Ancient Japanese(Jomon)

Ancient Japanese(Jomon)
people had blue eyes.

i have blue eyes too

wtf Japan is WHITE now???
welcome to the club dude

Modern Finnish(Mongol)
people have blue eyes.


me too
pale blue eye - objectively god tier

We wuz blue eyes and shiet

this jap's brain were damaged by hentai animes


Looks like Kyrgyz shit

Whatever they were, we killed them all or assimilated them.

Oh kim

this damage control, lol at you, mongoloid

they also had gorgeous blonde hair (pic related)

kek nice try slopehead

Then why we had their DNA?



Didn't I say we assimilated them?

Wait average is 5.8 inches here? I thought it was 4

This is very disturbing..


t. Supremefrogs


Japanese are Aryan masterrace.

yes. And now theyre just piece of shit homos (cause small dick fits anus better)