Is this 1st world or not?

is this 1st world or not?

ya it's first world, a modern high tech economy with a high standard of living.

Yes. Western and European as well.

It doesnt accept black refugees and immigrants so no, its a racist backwattered country.

So it needs European values of immigration and tolerance


>thread about Israel
>amerimutts fill the thread

yeah that was really bizarre

>It doesnt accept black refugees and immigrants
You wish.
I mean, I wish.
Where did you get it from? all of south Tal Aviv is African and it's the same in some other places too.
Only Japan knows how to keep refugees and "refugees" out. We absolutely don't.

It's a future Russian colony.

But those are ethiopean jews from the tribe of Dan.
Not those fake non-jews that larp as jews called Ashkenazis.

I'm talking about neither of them. It's about Sudanese and Eritreans, most of them are muslim.
Just google "Illegal immigration from Africa to Israel"

Just gas the Ashkenazis already. The other will know how to deal with those.

Stop talking about gas and gib submarines

Just buy them.
There shouldn't be any issue for Israel to buy submarines from us.

Yes they are

I just read up on this
>the german goverment participates in the payment for the submarines with 30% of their value what is roughly 500mil€)

WTF. Why are they so dumb. Just sell arms what the hell is this.

>sorry for holojaust ;(
that's why

my hometown is being filled with niggers and indians
send help


It's Western like UAE or Japan is Western. AKA not Western at all. Just modern.

If all countries of capitalist are 1st world,
Israel might 1st world,

But If only superpower countries are 1st word and other countries are 2st world,
Israel might 2st world.
(also Japan is 2st)

>high GDP per capita
>low infant mortality rate
>high life expectancy
>quality health care
>higher education
>very high HDI score
>doesn't depend on resources(oil, natural gas etc) for economy like Qatar or UAE.

Yes, they are only the genuine first world in the Middle East.