Why are white genetics so weak?
They get overpowered by literally everything
Why are white genetics so weak?
They get overpowered by literally everything
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maybe that's the reason why.
Except Asians think he looks white.
Noodles and Spaghetti are basically the same thing anyway.
He looks biracial to me, although I'd assume he was half Slav.
I don't think so. Asians have tiny eyes but still they aren't blind.
Look at a hapa next to an actual Asian and you can see the difference. Asians can tell the difference themselves.
whoa good point
Hapas look like central Asians
If his father was an Italian, his facial feature looks more Caucasian.
Of course it has some exception. But, this is 90% of common sense.
Black genetics are even weaker.
Here's a quadroon (1/4 black 3/4 white)
>buy new white shoes
>1 day after they're tainted with foreign substances
The pure cannot live in such environments.
He looks way more Asian than he does white
>big nose and lips
Purity is easy to spoil.
Silly amerimutt, white people don't have skin that dark or lips/noses that big. A 1/4 white 3/4 black mutt would be indistinguishable from a black person however
*soils your genes*
jej, sorry.
>lips/noses that big
Pewdiepies nose is literally bigger
>They get overpowered by literally everything
The question is:
Which genetics are stronger? African or East-Asian?
el Chinegro jajajajaja
Their genes are just like their "people"
Half casts never come out white or even remotely white.
White + Black = Obama
White + Asian = Asian
Wh*Te genes are recessive therefore inferior.
>white genes are weaker because mixed people don't look 100% white
You all are dumb.
Luma Grothe is of German, black and Japanese descent and she looks white
This guys look like a really strongly tanned chinese guy
56%, I...
I.E. unfit/ unnatural for this world
her iris says she's white, but her other features says otherwise.
Because that which is desirable is difficult to maintain, and must be jealously guarded. It's litearlly the exact same principle as eye color.
He means big nose as in flat you retard.
she looks like a slavomed
you must be kept in a cage then.
real nigger gene + Asian nigger = disaster
How brainlet do you have to be to think something like this?
A whiteoid and a blackoid have a baby. To the black, it's obviously whitened, to the white, it's obviously blacked. It's the same for the rest.
>German, Black and Japanese
So this is what Kalergie wanted?
How about Sakura and Tulip combo?
German: crazy kinky sex genes
Black: Black nympho genes
Japan: Japanese drepavity genes
Don't reproduce with this mutt, but do go to town.
Just watch your wallet and your bicycle.
the guy doesn't have a flat nose either
Lmao, yeah, sure thing
Male white genetics are weak. White women's genetics are strong.
This guy has a white mother and an asian father.
He still looks mixed
Why are the Germans so kinky? A lot of the really disgusting shit porn seems to come from Germans.
I can't understand it at all. What's sexy about shit?
he looks like he could be one of the "white" mexicans
it's german culture
He looks like a white
Oh that's good, Germans are our eternal Axis ally.
Fucking underrated, du hast mich getötet
Also, it's because a pureer product more easily gets deluded
He do actually looks like he has some white in him. Really manly face too.
East Asian or South Asian? Indian/white is a crapshoot. Some look Desi, some look white.
His father is famous Chinese singer Wakin Chau.
We were black originally, a mutation bleached us and nature tries to correct it?
Julien Kang has a white mother and Korean father.
So what?
wh*Tes are an aberration against nature then?
Germans fetishize degradation. That's why the post WW2 process went by so smoothly.
pewdiepie has a flatter nose
It's called a potato nose, common among scandis, us being snownegroes and all
>tfw you look 100% physically despite being half hispanic and born in South America
Wew lads, dodged a bullet on that one.
*100% white
No you don't
top kek
>whites can't have big noses
ummm sweety, explain this
>le 56%
pick one