Are we smart?
Are we smart?
> which boards like to brag about their IQ
o im laffin
>Sup Forums that high
who Sup Forumselligent here?
>not the best board to have discussions on
/lit/ and /sci/ do have some smart people but the threads are still utter bullshit
>Sup Forums lower than Sup Forums
>users from boards with higher ratings can be said to 'trump' lower users
quit making fun of trump!!!
He already makes fun of himself on his own
>there are people who still fall for this bait image
Where are the smart people on /sci/?
Well, People here would at least have a Geographic understanding alongside history and economics I would reckon, so this board is pretty smart.
>Sup Forums
that cant be right
Most, but not (((((them)))))
Only in the last 3-5yrs, as the board has been invaded by Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and the like.
My most visited boards are and though
You certainly belong in the .
talking shit not related to science in low effort/quality threads
>Weishaupt's Plateau
What the fuck is that even?
Is that a surprise for you?
Sup Forums is one of the dumbest boards. They are not old school nerds into sci fiction and science. That board is just dumb manchildren.Sup Forums is stupid but isn't as ignorant as Sup Forums.
That picture has been going around for years. The base population of Sup Forums has probably changed since
also it's most probably a ruse
t. Yishun resident
>tfw unironically browse and participate on /sci/ just for /brainlet/ threads regularly
Some years ago we had a thread, where we made an IQ test. Ok, it was not a real one, but semi-real.
All nordics scored more than 130 and even southern euros got 110. Americans got about 100.
This chart supports those results.
>Sup Forums, /fa/ and /fit/ that high up
Trash chart
yes we are very smard