Watching the Great War on YouTube

>Watching the Great War on YouTube

Germans are fucking scum, you and Austria start WW1 just by greed and then commit sick war crimes and start the gas wars?? You invade countries only because of your sick need for control and land?? Then you are responsible for the holocaust and millions more deaths in WW2?? I'm ashamed to be Germanic, Germans are fucking trash!!!

Other urls found in this thread:ötzendorf

Actually, it was the serbs who started WW1


Actually it was the Romanians that started ww1

>tfw got to meet Indy when he came here

Please don't hold modern Germans accountable, they've been bullied too much

This is like a primary school fight taken all the way to college

Nice try bogdanovic

Why is this not an american flag?

*Only sees Albania episodes*

Not true, Austria-Hungary intentionally blamed the assassination of Franz Ferdinand on the Serbian state to start a war and take Serbian lands. This scumbag especially was responsible:ötzendorf

>Germans are fucking trash!!!
I'm glad more people start to notice.

>Defending G*rmans


>taken all the way to college
You can't help being a bit miffed when that school fight resulted in 40 years of special education. Modern Germans still profit from the fact they ended up on the right side of the Iron Curtain.

Gavrilo Princip and the Black Hand were sponsored by the Serbian state
They could have easily avoided war if they just handed over the terrorists for prosecution like they were asked to

Austrians are the anglos of the continent

Fake news


The entire war could've been avoided if the Germans just stood down.
The Austrians only pushed so relentlessly hard because they believed Germany would support them beyond the point of reason, and they were right.

You're fake news

Austria pulled the trigger
Germany backed them up
Serbia gave them the excuse
Russia stopped it being a regional thing
France wanted to fight Germany the whole time anyway
Britain made it so Germany din't roll the western front which made the war last 4 years
America got all their money from it and fucked over everybody at Versailles which set up ww2
the Turks can just get fucked in general

The prussian in charge at the time was an unstable man. First world war is complicated, it isn't entirely Germany's fault. Second world war happened because the sanctions on Germany were way too harsh. Look up the inflation rates on post WW1 German currency. Most of the German population were good people, some were obvious racists.

See this is the kind of shit that can ruin relationships at school forever

Who are you supposed to support to be popular

Also is Hirohito playing captcha tricks or is my ISP advancing their throttling program

>Who are you supposed to support to be popular
That's easy. Not Germans.

>America got all their money from it and fucked over everybody at Versailles

>Implying having any relations with G*rmans is good

>Also is Hirohito playing captcha tricks or is my ISP advancing their throttling program
G*rman apologists deserve that desu

btw what was Iceland doing during those wars? Did they participate in the wars?

The world wars was the wealth transfer to North America
And Woodrow cucked the allies by keeping Germany intact and dividing east Prussia and shit but still incredibly pissed off

>America is responsible for WWII because they didn't let France and the Soviet Union conquer Germany


>not when

Honest there is no country of comparable size and power that has less reason to exist than Germany.
The punishment meted out at Versailles should've been about ten times stronger and it should've followed the original French draft to cut off various parts and forcibly shape them into puppet states.

wtf I love both Iceland and the U.K now

>Blaming any single country for WW1

It was due to crafting a convoluted web of autistic alliances and paranoia. The entirety of Europe was at fault for it.

Those heroic Serbs.. You German genocidal maniacs will all burn in hell for allying with the fucking T*rks and attacking Serbia..

The entire bloodshed could've been avoided if the anglos just stood down.

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been attacked by Germany in two wars but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations
Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean and self-righteous people?

>I have no clue what I'm talking about: the post

Germany caused the end of Hungarian-Austrian Empire by autism in WWI

marvelous thread

Serbia had it coming

>dindu nuffin: the post

The Japanese were killed 100,000 people with air raids in Tokyo by US.
In addition, 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 70,000 people in Nagasaki died of US nuclear bombs.

We shouldn't forget them, but should't keep to say so forever.
We must overcome hardships.

That's not how it went down though. Kraut crown demanded to have its own police jurisdiction in Serbia.

In other words they wanted to conquer Serbia.

And judging from early battles they would've failed going 1v1, so they got Germany involved.

Yes, that's exactly right. The UK made every possible attempt to stop the war from breaking out and once it did it would've happened regardless of them getting involved

103 years ago, and people are still butthurt? Ye gods.

Allied troops raped icelandic women

I hope one day we are forcefully put in NATO and EU
So that we conjure a terror group again, targeting ONLY your politicians, generals, pilots, tycoons, jews, satanists and other vile demonic spawns that rule and keep the whole western empire going.
Imagine a salvo of 50 thermobaric rockets wrecking a Bilderberg meet
Or live leak footage of a 4 star american generals children getting a flaming car tire around their neck
Starting a mudslime chimpout and have phone triggered mortars blow it up
Pose as isis, pose as christian terror group, pose as renegade cia
Behead british royalty
Firing an rpg at merkel
Stabbings of a red shield jew
Kidnapping and asking ransom, but changing minds and murdering jewish children of media moguls, movie makers, bankers
Do it over and over again until the entire jewluminati or whatever the fuck their name is shit their pants as they cant reconstruct a chain of command on time, like when googs snipe a sergeant or a commander, then the next one ranking few moments later
Bombings of saudi oil wells, playing extremely noise enriched and loud soviet anthems on insane speakers in the baltics then running away until someone has to come and shut it down
Spread rumors of insiders in major media outlets
I would sacrifice every last one of my own people, just so that the void can know and that it is knowledge of the last humans on earth about to die, that YES, it was the fucking serbs, bosnian serbs that started it.
My streets name is Gavrilo Princip street
And there are many such streets in our towns
Yes we did and we are going to do it AGAIN
What the FUCK are you going to do about it now?
insult me, say shit about me? Do you really think i give a shit? Do you REALLY?


But remember, that's only if they try and attack our sovereignty.

But yeah, they never learn.

Forgot sinking civilian ships, bombing British cities with the sole purpose of killing civilians and enabeling the genocide of the Armenian people.