You know it's Christmas in Europe when the holiday truck blocks go up.
You know it's Christmas in Europe when the holiday truck blocks go up
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You know it's September in Murrica when the candles are being lit...
It's called Merkel Lego here.
Can any engineers explain how effective these things are?
Why don't they just do steel beams in front of places?
Or try to make them blend in like Target does.
I'm not an engineer. But they're steel reinforced.
There isn't any car, or truck you will find that would go through it. Unless it was military
car hit stone. car stop.
Are they bolted down or what imagine a 20t truck hitting those bad boys at 100km. Wouldn't they become icepucks?
stone weigh lots. stone not move.
Most semi-trucks only weighs 40t lad
wait i'm stupid.
but still, the steel reinforcement can sustain a lot
these are probably in the region of 5000kg.
They wouldn't stop a 20tn truck on the spot but they would disable the engine and stop it in like 10 meters.
Better than the alternative of doing nothing.
>Wouldn't they become icepucks?
trucks are designed with crumple zones so this would in no way be an elastic collision
>first worlf
Pick one
They're fucking useless.
>daily mirror
>sensationalist editorialized racist bullshit
>IQ over 10
pick yourself up
The other anons were right that they don't become ice pucks but fuck they literally do nothing LMAO. We've been deploying those bad boys in Melbourne for months now
>he actually used the word racist to describe reporting on a child sex ring
holy moly RIP europe
>[business] is going great! Strictly religious Muslims are to be expected all the time!!
the joke: "strictly religious" is misspelled as "sprenggläubig" meaning "explosively religious"
You don't know that story buddy?
>The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal has been described as the "biggest child protection scandal in UK history".
lol jew york gets literally filled with concrete barriers for holidays
just make death illegal, problem solved
its not enough to make murder or death illegal anymore, leftists will overturn it. you have to make it a far worse offense, maybe if we can make it racist then they will care.
If the ground was icy, sure.
t. labour voter on holiday
wow shit. fucking brits.
there was a truck attack in america on halloween, maybe you should put up a couple
The Mirror is a Labour paper.
Extremely underrated post
oh fuck off you fucking greek cunt you lost constantinople way harder than anything that happened to us you fuckign turk roach rape baby cunt
and you think "HURR FUCKIGN BRITS LOL" like it's actually me sat here right on my fucking computer that fucking can do anything against the government
stupid, stupid, fucking greek subhuman mednigger mutt cunt thinking he can weigh in on any country being rekt by islam
you wrote the fucking book on it cunt
lol fucking brits paying the EU so much money that they give to my own shitty fucking country and i still wont pay dents cause we're poor as fuck and barely even white at this point
absolutely FUCK THE GREEKS thinking they have any fucking say over anything that's happening anywhere in europe right now
fucking rekt of a country
How you still put up with giving these medniggers money, Hans?
b-but the occupation! t-the holocaust!
The would be less conspicuous if they didn't decorate them.
someone got TRIGGERED!
yeah, good one...
who cares honestly.
they're just British, it's hardly a crime
I know how you feel
t. Nigel Hickenbottom Harris the Fourth, Duke of Shitingshire
Don't cut yourself on that edge champ
Whew at least you put some effort into it. No worries lad, you have this one.
How will Americans EVER recover?!