Cousin(she) raped me again

>cousin(she) raped me again

cousin cobain

you must be Gay or she is super ugly.
those are the only instances man would claim that he was raped by a girl.

I felt violated


>haha man, boys and men want sex all the time
>btw fuck da ebul feminists who wants to obstruct men's rights
fuck off

Not like I am minimizing your situation, but it could have been worse, and you know it. Green text please.

>be me
>alone in house with cousin
>she proceeds to raep me




Wew she's qt actually

Thats a thicc ass

wypipo b lyk

Just keep yourself raped by her. My favorite novel ends with that.


tell her to rape me, i will make no resistence

Why the fuck are you complaining
i woudln't mind to be raped by her

"Cousin" "she" "rape" "again".


literally kill yourself

When I was 10, my mom asked my cousin to take me to her room because I was being a disruptive kid. She took me to her room and locked it up, and after a while( skipping all the unnecessary details), she pushed me onto to the floor and started kissing me gently - and something inside of me rose; it was the first time I felt an erection. I was so confused as to what was happening, and I wanted to participate - and so, I did. I got on top of her, started kissing and biting her lips, took my baby dick out and started rubbing against her crotch. It felt so fucking good. But after a while, she started pushing me because I was getting "too close" to her pedophile pussy, and so it was then, she succeeded in pushing me off from her - and she left.

Reverse pedo cunt alert.

bhabi sexy stories: The post



>incest is ok

why are you complainig?

I feel sorry for you user. However I feel even more sorry for MY DICK because boy is he gonna get a beatin!

I was raped by a fat chinese girl

how can i get a cute paki wife

Ningen shikkaku

As expected.

Tell her she can rape me instead.


>not wanting to fuck her
I don't even care if she's your cousin, unless you're a faggit you have no valid excuse for not wanting to do her

Did you tell her you have a bf (me)?