What's the most aesthetic seat of power? Do you like your country's?

What's the most aesthetic seat of power? Do you like your country's?

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Ours is ok

Ours is alright

Looks nice

got another angle?


Probably the most iconic parliamentary building after the Capitol and Westminister.

How are we supposed to cook the delicious giant monkeys?

Our's is definitely the most aesthetic in any of the New Worlds

>instagram colors

those remind me of


It's a soup bowl because Brazilians love sopa de macaco.

In London, you have a giant dildo because everyone has different tastes.

Is that a golf course?

Explain this whole Canadian capital bullshit to me So is Ottawa the capital of Canada, or the capital region Ottawa-Gatineau, and its part of two provinces at the same time? Or divided?

Well, it probably is easier to plan for something like that when you're building in the 19th century, ours is the most storied tho, as in the literal halls of Montezuma.

It kinda had to be built as a fortress in the 16th century, Cortés wasn't exactly trusting of the natives after Noche Triste, hard as fuck to fit the whole thing in a single picture, is fucking massive.

people like it but I think its underwhelming imo
they are also spending £4bn of our money to repair it

Brasilia was a mistake. Modernist trash!

Rio de Janeiro should be the capital.

Literally too easy to invade though. Brasilia is better protected.

It just feels like some things are missing

>le safety meme

Dude, no one is going to invade our country. NEVER.

imagine being london and erecting a giant faberge chode in the middle of your city

They do like their BBCs

a favela full of niggers and criminals can't be the capital. smartest the guy who moved the capital to brasilia.

Anyone that wants to invade Brazil is only doing it so they can give that horrible land of Bolivia access to a coastline and set forth the Apocalypse, capital's going to burn either way. A bunch of trees and monkeys aren't going to protect shit.

Paraguay hates us, they're not over Guerra da Cisplatina. Literally the worst american war after US' Civil War, in terms of death count. And pretty much all deaths were on their side.

>Literally the world's most iconic and aesthetic


It's cool

It's okay but I wish the early republic was less obsessed with neo-classical styles.

They are OK I guess, back in the days they just used what was already there so it's not iconic or what, at least they aren't shit

honestly, if it was kept the capital there wouldn't have that many favelas


Ours is okayish I guess

it's fucking hideous, I don't know what were they thniking

unbiased answer, this one has to be one of the most aesthetic

ours is a pink turd

I like every single one in this thread but this one and this one

its ok

Respect your grandparents, sopa


I just expected more from Italy, you have 10/10 buildings and structures everywhere.

that's a cool one

Really love this one

I really really really like this one.

Why is it pink?


I think the legend in Argentina is they mixed in cow's blood with the paint

kek, are we counting buildings that never actually got finished?

Well, not in Rome, or at least not palaces and buildings suitable for parliment. I mean most of the "modern" ones, and by modern I mean after the Empire, just look all the same and were nobility residence

Ottawa is a city in the province of Ontario, it was chosen by the Queen to be the nation's capital because it had both French and Anglo and was in an easily defensible position. Each province then has it's own provincial capital.

Just take over the Vatican and put your politicians there.

No, it's a garden

what is that flag?

Vatican's story is pretty funny actually. They were de facto on a siege by the kingdom of Italy from 1861 to 1929, by that date they signed the Patti Lateranensi that basically recognized Vatican as a country because Mussolini was scared the pope would excommunicate him and the people would not follow him anymore. Then the whole UNO thing happened and now it's quite not cool doing so

It's the personal standard of His Royal Highness, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. The flags of the Monarchy take precedence over the Canadian flag when they are visiting.

>The flags of the Monarchy take precedence over the Canadian flag when they are visiting.

That's pretty cucked desu

It looks like shit.

It's really nice.

We are a Monarchy, that's how it works. Canada has done very well under this system.

Security is so lax, you JUST have to hop a small fence and you are in

for me, is brasil

Minimal security at the capital is usually a sign of a safe and civilised nation.

there is literally graffiti on the wall

I assumed that was how Asians wrote signs

>costa rica

Don't be rude



Borgen is my favorite series. I think I'd be able to recognize the rooms inside.

People are allowed to protest outside the building with only some DYEL cops as protection.


That's my mistake sorry, I thought it was Thailand



Welcome to the galactic senate.

looks evil

Looks cool


Why did they do it

Looks VERY familiar

This one is the best

Why aren't hungarian aesthetics more popular

Looks like random apartment or private offices space building desu

>liking the shit third season

Our parliament building has been raped by architects a lot of times since its construction started 1000 years ago. The original 13th-century roof of the knight's hall was replaced in 1860 because an architect thought it was fake due its size (although it wasn't) and the 17th-century buildings around the Knight's hall were removed last century.
I hope someone will bring the water around it back during the renovation and demoslish the Tweede Kamer.

Ottawa is the national capital. It is a city in Ontario. The "National Capital Region" includes Ottawa, as well as Gatineau-Hull, a separate city (across the river from Ottawa) in Québec.

The capital of Ontario is Toronto, the capital of Québec is Québec City.

it's small and shitty

like the country

the picture needs more saturation and golden hour

>almost under water
this mess at least fits the country

Cool, we also do the Star Wars theme thing

they were supposed make it nicer but they didn't do it

jaki kraj taki parlament