>I don't like Japan, I prefer Korea
I don't like Japan, I prefer Korea
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't like the United States of America
the most petulant anti-americans usually are american
>God isnt real
>I don't like North Korea, I prefer Japan
>I love japan
>I'm learning japanese
they're both terrible
kpop is great
listening to kpop now prove me wrong
Only retarded people post the retarded wojak meme
Source: me
We both have terrible working condition
>chinks singing crap
>ugly language
>ridiculous copy of western pop songs
still listening?
Why not just stop working then
what are you up to tonight
Except korea is even worse, it's such a shithole why is it even allowed to exist like holy fuck they are actually love being enslaved by some corporations
real music like
i like that too
how was your day
like every other day
and you?
J-pop > k-pop.
gettin high with my white friends
japs deserve death for what they did in ww2
too bad mcarthurt was a weaboo, hirohito shoudlve been burned alive and sacrificed to pagan gods
think im catching the yellow fever lads
drug is bad m8
>I like Japan cause anime and computer games
weed is a white invention
anime website
weed is retarded, alcohol moderatly is good
going to mcdonalds
see you sooN!
Me likey likey indeed
>eating dogs is just their culture
not going afterall
'changed mty mind :DDDD
Immediately thought of that lel
haha I slept in until 3pm on accident and this thread is making it worse
that's right, go to hesburger instead
ok going actually
theres a lottery in mcdonalds i might win free stuff!!!!
>Except korea is even worse, it's such a shithole why is it even allowed to exist like holy fuck they are actually love being enslaved by some corporations
Fixed that for you!
They really did adopt our culture
this meme is suposed to be done in the inverse way. fatfuck.
But China is the best
lads dont want to go wtf?
>But China is the best
Only manchildren and perverts unironically like j-poop, aside from japs; however the two are terrible.
I guess this is irony.
>Doesn't catch irony
I guess i don't find accurate english word.
t. John 'im totally Naruto' Stevens the english teacher
,,,,,,I'm Japanese.......
nice pig
and you english is fine
Only bitches,druggies and amerindios like reggaton
Two can play this game
thank you,,,,,
>I don't like [enter country]
t. Kevin Rodriguez
>>I don't like [enter country]
I guess i became a foreigner.
>>>I don't like [enter country]
>>>>I don't like [enter country]
i dont like japan, i prefer korea because korean girl are more beautiful
>I think that copying what someone says in greentext form and attaching a dumb wojak to it is funny
intelligent post
after the jaw surgery maybe
>I like Russia
>I am currently learning Russian language
I like Binlan :D:D:D
>I like [enter country]
>>>>>I don't like [enter country]
>>>>>>I don't like [enter country]
wtf you're not the guy