There are girls, yes, you heard me rightly my brethren for I said a capital G "girls", browsing on Sup Forums right now

there are girls, yes, you heard me rightly my brethren for I said a capital G "girls", browsing on Sup Forums right now.

Girls (male)

I wonder what kind of girls even browse this site? I told my gf about his site in a very non detailed abstract way after she asked me to tell her something I hadn't told anyone before.
she's quiet open minded and very very freaky in a sense, but when I arrive to the part of banter and how people talked about left and right wing politics through insults and memes she got confused and just condescendingly said ooh, aight.

mostly ugly right-wing cunts with overbearing father figures who are abusive to their mothers. Also probably bitter virgins, just like their male counterparts.

There's the Israeli one, the Tunisian one, the Cyprus gril and the Aussie roastie

I want them off my board

>she asked me to tell her something I hadn't told anyone before

Do Mexican girls do this?

>bitter virgins

Pick one.

it's pretty shocking how normal people actually think the insults/banter on here are violent and shit

i don't ever remember seeing a post and thinking "wow people are viscous on here", even when i was new

This, truely abhorrant

I pick both. Many obnoxious and ugly cunts are bitter to be virgins. Some try to pretend they're doing it because of "muh purity" but they're not fooling anyone, not even themselves.

>I'm so accustomed to violent insults I don't even notice when they are everywhere

kill yourself

r9k has a bunch of them

>ugly 5/10 autistic female
>will not settle for anything less than chad

nice spacing


no, psychology majors do, I asked her too and she told me she likes smelling feet and sweat
yeah I told her the whole deal about the butt hurt belt and how people dismissed mexican posts by telling not to lose our heads or how we managed to free ourselves from the designated cartel overlord.
She just said that it was fucked up
Thank god I interact with people in Spanish all day long, if it weren't for that my speaking would be tainted with this board's autism

>there isn't any spanish autism

and honestly your speaking wouldn't change that much even if you went to some english speaking place

there's a lot of spanish speaking autism, a shit ton of it, and it is quiet contagious, but it doesn't come from any of these boards but facebook. And it seriously damages the way we communicate between each other turning it into a sorta proto meme language,
I mean if I were to spend this much time in here as someone from an english speaking country would I ever consider using meme catchphrases such as cuck, the absolute state of things, tbqhwy, we wuz, remove kebab, or any other shit? or it would just go pass my head and said, oh god shit's cringy as fuck....?

sometimes us dudes are the same
t. me
>le rebbit spacing





>will not settle for anything less than chad
What you think anyone here will settle for a 5/10 or even less?

I just want 5-6/10 loyal gril to love unlike ducking 4/10 roasties who will take no less than an 8/10

you might say "to be honest", but you likely wouldn't say anything else there

if you say "cuck" a lot on here, which i hope you don't for anything other than as a verb, you might accidentally let it slip.

They should go for their level, 5/10's should go for 5/10's

>be 5/10 roastie
>date chad
>chad dates you to use as his cum dumpster
>chad finally meets Stacie
>dumps ugly roastie
>roastie turns into a man hating feminist

>5/10's should go for 5/10's
yea but that is not how it works. Guys who are ugly as sin, go for 10/10 and girls, who are fat as the people in walmart, go for chads.

That is how it works.

Girls are a myth. They don't exist.

Yes but for guys it never works, ugly roastie get to ride chad Dick only because chad needs a cum dumpster until he meets Stacie. He uses the roastie like a condom and throws her away, chad would not settle with the roastie

chad uses her as a cumdumbster,
10/10 girls use autists for money.

Same shit, different rewards.


But average poor neet males don't get 10/10's, worse for the roastie since she actually wanted to settle with chad

No girls here. Thank god.

timestamp or gtfo

im a girl. trust me

o-okay, want to be my gf?

What does she need to ask me about?

Most of ugly women who spend time on the Internet are left-wing feminists with some weird kinks and attention whoring. In fact I don't know any right-winged girl at all.

are you a 8'5 white protestant male with an iq of 150 and a huge white cock?


Fortunately no. Please don't be blonde. Wanna date?

HOT girls

Believe it or not, but I actually saw a girl once, yes, I said SAW a girl

You may commence your questions and/or general commendations

how much did the jews pay you to say this

what fucking reward is the autist getting lmao

>there are girls (male) browsing on Sup Forums right now

Delusional hope of future handjob.

So what? Stop being sexist.

Most girls i saw on this site are all sluts from /soc/

Nope. That's impossible

How that board exists is fucking unbelievable

There are more girls then you would expect, but they are all the "not like the other girls" type. Some are pretty attractive, but they are generally sluts and feed off attention (the orbiter thing really is no meme). Vapid personalities and generally follow shitty cliches like listening to churches or grime.

Its easy to know, because if you ever meet a girl like this in person she will make sure to let you know she browses Sup Forums.