Saturday night on /brit/ edition.
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business idea: a telephone landline but it actually routes all voice data over the internet
Why is every other general on this board so fucking shit?
claim yer gfs
pic related is my gf
bit of a runt type
mank little slag
absolutely LOVE listening to classic Christian hymns in the English language, as the Anglo-Saxons are god's chosen people
best Death Grips track from every album/mixtape coming through.
imagine if you took a /brit/ runt and sent them back to the 1400s to live on a ship sailing across the atlantic
Did anyone here have Advent Calendars when the were in primary school? You had to answer a question correctly and you get the piece of chocolate behind each date.
time for a survey lads
>back to the 1400s to live on a ship sailing across the atlantic
>the 1400s
drunk texting the gf lads
getting a bit intense
dunno what I am doing / have done with my life
feel like a right loser sometimes unironically
wish any party would run on that manifesto of kicking every yank base out of england
she is mine, fuck off
that's a nice tights gf
Sounds pretty bigoted, would make the Muslim students feel like outcasts who didn't belong.
would stow my overhead luggage
MY gf
would never let my gf wear underwear with another man's name on them
any dave deanosson man in?
>go to london
>give up 80% of your salary to mr shekelberg to live in a sharehouse
>get blown up by muslims
>get attacked by women on the tube
fucking londoners, SCREECHING
my 'g'f
Having a pint with the lads right now.
what if I roll a 7, 8 or 9?
Watching Jack Reacher lads
It’s utterly bizarre, his interaction with women is like the sort of thing Matt Hoss would write and the secondary characters act like they were rounded up on the day for cash in hand
Quite entertaining though
>sometimes unironically
Must be deluded to not think it the rest of the time.
You're posting an upstart on a fucking anime image board. Get a grip.
we did the exact same thing at our school
i was an autist from birth though so i'd answer incorrectly so i wouldn't have to eat in front of people
arrogant nonce
Bet yuros are jealous they'll never get an adorable latina cuties who LOVE white bulls.
We had Muslims that participated in that, along with prayers to God, singing Christian hymns and starring in Nativity plays. And we weren't even a Christian school.
Though there was only a few, so I assume when they get greater in number they feel more entitled in asking to be excluded from activities.
la aberración...
el oscuro...
el atroz...
erm 1492 ring a bell?
are there any videos where they bust someone trying to meet really young girls, like pre-teens?
for a while I questioned why I was born
now I understand. to get a blonde, blue eyed wife and preserve my genetic and cultural heritage.
everyone in this thread is a loser. it's saturday night and the pubs are packed and we're here talking about nonces and poo.
Imagine just walking down the road, and having acid thrown in your face and being a disfigured mess for life
Absolutely unfathomable in the north, what went wrong with the south?
I'd say 1 or 2.
Also, what it this
No because actual pedos are quite rare and these people make a living humiliating normal men who are attracted to fit teenagers who have gone through puberty and are fit for reproduction.
>tummy full of food
>gaff to myself
>cat purring on my lap
>heating on full blast
Quite comfy
>being this cucked by feminism that you're ashamed of being attracted to girls at their peak
>pretend to be a girl online
>arrange to meet someone
>get a camera in their face, put in on youtube and ruin their lives forever
Literally entrampment, EXACTLY what entrapment laws were created to stop
never going to drink beer again lads
it's estrogenic.
think the last beer I had was in september or october. good riddance
user lives a vegan lifestyle and supports animal rights.
Are you drinking cider?
What in the name of God is that?
>tfw chad phenotype
seems to be implying my considerable achievements didn't happen though, so like all personality tests is a load of bollox
Pics of kot
southern ponce
lel this is right outside Sheffield train station.
Reality tv is often scripted, staged, and heavily edited. If you watch reality tv shows, be very weary of the legitimacy of what you're watching.
went for a cycle
Mmmm ah yes
Get out.
No. It's just regular beer but you can ask them to put some cranberry juice in it. It tastes nice.
That's the opposite of Chad. That's the narcissistic fedora nietzsche reader.
>>cat purring on my lap
wish i knew this feel :(
they've put a 92 year old in prison
Just can't get along with toffs who went to private school, ESPECIALLY when they try to talk about how hard their lives have been, with their poncey accents
any accutane man in
Our Lord Jesus and his early followers were communitarians. The modern incarnation of the Church is abhorrent.
>that anti van-of-peace pole
part and parcel innit
They don’t approach people, they wait for nonces to come to them
Sounds gross
What kind of beer?
Anyone have that webm of her doing the photoshoot in pic related?
asking for a friend
its called public school!!
a future mother
post more radical left slags
Excellent post
enjoying the new u2 album ngl
nonce hunters are doing god's work
Good Yank
why do brits call private schools public schools? is it meant to confuse low class stupid people?
Mad that some lads ITT are defending nonces
State of You
i got got gas in the tank
got money in the bank
i got news for you baby
you're looking at the man
lad who went to a posh school here but now I work in an environment where pretty much everyone is working class or a uni dropout
feel as though people hate me because I speak with an accident that is obviously not from a council estate
Someone excommunicate this fool
bizarro yank
whys she standing like that