What happens when your GoFundMe account doesn't raise enough monies to cover your medical bills in your cunt?

What happens when your GoFundMe account doesn't raise enough monies to cover your medical bills in your cunt?

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You die and Republicans shrug their shoulders and say "such is the will of the free market, who are we to question its wisdom."

I thought this was all going to be fixed once we passed the bill and found out what was in it

1) You actually pay for it yourself
2) You take out a loan
3) You ask friends or family


hello >>>/reddit/


The absolute state of yanks

>hate Jews for their greed
>"if you don't have the money go die on the street lol"

says the r/the_donald expat, that's rich

What are your thoughts on the new corporate tax cuts?

>You take out a loan


Its called a credit card and Americans do it all the time.

Why should I pay for YOUR medical problems??? Go on. Pretend you are an American.


Permanent tax cuts for the rich
Temporary tax cuts for everyone else

Shouldn’t have expected anything more.

I'm so pleased that corporations and billionaires will have to pay less taxes, and that the difference will be made up with cuts to medicare. After all, more money for rich people means more money for everyone. I mean, has trickle down economics ever not worked?

>Why should I pay for YOUR medical problems???

The same reason you pay for the streets other people use.

I pay for streets because I use the streets you moron. You idiot. Tell me why I should pay for your healthcare when I already pay for my own.

you use all streets in america or even your state?

> Tell me why I should pay for your healthcare when I already pay for my own
because you when you growp up and actually need you won't get fucked in the ass by greedy jewish private companies

you knife some rich ass alman
allahu akbar

Spoiler alert, you already pay for others healthcare through Medicare


>Obese amerimutts dieing after getting a disease from eating too much is a bad thing

I'm happy that boomers are going to be homeless now.


africa tier

Ok now tell me why I should pay for YOUR healthcare and not elderly whoevers incapable of work,

We already pay for medicare for old people. Why pay for young able-bodied people capable of paying for their own helathcare??

He looks pretty white and skinny to me.

>I don't have an answer so I am just going to stammer out some racist bs


why should i give a shit about old people? i want to see them lying destitute on the street dying from illnesses when I walk about town so that I have people to look down on and motivate me to work harder, you dumb nigger faggot.

so they will pay for you when you get old also medicare for old people isn't even free. The G plan is 12k bucks a year

>young people don't become seriously sick or injured

One day you'll be old dumbass that said if you want to drop protections for old and disabled jsut say so.

No they won't, if they can't handle themselves in their prime earning years they can't handle paying for anyone else unless you are fantasizng about some Cinderella BS scenario,

No shit they do, why should I give a shit?

In the Netherlands you have mandatory insurance (which Obama copied).

The first 385 euros you spend on medical expenses during a year are NOT covered.
After that EVERYTHING is covered.

Jesus christ

this guy lived in my city :(

and his mother died two days before he died. He was dealing with heartbreak too

good god

So people with chronic illnesses get fucked over. Because they pay 385 euro a year on top of their insurance money.

>capitalism with a human face

But every person in the Netherlands has a free family doctor. So getting a prescription for anything is easy. And he basically decides if you have a medical necessity to get something or not.

You ARE paying for MY healthcare already pal. I've been on Medicare for 11 years and will always be on it. There's nothing you can do about it.

inb4 "Why didn't his rich parents just give him a job?"

>Republican logic

Why is it that the revolutionary spirit that founded this nation has been killed entirely? Americans went from rising up against neo-feudal landlords and industrialists to sucking their cocks on a daily basis and talking about how they're "job creators".

You went from Dutch and French to English.

Which was exactly which you tried to escape from.

Republicans have no sense of cognitive dissonance. It's the same reason they can espouse Rand's "talent begets money" ideology while simultaneously bemoaning the estate tax and how it undercuts dynastic wealth.

Which is another thing this country was founded in opposition against, a hereditary noble class.

I know I say this a lot, but the Midwest was unironically socialist only 100 years ago, and now the fire departments are getting shut down here because nobody wants to pay taxes.

I saw a documentary about in on russia today (totally unbiased). And they said the republicans convinced white americans that only minorities would make use of social services. So even the white Americans who needed it started to denounce it.

Yes, there's actually quite a bit of truth to that. In general, racial autism and the "culture wars" are used to make people vote against their economic interests (it also disguises the fact that there's no real left-wing in the U.S.)

that's unironically true for the most part.

>He was helping his mother with her own health issues
Man this is fucked up, he didn't dance hard enough while begging for help? No one should have to rely on charity to just be alive

This is actually what happened. A lot of southerners used to be democrats until the dems supported the civil rights movement, so the republicans pounced on the opportunity.

As much of a meme as Trudeau is, I'm rather live in Canada. This country is great if you have money, but if you don't it sucks and the middle class shrinks every year thanks to "trickle down"

We literally can't change it, Mexibro. To be honest, I don't even think that the majority of the country wants it, but our voices get buried. A lot of the younger generation seems to care, but there are too many useless, cynical nihilists, and they care too much about (((social issues))) and (((culture war))) bullshit.

you can get fucked over here if you don't have enough money

dental care isn't covered, if teeth are infected

they'll pull them out but wont give you fillings
a lot of services are only offered in the biggest city in many provinces, people can have to travel over 1000km and pay for housing to get treatment, you can be denied treatment and surgeries if you can't prove you can afford travel costs

even though hospital stays are free, ambulances aren't

>be American
>can't afford insulin

>even though hospital stays are free, ambulances aren't

At least you're not privatizing your ambulances to private, for-profit businesses who will have your poor ass thrown out of the ambulance if you can't afford the tip.


dude, if fucking Mexico can solve this one it's beyond me you guys can't get your head out of your ideological asses and just go single payer already, even fucking Dems are not all on board with something as simple as everyone gets covered

I think that a lot of the younger generations want it.

The voters who so ardently support the politicians who want to remove any and all welfare for the benefit of their corporate paymasters are the ones needing it the most too.

It's a matter of education. Which is why the GOP wants to keep schools underfunded.

You realize that someone in such a shitty financial state is likely to have bad or no credit and almost no credit card company will give them one? The best they could get is secured shit where they have to put down a deposit, which defeats the purpose.

This is when the Republican pivots from "why doesn't the poor person get a loan" to "why doesn't the poor person get money from charities".

>refuse to maintain basic health of society
>millions cant afford healthcare and miss opportunity to stop preventable problems before they get worse
>accumulation of untreated problems causes these people to flood and overcrowd emergency room, where tax payers end up footing a bill that is much larger than letting them go to the doctor for checkups would have cost

god bless this country

>feel bad making jokes a while ago about gofundme being the top health care insurance for burgers

Why is Trump trying to repeal "Obamacare" health care so much?

Does he think people hate niggers so much that they would rather have no healthcare, than Obamacare?

Do people hate niggers so much, that they'd let millions of their fellow Americans go without healthcare, rather than have healthcare with a nigger associated with it?

>Why is Trump trying to repeal "Obamacare" health care so much?
He used to support Universal Health Care (in his 2000 campaign) but I think he has since unironically bought into the Fox News narrative about communist healthcare.

>Does he think people hate niggers so much that they would rather have no healthcare, than Obamacare?
I think so, yes.

>Do people hate niggers so much, that they'd let millions of their fellow Americans go without healthcare, rather than have healthcare with a nigger associated with it?
I think so, yes.

poor people are poor by their own fault they get plentyof help

how is it possible?
America is such a rich country, and yet it lets its citizens die because they cant afford insulin

>healthcare with a nigger associated with it?
Someones in for a shock in the next 20 years

This isn't good enough. We need to round up boomers and shoot them.


what the fuck

Trucks pay a fee to use roads because they use it more than cars or bikes.

I would have no problem with socialized healthcare if we made smokers and fat people pay their fair share.

Because the bum got free healthcare and the dems secured the bum vote, the big pharma rose the price of medicine knowing bank and insurance companies would cover it all and raise their rates like their is no tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the hard-working, law abiding citizen got fucked in the ass and is forced to pay for everyone. In some cases, it was cheaper to pay the fine than to buy health insurance, even once you take the risks in the balance.

Here in norway we already kinda have that. Cigarettes and alcohol have something like 150-200% tax. People have also toyed with the idea of a "fat-tax" for some years now, which would mean an added tax on unhealthy and fattening food (snacks, candy, soda and so on). I'm all for it, I've always preferred eating healthy food over fat and greasy food anyway.

That's depressing.

Not having free healthcare is the reason why so many people in America are fucked beyond repair.

Considering obesity is a health epidemic just like any other it's starting to look like the only option is to start limiting the sum amount of calories that enter society because education doesn't seem to work.

>education doesn't seem to work.
It would work better if we had one hour a week of being teached healthy lifestyle by a nutritionist rather than body positivity.

Body positivity has nothing to do with this. The obesity epidemic is not going to go away even if you were allowed to publicly denigrate and abuse fatties.

It would help. Advertise classical beauty, remove the fat activist from the screens, give positive and negative role models, people will follow.

Morbid obesity will be a slight nuisance instead of a major national issue.

>It would help.
Considering the fattest countries in the world are third world shitholes with extremely low standards of courtesy you couldn't be more wrong.

Imo we should have socialized single-payer healthcare but people who continually choose to be unhealthy by smoking or being fat pieces of shit should have to pay more.

They have to find their own way, why should I care about them?

He's just saying, if it doesn't work there, why would it work here?

I'd actually be in favour of something like rationing