ - Southwest US and friends
If you live in a non-green country, you live in a barbaric shithole
Do you love Japan?
/CAT/ Alaska Texas California
Asian immigrants are reliably conservative yet their children become far left. Why is that?
Your country
Why are they good at making music?
Let's admit it Sup Forums, we were all bullied by a goddamn nigger
Mfw reading that animals are leaving Yellowstone, not dying or migrating, leaving
Did you know that Argentina is around 93% pure AMERINDIAN?
An army of Amerimutts decide to invade your country
What the bloody hell?
*blocks your path*
/midwest/ - Heartland US & friends
Ancestry / heritage thread
Do you love Greece?
How does the Brazilian diaspora behave in your country?
Tfw 15 cm penis
American """banter"""
The countries that apply death penalty: what do they have in common other than death penalty?
Name capital cities of these countries without checking it on wikipedia
It's been a while since i've seen this thread, let's goooooo
Why are women so useless at everything?
1. You're cunt
This angers and confuses the eurofag
Why don't they have subculture?
Has dark hair/eyes/nipples
Your cunt
/ita/ il filo
Map thread?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
What do you call this in your country?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/Sino/ 中文 Chinese thread
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Germany will never invade Pooland again
Kurva anyátok
/v4/ + Friends and other things
Do average americans watch this?
TFW you realize Ottawa is the capital of Canada and not Toronto
There are polish shops on the mainstreet
Ur a cunt
Kirby swallows your whole country
Suppose you're a 3rd worlder who's just won european citizenship, but you don't know anyone in Europe
Be Korea
1. You are a cunt
/homoköder/ bzw. /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wonderful country
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Is the BBC the greatest channel ever?
Question of other Americans...
Why are Swedes such cuckolded fucking SJWs? Don't you have pride anymore, you fucking subhumans?
What in the FUCK is wrong with amerilards?
I want to see russians and amerimutts discussing in this thread
/lat/ hilo latino
Why would a non-white persian immigrant become a white supremacist and complain about minorities "entering the gene...
/lat/ hilo latino
Start the first world war
Why arent we having dedicated Sup Forums goddesses threads anymore?
Should we sterilise Danes? We Sterilise other retards
The US will balkanize in your lifetime
/ne/ - New England General
/NAM/ fuck the dutch edition
/esp/ + /ita/ = /espita/ - Reborn
/sur/ Sudamérica - América do Sul
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Here comes your ticket to the america boat
What can we do to help Haiti?
I'm the author of the following post
Cousin saw my nazi loli wallpaper
Post music in Japanese
/fr/ Le - Francofil
What countries would be potential superpowers in the future? Not only militarily but more like economically (production...
How large is your English vocabulary?
Paki cringeposting is about friendship and male camaraderie
What does Sup Forums think of not having children? Any childfree folk here?
Anyone been to central asia ? If I went for between 9-16 days could I manage Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan ?
TELL ME YOUR 5 Italian cities
What's the most aesthetic seat of power? Do you like your country's?
Post your best Slobodan Praljak memes. I want to collect them all
Post your power level
/deutsch/ beheizte ausgabe
What is it about this country's culture that promotes rudeness?
What country/region of the world has the prettiest women?
Another day spent spreading the Amerimutt
Why are Brazilians so obsessed with muscles and roids? Overcompensation? We all know they aren't the majority...
Is your country small?
Is this 1st world or not?
His haplogroup is anything other than i1
Why is the French language so effeminate? Surely this is the reason their men are so emasculated
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Let's have a discussion about the United States of America
Is it the perfect combination of the US and Europe ?
Are conservatives in your country taken seriously?
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
First world
What is the worst general and why is it /mena/?
I have 50k for buying a small farmstead property and I am looking into Norway
How come they use the Latin script instead of the Arab/Persian one?
/ita/ il filo
Could i pass as a local in your country?
Why do you hate us? What have Germans ever done to you?
In 1942, at 19 years old, my grandfather voluntarily got on a boat to be shipped off 3500 miles to Great Britain...
Thank you Spain!
Will it ever stop?
/fr/ - Le fil de la petite-amie
Watching the Great War on YouTube
Is Detroit as bad as its reputation claims?
Whats the difference between shia and sunni islam?
I need a Japanese gf right now
Black man planning on going to Mexico, Am I going to be treated like shit? Are Mexicans racist?
How do you say KARA BOGA in your language?
1. your cunt
What were his supposed crimes?
Random information: Delhi girls are considered the most beautiful in all of India
Sup Forums needs another thread about Finland
Guess the name of the poster above you
Once two great countries, now pure shitholes who need to suck german dick for money
Tfw would be worshipped as aryan brahmin in south india
Sverigetråden - antimexikanska upplagan
1. Your country
Muslims can't build good architec
Jeremy Corbyn
Your country
So this is the power of capitalism... woah
Russian boys
Using more loanwords is seen as intellectual by anglos
My phone just turned American hahahahahahahahahahaha lol
Woah....So this is the power of Israelis?
Would your cunt take in US refugees if Yellowstone erupted?
/brit/ the british culture general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What went so horribly wrong with the japs?
ITT: Post album, others will guess your age
North Africans come here
Really makes you think
Is your country stupid and fascist?
This is Poland. Rich and first world
I look at a map
Tfw the only replies I ever get are Borat quotes
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
Your honest opinion on the nation of Germany
Why is chinese so fucking horrendous to listen to?
/brit/, aber eigentlich /deutsch/
Be a white American
What is their relationship like?
Objectively one of the best countries on Earth, comfiest climate, variety of landscapes...
North Italy = over 104 IQ, the smartest people in Europe
Why are Belgians so insecure ?
Finish reading Bible
Is forced diversity in film a recent phenomenon?
Can you trigger French people without mentioning about refugees, blacks,surrender and Muslim?
So this was in the news today
His """""""country"""""'" isn't pro-israel
Ugly people
Do you love kpop?
What do you think you would be doing when you are 65 years old?
Let's have a discussion about Finland
Lower HDI than Chile
Is this true? Are Finish women very easy?
What's it like knowing more than one language?
Ancient Japanese(Jomon)
Can anyone explain what's with this Amerigoblin meme?
Any people from India here?
Post ur city's cops
World's cheapest whisky
Be depressed
Shouldn't it be lingua franca? It's the only major language that doesn't have retarded pronunciation/spelling
Russia is not eur_____
Please invest in Transylvania
Do people truly believe in a religion in your country?
/brit/ the british culture general
/polska/ + /brunei/
How do we stop Asian women from destroying the white race?
I don't like Asians because those twinks feel strong in killing the coolest animal for a shitty chinky "medicine"
So when is the entire world gonna throw below-the-belt banter about this annually celebrated national holiday about...
Does your language have weird shit like this?
The Land of Ice
/brit/ the british culture general
1.your country
We make great train
WW3 when?
How can we stop non Italian Popes to ruin the Catholic Church? How can we make Popes Italian again?
ITT we talk like Americans
Western Europe want to send all of their muslims to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay
Have you ever gone to a strip club in your country?
So, is Sup Forums the most comfy place on the internet?
Sverigetråden – hippaste stället på internet
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
God tier flags from around the world
How does your country compare to California?
Here's a pic that Soviet cops used to identify different ethnicities
What are your favorite MENA cities?
/brit/ the british culture general
There are girls, yes, you heard me rightly my brethren for I said a capital G "girls", browsing on Sup Forums right now
Why are you hate Russia
Tokyo is the most livable city
Kurva anyátok
Tfw no mutt gf
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ex-ussr/ general
Why don't Americans who are morbidly obese share their meal with Africans who are dying from starvation ?
Are they the good guys or the bad guys?
Is there a fear of black men in your country?
MacDanel's Big Breakfast Deluxe
Was he too pure for this world?
I want to eat a peanut butter sandwich and drink hot cocoa
I just want to be happy
/brit/ the hip and cool general
/cum/ canada usa mexica
Le 'soyboy' meme
/AMX/ - America and Mexico general
Did you have any international friends?
You must spend the next 10 years of your life in either China or India. Which do you choose and why?
You will no chance of getting a slutty Japanese waifu
/blue/ - Blue States General
/ne/ - New England General
Meanwhile, in a better world
/midwest/- Midwestern US and friends
Is croatia a good place to live
/brit/ the baltic culture general
Say something nice about the country the last poster is from. :33
Tfw my gf have great ass, tits, legs, waist but ugly
It's a korea vs. japan thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
WTF i hate drumpf now!
Korea has some of the least cultural legacy in the world. Only niggers have less heritage than Koreans
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Japan is over, Korea is great
Why do right wing Mexicans support Trump?
/Mex/ - Hilo Mexicano
/brit/ the british culture general
Be european
There are europeans on Sup Forums who have never eaten a quality cheeseburger
What happens when your GoFundMe account doesn't raise enough monies to cover your medical bills in your cunt?
Dating Spanish girl
Is Twerking just an American fad or is this retarded dance popular elsewhere?
Portuguese sounds ugly
/brit/ the british culture general
Why did Japan annexed and modernized Korea rather than genocide? I thought Japan really hated Koreans...
Guess the country
/midwest/- Midwestern US and friends
Is it true that the Germany work culture was made by Hitler and Nazis? or Germans were always like that?
Your girlfriend does this?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
/Sino/ 中文 Chinese thread
/cum/ canada usa mexica
What do you like about Latin America?
Why do whites live as far as possible from the equator? They live in the north (Europe, Canada, Russia...
Why did UK cede Hong Kong to China but did not surrender Gibraltar back to Spain?
How to contact poor but English speaking people in China...
How does this make you feel?
/fr/ - Le fil sans juverie
How important is Gym Culture in your country?
Why are Americans against giving free university education to everyone?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why are Germans on Sup Forums so fucking rude?
Why are white genetics so weak?
What the fuck is wrong with americans?
"I am an eternal servant to the chosen people of israel"
Why does this communist faggot look so cool?
Europe: stagnant economy, civil war inevitable...
If this board had a motto, what would it be?
How's life here?
Do Americans actually know this character?
/lat/ hilo latino
How far are you from the woods, Sup Forums? Do you ever go hiking/hunting/exploring/etc. in the forest?
/nachtschicht/, vorher /deutsch/
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
What causes someone to become a socialist?
Is this the most iconic image of the 21st century?
How dare you to forget Queen of Sup Forums
There is now a 1 hour long timer stopping you from posting on other boards once you post on Sup Forums or /r9k/
Have you ever given wrong directions to tourists by mistake or on purpose?
What is the most sad / gray / melancholic country in the world?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Go to ireland
Perfect countries don't exi-
Brown hair
I don’t own a passport and have never been outside of a 150km radius from where I live
Sverigetråden - Kamratupplagan
Being religious
He can't flush toilet paper in his country
Whiter than you, Norway
Most googled item cost, country map
Why do people say we're an Anglo country? Is it because we speak English? Sri Lanka...
Honest thoughts on Italians
Portugalczycy of Sup Forums, please tell me everything about this guy...
ITT: Sup Forums related webms, meet ppl, make friends
Can any atheist even begin to refute this?
Mfw i see a tall blonde nordic
/v4/ + przyjaciele
Why are American youth gay?
I don't like Japan, I prefer Korea
Be a romance language native
Really makes you think isn't it?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1938
Honduras decreted curfew and the police is killing people, just so you know
Why are Falkanders so good hearted and curious towards the lost submarine case, and pretend being worried about it?
Socialism works!!!
/balk/ - Balkan thread
What did ancient Europeans use to eat?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/ita/ il filo
Anyone else addicted to pissing seated?
/ex-ussr/ general
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Meme balls
Is it really as good as it sounds?
Have gooks invaded your country yet?
I'm never bantering another Croatian
2100 AD
Groyper sure is a swell meme, looks like Sup Forums can make memes after all
Japanese girls hate foreigners especially white males
How do we save Mother Africa from Islam?
I am greek
Here is your ticket to the America boat
Hi, I'm French and I'm depressed
Be American on Sup Forums
Culture pals - /cp/
Tfw started browsing Sup Forums because I thought I would learn about world cultures
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Faces of Sup Forums
How racist are your grandparents?
He got beat up by his school teachers and/or parents during his childhood
Charles de Gaulle
How do you feel about your country's diaspora moving back to your country? Have you met any of them?
What the fuck is wrong with americans???
WTF i love iceland now!!!
Why do americans put ananas on their pizza?
Circle Europe Please
Why aren't they considered white?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
ITT: Show us some recent "art" from your country
Show us your scars user
Tfw other boards don't think the 56% meme is funny
"ha ha women are inferior and will never achieve"
/v4/ + comrades
What's the big American city foreigners think is the coolest?
ITT: We trigger the Amerigoblin
Post ur cunt's air force
What's your favorite civilizations in Age of Empires 2?
/ita/ - il filo
I love Italy! All those beautiful cities full of art, amazing food and the relaxed lifestyle!
When a brit posts outside of /brit/
Why do Europeans import American cars? Do they not know how awful our cars are?
An honest thread,its memes and shittalk aside.How do you really feel about the muslims in your country.Their behavior...
If you had a choice, what country would you be born a citizen of?
/deutsch/ Offene Ausgabe
Show me songs from your cunt that are directly linked to your culture and history, however old
Le Royal Baby Face
/fr/ - le fil hivernal
Everyone who is slightly darker than me is a shitskin
Post Anzu without make up
1. your country
Sverigetråden - Lördagsupplagan
Come here and fight me Sw*den
Thoughts and experiences with Turks and/or Turkey?
We are save from a north korean nuke
What does South America needs to do to be First World (leaving aside corruption)
Americans call their father “mister” and “sir”
Where were you when Indonesia saved the world?
Daily reminder that this happened and there's nothing you can do to make it un-happen
The Hun is the plague. We are the cure
Legal age of drinking. Note the Nordic countries
Why is Germany's capital so shit?
How are you preparing for Finland's 100th birthday?
Cousin(she) raped me again
Why are Europeans obsessed with Americans obsession with race?
I wish i was [insert nationality]
Do you care about the environment?
Anglo-Polish friendship thread
The gay Singaporean anime poster
What's the name of this dude in your country?
Can we end racism through lust?
/brit/ the british culture general
You know it's Christmas in Europe when the holiday truck blocks go up
You wake up tomorrow with a bf from 1 (ONE) nationality
We did a surname study
Let’s forget that mutt thing for a second
Tfw you must server army in your early 20s
Explain yourself France
I need to get into Finland before they become too advanced and close off their borders
/brit/ the british culture general
Post the country of your region (Europe, SEA, etc.) your country has the least important relation to
Would you support Anri Okita being made the Goddess-Empress of Japan?
Federalisation of the EU
/balk/ - Balkan thread
France vs Germany which country do you think is best?
/deutsch/ Arsch abwischen jetzt auch akademisch- Ausgabe
It is time to end this, Argentina
ITT contributions your country made to the world
Why Polish or French don't hate German like South Korea still hate Japan
Sverigetråden - Pappa upplagan
Analize this photo of average German family and tell me everything you can conclude about their sexual life
Global infrastructure map
How can we stop the Iranians from further developing their Necromancy?
His "country" doesn't have KFC
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/brit/ the british culture general
Israel's capital is _________
My 9 year old sister was bouncing up and down on my lap and I got a boner is that normal?
/berlin/ ehemals /deutsch/
How do we end this meme?
Tfw you're twink top and love bottom muscle dads
I feel like 95% of japanese posters on this board are mentally ill, their posts hardly make sense...
Destroying the remainders of the european """""union"""""
Yfw Europeans cunts nowadays have Black Friday and trick or treating
/brit/ the wacky bruce general
/fr/ - le fil de l'Empire Français
Post your female version
Why do the Japanese celebrate Christmas?
Why are east asians sooooo smart?
I accidentally showed my power level last week
Greeks greet each other by kissing the tip of the penis of the nearest turk they can find
ITT we laugh at Americans who are about to get fucked in the ass by the republican tax plan
Why aren't East Asians considered white?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
What this body type called in your country?
The meme that destroyed American patriotism
Visited Europe
/brit/ the british culture general
Overall, looks pretty bad. You can see what a mess Greece still is
Mena - "bored" edition
/ex-ussr/ general
What does the average American think of the main american cities?
Hell on earth
Are we smart?
/brit/ the catholic general
Toad Thread? Toad Thread!
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Make me think
Kurva anyátok
What's ur favorite poster during wars?
Why am i so terrible at spoken english?
1. Country
What country has the best names/name structure?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why is portugal so racist?
What's it like where you guys live?
Legal age of drinking. Note the Nordic countries
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why haven't you moved to Australia yet?
How did the Japanese language develop and which language is it most closely related to? Korean? Austronesian?
Spanish exam is at next week
Are you attractive in your country?
Check out these numbers you fucking losers
/brit/ the british culture general
Thoughts on Bhuddist sects?
Why do other Canadians hate them?
Reminder that being white is about culture, morals and values, not about skin colour
Post your irl interactions with Americans
/flags/ + /extraflags/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
Ask a beaner anything
I'm gonna migrate to Japan or Europe or North America in 3 years. Any tips?
Australian """"""French""""" restaurant
/asean/ thread
Is this common in your country?
You’re in the audience when pic related says “hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...