How can we stop the Iranians from further developing their Necromancy?

How can we stop the Iranians from further developing their Necromancy?

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>Fatima Bogdanova

quick rundown?

first bogdanoff clone with 200+ iq from the bogdanoff genetics lab.

>when you take LARPing as a wh*Te too far

Let this be a reminder to all you ahMEDS, go out and get some sunlight in the name of ALLAH

the fuck is this

Good halloween costume, she really looks like a zombie

(F)ersians are pathetic
Fucking cr*ckers wannabe

What the fuck is this freak?

Ban photoshop in Iran. Let's see what she can do with GIMP (Green Is My Peeper).

Came here to post this.


honestly this amount of plastic surgery should be illegal or something, people who do this have some serious issues

she got tonnes of plastic surgery to look like her idol, angelina jolie

I see Iranians were in fact the real Aryans all along

Fucking retarded shia scums. Why should I care? Jews in disguise ever since they kicked out the Shah.

I was going to say she looks like the skeleton lady from that Tim Burton movie, but the latter actually looks much better than her lmao

>Jews in disguise ever since they kicked out the Shah.


...and after

How very Tim Burtons Nightmare Before Christmas-esque.

wtf? mentally ill people should not be allowed to get plastic surgery

She used to be cute.
Fucking wh*te corrupting non western women mind

RT of all places got to the bottom of this and says it's mainly photoshop, though:


The only people who get them are mentally unstable or insecure. Psychiatrist's tests would destroy the whole industry

reminds me of when people were freaking out about this "giga chad", but in the end it was just photoshop as well

ayy lmao

She still fucked up even if a lot of it is makeup and photoshop.

Someone explain this meme to me

This Is How Americans Will Look By 2050 - And It's Beautiful

I would totally wife her.

The fuck this shit? Send her back to the grave.


wainting until Shlomo decide to exterminate them


P*rsians were a mistake

I'd...fuck her


my new zombiefu

Wtf she was cute.

You cant stop us. Its already done.
