Where were you when Indonesia saved the world?

Where were you when Indonesia saved the world?

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canada is cold enough.

I thought ashes in the atmosphere increased the green house effect. Is this a meme?

They also block sunlight

You are right

It does both essentially. The reason it cools the earth is because ash blocks the sun’s rays from penetrating the atmosphere.

Greenhouse effect is weird.

This guy is smarter than me

>for years
I am overwhelmed by the magnitude of these implications. My brain literally cannot comprehend the sheer scale of it. This is so big it will change everything.

>be Indonesia
>directly cause the deaths of countless people due to multiple catastrophic volcanic eruptions throughout history

Why do they keep getting away with this?

we actually can terror the world by built nukes and bomb tangkuban parahu, krakatoa, merapi, and sinanbung
the next, the world will be on ice age for next hundred year

>we hate ourselves but we hate the rest of the world even more

that's why NK builds nukes man


No, the CO2 it releases does, but the cube kilometers of ashes a big eruption shoots in the atmosphere offset that by blocking sunlight.

it'll cool the Earth down a little bit for a short while IF a major eruption happens, which hasn't happened yet and no one knows for sure if it will happen

volcanoes send large amounts of co2 and haze into the atmosphere
the co2 released by a large volcanic eruption is insignificant compared to the co2 released by humans every year
the haze, however, blocks sunlight and cools the earth until is dissipates a year or two later depending on the magnitude of the eruption
so volcanoes have a net cooling effect, the biggest ones cause mini ice ages

it'll make temperatures drop back to the level they were say 5 or 10 years ago before rising again, which isn't very different from now, this is insignificant


please come to indonesia

this won't solve anything, tho
unless we find a way to replicate what the tons of ashes do, the global warming will keep on going, just buying us some time
it's like anesthetizing someone with a broken leg, he won't feel the effects anymore, and might even feel good for a while, but it'll come back as soon as it wears off unless you fix the issue

My perants went to Bali before I was born

You were probably conceived there.

yes considering the term (thier vacation and my birthday), that's realistic

there are proposals to do this


we could launch a bunch of nukes at moscow

nuclear winter :)

The cooling occurs if the volcano releases SO2 into the stratosphere which will remain there for months and reflect sunlight

other gases can indeed cause greenhouse effect but those are more local and their timespan lower

Stop gassing me

this is correct

>The annual cost of delivering a sufficient amount of sulfur to counteract expected greenhouse warming is estimated at 2 to 8 billion USD
I think our government has a bigger deficit than that, that's nothing, neat

We could nuke the polar caps.

we could grind anti nuclear power hippies into dust and use them as fuel

Now I realize that 9/11 terrorists could save the future oven planet (2050) by dropping those planes on yellow stone. hoorah they'll probably be the unsung heroes of the human history

>to save life on the world you have to make 99% of life forms extinct

Wait until you see the mushroom clouds.