
Canada and Mexico general. Friendship edition.

Not invited: American posters.

who /anime/

haha motherfucker looks like i'm posting in your thread


hey pls stop that


*invades your country*

I feel absolutely no sense of camaraderie towards Mexico.



I’m remembering the Alamo, try and stop me

>tfw Mexico has absolutely no friends in the world

what is the alamo

I can be your friend. :)

have you heard of the anime a charlie brown christmas

What about Guatemala?

Sorry to disappoint you, but we have nothing in common with canada.



>am*rigremlins posting in OUR thread again
hold me mexibros



Canadians AND Mexicans filthy.

I love maple syrup

t. chi

What brand you like

Fuck off Terrone go back to getting upset at /fit/

terrone is a self hating wop

found the soyboy

I LITERALLY love you

Mexicans are cool, but as long as burgermutts are in between us.

No shared border, pls

we'll tolerate you if you let us build the wall and patrol it. i have literally no qualms with mexico beyond how you economically strain us

Once America is taco'd, you will be next

>how you economically strain us

Your Republican party has damaged your economy more than Mexico every single Administration they've had since 1980.

Kinda wish you guys would get that wall built and deport all the Mexicans so when your economy continues to get fucked under Republicans you suddenly wake up to the fact that blaming Mexicans wasn't the solution.

Missed canmex desu

what do you love about mexico?

>implying tacos can handle this kind of environment

king of the non-sequitur, learn how to read english buddy

"i have literally no qualms with mexico beyond our republican party"

does that make sense to you dumb leaf?


Idk but that happens to me as well

Not Mexico silly... you
