American """banter"""

American """banter"""

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it's their German ancestry I guess

why do continental Europeans think they can use the "American banter" gimmick? It only usable by Brits, Irish, Aus, and NZ posters. Continentals are well known to be less funny than even Americans, especially the French and Germans

If anything its undeniable proof that Americans are purely descended from continentals which have been made into anglophones by the elite

>Poo Peeland
worse banter than leafs

>56 replies

I think he enjoyed all those (You)s

>American banter

How the fuck are they decendents of us?

I wouldn't entirely deny that, I think we have a massive cultural influence of German peasant culture and behavioral norms

but I've never seen a funny post by French on this site and they seem to think everyone is in agreement that they're witty posters. Honestly even Germans are better than they are occasionally

Yeah, we aren't the best.

Can handle it alright though.

American """banter""'

>56% banter

this but unironically


Aside from maybe Germany every euro can handle the banter better than you

what's with the anti-americanism lately?

56% banter
44% butthurt

Here we go again

nah, frog banter can be pretty sharp 2bh. usually if they're having a back and forth with some brits

and i've never seen them act like everyone think's they're witty. if anything they're open about being smug and easily butthurt


because every continental doesn't get bantered as much. maybe they do more in their shitty generals but i don't go to generals


muh Sup Forums

success breeds jealousy

Don't cry you little pussy

Go to Sup Forums then. There's a hugbox for you


oh yes the anglo >humour

>euros can't go through a single thread without mentioned ebil Sup Forums
you guys talk about Sup Forums more than fucking Sup Forums even does lol

>declare personal bankrupcy when you want to buy pills against flu

>the daily (mostly maerican made) sweden rape/hate/cuck threads stay up until bump limit, but the amerimutt threads are almost insta deleted
>"we can handle the banter better than yuropoors"
its easy to take the banter when its literally against the rules to banter americans. also this this butthurt is rich coming from a country that literally drove away 90% of indians with the poo in loo spamming top kek

>the daily (mostly maerican made) sweden rape/hate/cuck threads stay up until bump limit
Do you report them?

>>the daily (mostly maerican made) sweden rape/hate/cuck threads
can't remember the last time i've seen this on Sup Forums maybe on Sup Forums but i don't browse Sup Forums so idk what the fuck youre even talking about. aussies created the poo in loo and everyone on this board laughed as pajeet. there is more americans on the site than any other nationality so what are you even going on about? lmao


delet this

>56 replies


no, theyre actually low iq subhumans. comedy requires a mesaure of intelligence so germans are actually funnier than amerispecimens

Americans have been universally reviled for decades now, idiot.

Muricans really can't help themselves.

I've never seen a good post out of Panama Can you link me to one?

We clap when the plane lands too don't see what's wrong with that desuwa

French posters are mostly humorless and extremely prone to butthurt.

Can we get exactly 56 replies to this?


Let me help you with Anglo (or close equivalent) banter user:
Can produce but not handle banter
Can both produce and handle banter
Can handle but not produce banter
Can neither produce or handle banter

A high amount of the European flags on here aren't Europeans. For proof of this, make a thread insulting some shithole in Africa or the Middle East and watch how fast you get attacked by multiple French, German, Swedish, Dutch, etc flags.


whiter than you moktar

Holy shit. Include me in the screencap.

>Can handle
Good one

yeah i was talking about pol, not int, but objectively speaking my post just looks like crazy ramblings so nwm

>56 replies

inch allah, abdul merah Ouader al Aziz

Good at bantz, poor at taking it
Good at bantz, generally good at taking it
Neither good at bantz or taking it
>New Zealanders
Do they even exist or is it a myth?
Some are good at bantz, some aren't and get easily butthurt.

Oh honey...


Earlier today I noticed a string of orcposting threads started by a French flag. That wasn't notable in of itself, what was notable was that most of them had a British flag following along in a few posts to defend the French poster from criticism.

The smell of proxy is strong.


>Some are good at bantz, most aren't and all of them get easily butthurt
fixed it for you ánon

>American investigators


good banter

wow… this must be proxy…

thank you, I'm still learning tho

>get called fucking leafs for years
>Sure thing bud

>yanks get called mutts for a week

Let's do it

nzers are similar to us in that department

They don't seem to handle sheep fucking jokes very well and they also get butthurt when Lorde is mentioned.

I never recall any of them ever bringing her up. There was a Hungarian poster who hates Barbara Palvin though.

there was another Hungarian poster who claimed he fingered her outside of some Budapest club

just stop typing

To be fair, one is a musical artist, the other has done nothing except take her clothes off in front of a camera.
It's a bit cynical but worth a laugh.


>he doesn't want based ladypedes on Sup Forums
must be a hillary supporter with proxy, or shareblue

t. Soros shill


Fuck you, that skit's gold.
I've seen Sudaca Youtube channels, your humor is definitely not worthy of any praise. It's loud, obnoxious, outdated, low quality memes reminiscent of a middle school or an episode of a low-budget cartoon network show.

haha kill me now this is Sup Forums 2017

really proving the crowd wrong about american batner there mara

>I've seen youtube channels
Practically an expert arent you

It's not so much her age or sex that irks me, it's moreso the fact that she frequents Reddit. I'd rather have a Hillary supporter who's posted on Sup Forums for years than a conservative who just got here from Reddit.

What is wrong with them? Europeans use them all the time?

Why can't Brits handle banter?

Swedish Youtube:
>complain about immigration, while simultaneously being a Bosniak edgelord
>spam videos of you screaming about virtual skins
>excersize with shirtless men in the forest
Yeah you've got some quality entertainment huh

yeah pretty much this, its not about her age, its the fact that people who can barely use the internet (and most likely wont bother understanding the culture of the different boards) are sent here on the pol boats by the thousands

>U mad bro
quality banter, absolute quality

omg the butthurt

What am i supposed to be butthurt about? I'm just pointing out your shit attempts at banter

not a bad comeback

wow you are so triggered XD
